
Sean stroked Robin's head and said with a smile:"Next time, Dr. Kroba and your mother are waiting for you to go back and share their harvest this time."

It's not that Sean didn't want to take Robin, but he didn't want him to see the ugly side of the World Government too early, fearing that she would be traumatized.

And if nothing unexpected happened, Sean might cause a big disturbance in the slave market. Wearing a mask and only using physical skills, he didn't believe that anyone could recognize him.

What's more, in the original timeline, he was only eight years old at this time.

"But, but I just want to go with you guys, Sean, okay? Is that okay?"Robin said coquettishly, shaking Sean's arm.

Recently, because of her mother's return and Sean's love for her, Robin has become more cheerful, and even dares to act coquettishly to Sean.

This made Sean feel that this was how a child of this age should behave, instead of being bitter and resentful all day long, which made him more determined.

Let Robin seize the tail of her childhood and spend a few years in O'Hara, so that she can have an idea, but facing those evils too early can easily cause a bad impact on the child's mind.

So Sean said:"It won't work this time, because the scene may not be so good, and you are still too young. One day, when you have learned enough and can fly out of O'Hara by yourself, then you can see the world, okay?"

Robin's ability is to fly, which is also the course Sean has set for Robin. To develop the ability of the fruit, the first thing is to improve the physique.

When Robin can fly, no one will think that she is O'Hara's when she goes to Qinghai. At that time, she will not be in much danger unless she is chased by the admiral.

Sure enough, Robin was unhappy when she heard this. She pouted her lips slightly and muttered:"I'm not a child anymore. I'm mature."

Sean had to say earnestly:"I want you to have a happier childhood. As for why you go out after becoming stronger, it's because it's too dangerous outside. You can ask Olivia."

Robin also knew that Sean was really good to her. She just wanted to be willful a little bit. It was just a small means to attract the attention of adults.

Children always want to attract the attention of adults to prove that they are special.

Robin, who received a gentle response, suddenly became sensible and well-behaved:"I know, Sean, you can go with peace of mind. I will wait for you to come back in O'Hara. Can you promise me one thing?"

"Tell me, I will agree to anything I can do for you." Having said that, he didn't think there was anything the little girl couldn't agree to.

When the little girl heard Sean's answer, she felt a little embarrassed and muttered softly,"When you finish your work and before you go back to the future, can you stay in O'Hara and teach me?"

Sean looked at Robin with a slightly red face, and he was immediately happy. When he was a child, he liked to play with big sisters, and his face would also blush like this.

But this request was nothing, so he squatted down:"Okay, I promise you, but you also have to promise me that you will practice according to the training courses I left for you, and you must go to Qinghai when you are proficient in using the fruit ability to fly. After all, your identity is too sensitive. Don't reveal your identity in Qinghai..."

Listening to Sean's nagging instructions, Robin not only did not show a trace of impatience, but her little face was cautious to write down everything.

She had few friends since she was a child, and she cherished Sean very much. After all, Sean was her only friend who could be said to be"of the same age".

Yes, in the little loli's heart, Sean was the same age as her, but she had not grown up yet.

After tirelessly instructing Robin, Sean asked several people to go back to the tent to rest, and did not teleport back to O'Hara.

After all, they still had to fiddle with a few uninhabited islands early tomorrow morning.

At night.

Sean, who was resting in the tent, turned on the system to check the plot points

【Plot Points: 739713]

All these were within his expectations. The original 200,000 yuan was squandered.

He saved O'Hara and hid him, changed Enel's original fate, and made him an important boss. There are also Robin and Gaya Island.

It's not surprising that there are so many plot points. Now Sean has figured out a little pattern.

In addition to destroying the original work, there will also be a lot of plot points for the impact on this world.

He wants to save up 1 million to do 100 consecutive draws to see if there will be anything good.

Now the last piece of the puzzle has been found, and the next step is development.

I hope that the seeds I plant now will reap rich fruits in the future.

The future is promising!


The next morning.

Sean placed several islands in the sky where the people of Sky Island could not see them, and divided them according to their territories.

The people of Shandia were able to return to their hometown as they wished, and the people of Sky Island also had their own land.

Sean and his team also reserved a place for themselves as a future scientific research base.

So, Robin and Yixiao said goodbye to everyone and told them not to fight.

Sean first sent Robin back to O'Hara. Since he already had the coordinates, it was still very fast to teleport back. He spent another 50,000 to find Tesoro, who was still a small minion at the moment. Well, it was the cheapest.

Sean's plan was to give him a gene potion at most. As for using the map ability to find the Gold-Gold Fruit?

That was unnecessary. Anyway, Doflamingo and his team would find it later. In the meantime, just let Tesoro train well.

Otherwise, it would not be worthwhile to invest too much. The one who invested the most was Enel, but that was Enel going to the dragon's den and the tiger's lair.

In this way, Sean and Yixiao kept flying following the guidance of the map.

Finally, they came to a slave market, and saw the young man with green hair.

He was squatting next to a cage and chatting with a blonde girl, and they laughed from time to time.

Those who didn't know would think they were just ordinary lovers on a date.

If you ignore the collar on the girl's neck.

At this time, Sean spread his observation Haki throughout the island. When he sensed the despair, he almost couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

But he had to endure it. He had to wait for the Celestial Dragons to appear and break Tesoro's hope before he could appear.

Otherwise, Tesoro himself could almost save enough money. If he rashly went down to buy Stella and asked him to be his younger brother, wouldn't that offend people?

Sean couldn't do the operation of cerebral thrombosis. At the same time, Sean was also planning how to make a big fuss here and release all the slaves here.

And he couldn't attract the attention of the top leaders of the world government. After all, everything is still in its infancy, and his strength is not enough to sweep across the country.

At this moment, Yixiao and Xiao En in the sky heard a commotion, which gradually died down.


P.S.: Those who can see this are all true love. I wish you all a happy weekend. Thank you to all the friends who sent various gifts. It’s just that the function of directly tagging is only available once every seven days. I can’t even type out the names of many of you…

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