Of course, everyone has the same idea.

Everyone wants to be recorded in history and become the first Chinese people to land on the moon.

Where can I find such an opportunity?

Moreover, Liu Cong really underestimated the determination of these people. As early as the beginning, they believed that the products they developed were absolutely safe and could definitely carry people into space.

Liu Cong looked at the shouts of dozens or hundreds of people and felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Later, Liu Cong had no choice but to say: "There are too many people participating this time. I can only select some outstanding ones."

"But the rest of you, don't be discouraged. When our interstellar mining vehicles are put into large-scale production, each of you will have the opportunity to go up."

"And we will have an interstellar spacecraft in the future. If you want to go up then, you can go up at any time."

“Now you just need to remember one thing, that is, China’s space age has come, we will no longer be limited to land, and those who once looked down on us and bullied us will also pay the price they deserve!! "

Liu Cong's words were very inspiring. Many people were immediately ignited. They looked at Liu Cong excitedly and kept mumbling to themselves.

"Okay, it's quite cold outside. If you have nothing to do now, please go back and rest first!"

"The past few months have been really hard for everyone, and I can't get a day off, so I decided to give you all a good holiday these two days, and by the way, I will give you all your salary for the past few months!"

Everyone was still a little excited when they heard about the break. When they heard about the money being distributed, they couldn't contain their excitement anymore.

Everyone's face was filled with joy.

Liu Cong had promised them high salaries before they came in, and now that they heard they were going to be paid, they were looking forward to it even more.

Everyone was very knowledgeable and knew that Liu Cong had something to discuss with the two academicians, so they did not stay in the square.

After finishing their work, everyone returned to their respective dormitories together and prepared to have a good sleep.

The intense work in the past few months has prevented everyone from getting a good night's sleep for a long time.

The same goes for Academician Zhang and Mr. Zheng. Even though they are very tired now, there is no look of exhaustion on their faces at all.

Because they are the core of the team and the spiritual pillar of the team, they cannot fall during the experiment, otherwise the entire team will lose its backbone.

"Academician Liu, should you give us a holiday?" Mr. Zheng joked.

"Yes, yes, Academician Liu, should you give us a holiday?" Academician Zhang also agreed.

Liu Cong looked at the two of them and laughed loudly: "You two, please don't say that. Liu Cong wouldn't dare to speak like that to you two."

"Wouldn't this offend me?"

Seeing that Liu Cong was a little flustered, Mr. Zheng did not intend to continue joking with Liu Cong.

"Okay, let's discuss the specific follow-up plan. We will be fully prepared so that we can safely prepare to go to the moon." Mr. Zheng said.

"Okay, then let's go in and discuss it carefully."

Liu Cong pointed to the inside of the workshop. Seeing this, Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang also had their legs busy and went straight to the factory.



At the same time, China also announced a very important thing to all Chinese citizens and the world, that is, we have successfully achieved a breakthrough in one nanometer technology during this period.

As soon as the news came out, the Chinese people, including all the countries in the world who got the news, exploded.

Here, what is even more incredible is that it belongs to the United States.

As soon as the news was sent out in China, they inquired about the authenticity of the news on the spot and held the most urgent meeting.

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were nervous.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was really tense. Every semiconductor researcher was staring at the big screen.

When everyone saw the one-nanometer chip being announced, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"This is real!" Someone at the venue shouted involuntarily.

When they saw the one-nanometer chip, their hearts collapsed.

The emergence of China's One Nano chip means that all their previous efforts have been in vain.

Originally, they thought that by developing a two-nanometer chip and then blocking the chip technology, they could successfully put China's semiconductor industry into trouble again.

But this time China's actions undoubtedly hit them hard in the face.

Academician Bohr on the stage felt his heart tremble when he saw this scene.

"No way, no way, this is absolutely impossible."

Academician Bohr murmured and slapped the table hard, as if he couldn't believe this fact at all.

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