However, China's breakthrough in one-nanometer chip technology will sooner or later be known to the world.

By that time, the United States will no longer be arrogant, and China can openly and openly impose a technological blockade on the United States, and everything will be reversed.


After a few days,

This interstellar mining machine, which carries the entire space launch base, stands in the center of the square of the base.

Such a huge future technology machine is particularly conspicuous in people's eyes because it is so big.

Its shape is like a large garbage truck with a cover, but the appearance of the interstellar mining truck is more advanced.

The overall appearance color reveals silver gray.

"Academician Liu, now all the chips on the interstellar mining vehicle have been pre-installed. What should we do next?" Mr. Zheng asked from the side.

After all, Mr. Zheng really can't pay much attention to such a big project.

If you ask him to engage in scientific research, it's okay, but if you ask him to make this idea, he really doesn't know what to do for a while.

Of course, Liu Cong has already considered all the subsequent matters.

"Mr. Zheng, the interstellar mining vehicle must be tested for the first time before taking office."

"As the planner of this project, I must be in the first batch!" Liu Cong said calmly.

When they heard that Liu Cong was going to ascend to heaven with the interstellar mining truck, Mr. Zheng, including Academician Zhang and others, instantly became uneasy.

"Academician Liu, this must not be done."

"There are too many uncertainties in this first ascension. If something unexpected happens to you on the way, it will be our loss to China!"

Academician Zhang walked up to Liu Cong excitedly and was the first to disagree with Liu Cong ascending to heaven with the interstellar mining truck.

"My student is right, you can't take this risk!"

"If something happens, we really can't explain it to the country and all Chinese citizens."

"Besides, you haven't received professional training, so you can't just go into space." Mr. Zheng said in a very serious tone.

"Yes, Academician Liu, you can't go!"

"Yeah, I can't go!"

"We are going to go too!"


After hearing what Liu Cong said just now, the surrounding scientific researchers strongly opposed Liu Cong's idea.

However, how could Liu Cong's decision change?

Now that he has thought about it, he will definitely do it, and he has 100% confidence in his research and development results, otherwise he would not advocate going to space himself.

At present, only a few people, including Liu Cong, know the specific startup and operating procedures of the interstellar mining vehicle.

If he trains more drivers, Liu Cong estimates that it will take a while.

But time is so precious to Liu Cong now, and he really can't afford to waste it.

"Needless to say, I have decided to leave, and none of you should stop me."

"I believe in the things we have developed ourselves, are you so unconfident?"

"I haven't even gone up yet and you are already thinking about the consequences for me." Liu Cong said with a smile.

"It's not that we don't believe it, but we have to give it full consideration. We can't let you take this risk yourself."

Even though Liu Cong said so, Mr. Zheng still had the same attitude and refused to go.

The atmosphere was originally very cheerful, but after what Liu Cong said, everyone became a little anxious and silent.

They respect Liu Cong and love Liu Cong from the bottom of their hearts, so they don't want Liu Cong to make any mistakes. Liu Cong also knows this deeply in his heart.

"Listen to me, I have to go up, and none of you can stop me!"

"Because I had such a plan a long time ago, but I didn't tell you before."

"Don't you have any confidence in the things you develop?"

"Don't get excited, because I still have something to say. I originally wanted to leave you in suspense, but I didn't expect you to have such a big reaction, so I'll tell you in advance."

Liu Cong looked at everyone and said with a smile.

At this time, after everyone heard Liu Cong's words, they were also very curious about what Liu Cong would say next.

"Academician Liu, please tell me what you have to say."

At this time, Academician Zhang, who had always had a good relationship with Liu Cong, spoke.

"Yes, let's talk about it." Mr. Zheng also urged from the side.

Seeing that everyone was so curious, Liu Cong didn't show off.

"It's like this. Actually, I don't want to take astronauts to launch the interstellar mining vehicle into space this time, because there is no need at all."

"After all, interstellar mining vehicles tend to be completely automated equipment, and there are some operating systems that our internal staff are often more familiar with."

"So this time I want to take our people up to have a look, but I can only take up to ten people up to the front cockpit of this interstellar mining vehicle."

"There are still seven places left. If any of you want to go up soon, you can come to my place to sign up. It's first come, first served. If you come late, you won't be able to apply."

After everyone heard Liu Cong's words, everyone's expressions, which were originally worried, turned into excitement.

"Academician Liu, why are there still seven places?" Academician Zhang on the side said,

"Because I want to take Mr. Zheng and you together to have a look. What do you think?" Liu Cong said with a smile.

This time it was Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang's turn to be dumbfounded. Just now they were trying to persuade Liu Cong not to go up, but now they have become candidates for heaven.

At this time, Mr. Zheng no longer had the worry he had just now, but was replaced by a hint of shock.

"Is it really possible?"

"Can I really go up at my age?" Mr. Zheng's tone was a little excited.

"What? You just tried to persuade me not to go up. Are you excited now when you hear these words from me?" Liu Cong joked.

Mr. Zheng stood there and thought for a while, then nodded.

"To be honest, I'm really excited."

"I didn't let you go up just now because the country cannot do without talents like you. But I am a very old person who is about to be buried in the ground. If I can go to space and see it, I will have no regrets." Mr. Zheng said.

After hearing this, Liu Cong laughed.

"Mr. Zheng, please don't say that. There will be many opportunities for you to go up in the future."

"You asked me just now if you could go up? I can tell you clearly that you can."

"Mr. Zheng, don't you remember? Our interstellar mining vehicle is equipped with a gravity system that can restore 100% of Blue Star's gravity. That means there is no difference at all when you go up there and when you stand here. It's just about the venue. Just changed it.”

After Liu Cong explained this, Mr. Zheng, who was a little confused at first, patted his thigh.


"This interstellar mining vehicle has a system that simulates Blue Star's gravity!" Mr. Zheng said excitedly.

"Yes, teacher!"

Academician Zhang was also very excited when he heard that he could go into space.

Since ancient times, people have always wanted to explore space.

In ancient China, many myths and stories about flying were even born, and there are also many such stories abroad.

Since the Americans and Bears landed on the moon in the last century.

In the past fifty or sixty years, no country can set foot in that place, not even the current United States.

If they really set foot on the moon this time, they will definitely be recorded in history.

Because they are the first Chinese people to land on the moon.

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Zhang, you should prepare in the next two days."

"In two days we can plan to officially set foot on the moon. At that time, we will bring back the first batch of gray metal mined on the moon."

"In this way, we can use such materials to produce metal parts used inside aerospace engines."

The two immediately expressed their absolute approval of Liu Cong's plan.

"Academician Liu, I still can't react. Can we really enter space?" Mr. Zheng asked again.

"Of course, I can also lie to you. When the time comes, we will go up together."

After hearing these words, Academician Zhang Bin could no longer control his mood.

He jumped up excitedly and clenched his fists.

"Great, I can finally go to space and take a look!"

Academician Zhang looked at Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng with a red face, as happy as a child.

Just as the three of them were preparing to discuss the subsequent ascension plan, a scientific researcher came forward and said that they needed to sign up.

But what Liu Cong didn't expect was that their enthusiasm this time exceeded his imagination.

Just when this scientific research staff member said that he wanted to sign up, all the people behind him said that they wanted to participate in this space launch mission.

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