
After asking Yixiao and Robin about the problems with the Shandia clan and the natives of Sky Island, Sean suddenly understood.

All he had to do was move those islands there early tomorrow morning.

At this time, Robin asked again:"Sean, the leaders of both sides gave us a lot of gold to thank us."

Sean slapped his forehead, he almost forgot about it, that place is known as the 'Golden Country'.

Speaking of money, Sean almost forgot that reforms cannot be done by just a few high-level fighters, but also by money.

If you want the entire navy to break away from the World Government, you must first have money, where does the money come from?

Sean narrowed his eyes, and suddenly thought of a character, who has not yet turned evil, or will turn evil this year.

At this time, Robin stretched out her little hand and waved it in front of Sean:"Hey, Sean, what's wrong with you? There is a lot of gold, aren't you happy?"

Sean came back to his senses and smiled at Robin,"Happy, I just suddenly thought of something"

"What's wrong?" asked a smiling man.

"I just suddenly remembered that what we are going to do requires a lot of money, very, very much money, and we need to find a partner who can make money."

Yixiao said with some doubts:"I thought you had been prepared for this question, but you were not prepared?"

Sean was also a little speechless and blushed slightly. After all, he, who regarded himself as a smart man, had not even thought of such a basic thing, but it was not a big problem. So he had to say stubbornly:"I thought about it, but I forgot because I was busy, but it's not too late now, so it's not a big problem."

But Yixiao was even more confused:"What kind of person can earn enough money to overthrow the world government? Are you kidding?"

At this point, Sean was no longer sleepy:"Others may not be able to, but this person can definitely do it. In the future, he will own 20% of the world's Baileys and will be able to take both black and white."

"He even has his own country, which is recognized by the World Government. He can also use money to manipulate the Celestial Dragons. He is the real golden emperor who controls the dark world with money."

Little Robin was stunned when he heard this. This man is too awesome. But this is not the end. Sean continued:

"If I don't save him at this time, he will even become a slave."

"To be honest, I admire this guy. He loved singing when he was a child. His father was a gambler and died of illness one day. His mother also hated his singing and left him when he was 12 years old."

"He lived by petty theft. At the age of 16, he lost money in gambling and was caught by human traffickers and sold. He was beaten badly and tried his best to escape. After escaping, he met a woman named"Stella" in the human trafficking market. She thought his singing was great and they got along well.

He decided to set Stella free and never do bad things again. He worked from morning to night and forgot to eat and sleep, and he needed money to save her!"

Little Robin on the side couldn't help asking:"Didn't he get caught? How could he become a slave?"

Sean touched Robin's little head and continued:"He was caught because this year"

"This man's name is Gilde Tezulo. He is 19 years old and has saved enough money. He is ready to redeem Stella happily."

"But the appearance of the Celestial Dragons completely shattered Tesoro's fantasy. They easily bought away the person Tesoro cherished most."

"Tesoro even got angry directly at the Celestial Dragons, and as a result, he was captured and made a slave. However, when he was captured, Stella's words made Tesoro want to cherish this girl."

At this point, Sean paused, lit a cigar, and puffed out smoke, because he felt that Tesoro's story was a waste of cigarettes.

Robin on the side was unhappy, and hurried forward to shake Sean's arm:"What did she say, tell me quickly..."

After blowing out a puff of smoke, Sean continued:"Even if she was going to be a slave, even if she knew that her end would be miserable, the girl Stella still smiled and said to Tesoro, 'Because of your existence, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.'

At this moment, Tesoro hated that he had no money and could not buy back the tenderness in his heart. He planted the seed of money in his heart, and at the same time became a slave, the kind that was not allowed to smile without permission."

"At the age of 21, he learned of the death of Stella, a kind girl, which made him feel very bad and made him more obsessed with money."

"At the age of 26, he escaped from Marijoa because of Tiger's slave release incident. At this time, he hated nobles and rich people even more, and became evil."

"At the age of 29, he led people to the auction site of the"Golden Fruit" held by the Don Quixote family, causing a big incident and snatching away the fruit that the Don Quixote family did not intend to sell."

"At the age of 35, he developed his career steadily, had a solid team, and built the giant ship Grantesoro. The"power of gold" that he once hated has become his own power. When facing rich people, he will become a richer person and make them succumb to him. One day, he will make the Celestial Dragons kneel before this power. With such a belief, he completely turned evil and became the person he once hated the most."

Yixiao listened to so much and finally said,"So, you mean that such a person has not gone to extremes yet, right?" Sean nodded to indicate that he had not gone to extremes yet. As long as Stella was still there, he just wanted to be a good person.

This is the white moonlight in Tesoro's heart, and it is also the cage that binds the devil.

Yixiao said,"Then do you know where he is? I am willing to save them. If possible, don't let such a person fall into darkness."

Sean was happy. Although he knew Yixiao hated evil, he didn't expect that he had such a sentimental side. He wanted to save people just for a story. Didn't he have any plan?

Sean shook his head:"You can't. It's easy to get into trouble if you go there at this time. Let me go with you. If we meet those rubbish of the Celestial Dragons, I can also control them. It's better not to have an armed conflict at this stage."

Yixiao thought about it and felt that it made sense. If he went there by himself and didn't meet the Celestial Dragons, it would be fine. If he did, he would definitely be exposed.

Although Sean has never directly said how powerful the World Government is, from the fact that Sean is accumulating strength in a low-key manner, it is clear that it must be a behemoth that cannot be contended with at this stage.

Robin on the side raised her hand and asked,"What about me? Have you forgotten me? ?"


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