Looking in the direction where the sound became silent, I saw three people wearing bubble hoods and white clothes.

There were two men and one woman. If nothing unexpected happened, they were the Kamaeel family.

Behind them were several men in black and some armored guards. In the direction they walked, people, whether they were buying or selling slaves, all knelt down one by one. It was the first time that Sean in the sky saw these Celestial Dragons. Although he couldn't see anything yet, he believed that the Celestial Dragons were definitely not that simple.

So even though Sean wanted to go down and kill the other party immediately, he still had to suppress his anger.

He never underestimated the intelligence capabilities of the World Government, and he didn't want to expose the unformed force now.

Just when Sean was thinking about it.

A Celestial Dragon walked up to Tezoro who was kneeling next to the cage.

With a dull expression, he looked at Stella as if he was looking at a pet.

Pointing to the cage where Stella was, he said,"This person has a good hair color, I want her"

"Yes! Kamael Saint."

Tezolo, who was kneeling beside him, had a 'boom' in his head, as if thunder had exploded in his mind.

He really didn't expect that he was about to save enough money to redeem Stella, but at this juncture, she was actually bought by someone, and it was a world noble Tianlong!

At this moment, his heart quietly underwent a subtle change.

‘If...if I had a lot of money before…..’

But before he could change his mind, Stella, this kind woman, even though she was bound by chains and collars, still looked back at Tesoro with a smile on her face:"Please don't be sad, because I am happy from the bottom of my heart because of you."

This sentence made Tesoro sober up. Even if he had countless money, it would be boring without the person in front of him.

Tesoro came to his senses and shouted:"No, you can't do this! I will have the money to redeem Stella soon."

"You can't take Stella away, please let her go!"

Kamal Saint on the side was a little unhappy, because he was almost scared by Tezoro.

He immediately pointed at Tezoro and said:"Go and teach him a lesson. His voice was too loud and scared me. I want him to be my slave."

After saying that, he did not forget to pull the chain on Stella's neck fiercely:"Humph, a pariah should have the awareness of a pariah."

"Yes, Kama El Saint!"

Even though she was treated roughly, Stella still didn't yell, but looked at Tezoro with a worried look.

She was afraid that Tezoro would say something terrible again to offend this Celestial Dragon.

Tezoro was also shocked. He didn't expect that he was so bold that he actually offended the Celestial Dragon. He was even prepared to be beaten half to death.

After all, the other party said that he wanted him to be a slave, so he probably wouldn't be killed, and he could be closer to Stella.

Sure enough, several tall guards in armor came forward and punched and kicked Tezoro.

After a while, Tezoro was beaten to death.

But even so, through the swollen eyelids with blood flowing, he tried to open a gap.

Seeing Kamael whipping his most beloved woman in front of him, the pain in his heart made it difficult for him to breathe.

He hated these nobles and his own powerlessness.

Kamael whipped Stella with a whip with barbs and cursed:

"You, a stink bug, actually let people disobey the descendants of the great Creator."


"Lowly ants should remain in awe!"



Even though her head was broken and bleeding, her beautiful golden hair was dyed red by the blood.

Stella still gritted her teeth and tried to look at Tesoro, trying to force out the smile that he once said was her most beautiful.

But she really couldn't do it. The only thing she could do was to keep silent and endure the torture of this Celestial Dragon.

She wanted to leave an impression of her sweet singing voice to Tesoro, not a scream of pain at the end of her voice.

This was the only tenderness she could leave behind.

But Tesoro didn't even have the strength to struggle now. He could only watch Stella being tortured with blood and tears in his eyes.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in his ears.

""Break it! Mirror flowers and water moons."

In an instant, in Tezoro's sight, cracks appeared in the space, as if the mirror was broken.

Bang - the mirror was broken, and a scene that Tezoro would never forget appeared.

In front of him, Stella was also looking at him with a look of astonishment, but there was no scar on her body.

This was not the point. The point was the armored guards, including Kamal Saint, the Celestial Dragon.

They were each whipping the terrified head of the slave market.

But everyone around just showed a look of pity, including some slaves who were still in cages and had not yet been sold.

After coming to his senses, Tezoro carefully checked himself and found that he had no injuries on his body. He couldn't help but be a little surprised and couldn't figure out what happened.

At this moment, the voice just now rang again

"Are you angry? Are you desperate? You are full of powerlessness. How much do you hate this world at that moment?"

""Who, who is talking!" Tesoro looked around with horror.

People are full of fear of unknown things, not to mention that he also realized at this time that someone was playing tricks on the Celestial Dragons!

Snap -

Yixiao and Sean fell from the air in front of Tesoro.

Sean glanced at Stella, who was wearing a collar and looked astonished, and slowly walked towards the latter.

Under the horrified gaze of Stella and Tesoro, he reached out and grabbed the explosive collar.

Before Tesoro could speak, Sean clenched his hand holding the collar.

Boom - in an instant, a huge explosion sounded.

Tesoro looked at the direction of the explosion with a dead heart, and murmured:"Why is this happening, didn't you come to save people?…."

Da. Da. Da.

As the footsteps approached, Tesoro was surprised to find Stella standing in front of him unharmed.

But she looked a little confused and at a loss.

The people around her also turned a blind eye to these people.

Just originally guessed that the other party had only affected Kamael and a few others, but now it seems that the other party's strength is enough to affect everyone.

This is too scary.

Tesoro walked to Stella's side, blocked the front, and looked at the two people opposite, or to be precise, the man in the cloak and mask.

His intuition told him that this person was more dangerous, and he didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

He had been hanging out with gangsters since he was a child, and he would not simply believe that the other party just wanted to save himself and Stella.

Unfortunately, Tesoro guessed wrong this time. In a sense, what Sean wanted to do was to reform the world and liberate the slaves.


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