
Tezoro stood in front of Stella and asked hesitantly,"Who are you? What do you want to do to us?"

Sean looked at Tezoro at this time and couldn't imagine that the man in front of him would be the one who enjoyed watching others separate in the future.

He was a psychopath who constantly set up traps to make others lose the people they cherished the most.

Now he is just a young man who strives hard for love. This world is really sick.

Retracting his thoughts, Sean said slowly,"Tell me, what do you think about everything you just experienced."

Tezoro was a little uneasy. He couldn't figure out what the two people were thinking. He didn't know what the other party wanted to hear, and he was afraid of giving a bad answer.

Stella on the side seemed to see the other party's concerns and smiled gently at Tezoro.

She said,"Mr. Cloak, why don't I speak first, okay?"

Although he was a little surprised that this woman would speak first, he still nodded and agreed.

Anyway, he just wanted Tezoro to follow him willingly, and the woman's answer was not important.

"My idea is that it was all just a dreamlike illusion, which is great. I also think that although Tezoro is impulsive, he is my hero."

After the voice fell, she reached out and gently held Tezoro's broad palm, which made Tezoro blush a little. After all, he felt that he had done nothing.

And the expression under Sean's mask seemed to be wearing a mask of pain. Why should he eat dog food in this world!!

Even so, the woman's words still surprised Sean. He stared at Stella's gentle affection that did not seem to be false.

He could only sigh slightly, which reminded him of Romain Rolland's words, 'There is only one kind of heroism, that is, to love life after recognizing the truth of life.'

Even if they are just surviving, it is not surprising that she thinks Tezoro is her hero. But isn't she also Tezoro's hero?

A hero who restrains Tezoro's inner demons.

No more words, but turned to look at Tezoro on the side.

Retracting the shy look on his face, Tezoro said slowly with a gloomy face:"I hate them! Hate the people who made these unfair treaties!"

"I just wanted to make a lot of money in the future to take revenge on them!!"

"Why can they abuse the people that others cherish the most? They are just a bunch of good-for-nothings who only know how to eat and drink! Why can they ride on the heads of those of us who are trying to survive!!"

Tesoro became more and more excited as he spoke. At the end, he even stared at the Kamaiel family with red eyes.

The hatred and murderous intent that seemed to be real made Stella on the side look a little worried.

He gently shook the other person's arm, and then Tesoro was startled and looked at the other person at a loss.

He was afraid that his behavior would annoy Stella.

The latter just shook her head gently:"Although I don't like violent people,…"

"As long as it's you, it doesn't matter what you look like~" After saying that, Stella smiled and expressed her affirmation of Tezoro.

She was kind, but not indiscriminate. She knew very well that Tezoro's murderous intention was because of her. If she denied his belief at this time, she would not be worthy of being liked by Tezoro. She knew everything about Tezoro in the past few years.

From the beginning, he was covered with scars, and he told her that his power had fallen, and where he got the money from.

Later, Tezoro said that he wanted to turn over a new leaf and work hard to redeem himself. How many former gangsters can really turn back?

There is no doubt that he is. There is not much she can do, she can only stand firm to express her support for him.

Although Although Sean felt uncomfortable with the two showing off their affection, he still had to sigh.

Most people in this world only want a room, two people, three meals and four seasons.

No matter which villain, he has his own story and has had good intentions.

Don't persuade others to be kind without experiencing their suffering.

He will not recruit those who have gone to extremes, because he knows that it is impossible.

He can't say the words to persuade others to let go, for fear of being struck by lightning.

So he can only recruit some people who have not been swallowed by the darkness. As for those who are already in the darkness?

Physical liberation method is fine, no big problem.

After a hypocritical moment, Sean said straight to the point:"I want to invite you to join us and work together to overthrow the world government."

Now it was the turn of the two young lovers to be a little confused. They thought of many possibilities, but they didn't expect that the other party had this goal.

The world government, that is the dominant force in this world, the dictatorial force, how dare they set this goal.

It was Stella who reacted first:"You, the person you want to recruit is Tezoro, right?"

She didn't think she had anything that would be appreciated by the other party, she just sang well.

"Well, I came for Tesoro. Even if he refuses, it doesn't matter. I will still send you away. This is an invitation, not a condition."

Hearing this, Stella was relieved. She was afraid that the other party would use her to threaten Tesoro.

Now it seems that the other party is not a bad person, so she held Tesoro's broad palm tightly.

Use silent actions to prove that she will support him, even... Even if the other party wants to be an enemy of the"world", this man is worthy of all her tenderness.

Tesoro, who came back to his senses, also fell into deep thought. He believed that he must have something that the other party saw in him.

He was considering whether to return to the fields with his lover and live a plain life or accept the other party's invitation to embark on a vigorous road.

But if it really Accepting the invitation means hiding, and that means being separated from Stella.

He didn't want to leave Stella, but he also wanted to swing his sword at God. He believed that the other party had the strength to do so, otherwise who would dare to offend the Celestial Dragons?

So he said,"Although I don't know what you like about me, I have to say that I am really moved.

I really don't want to experience that powerless feeling again, and I don't want anyone to experience that either. But it will be very dangerous, right? In this case, Stella can't be with me, right? But I really don't want to be separated from her."……"

Hearing this, Stella was also a little happy, because this showed that she was really important in the other person's mind.

But she still shook her head:"It doesn't matter, I will support you no matter what you do, I will wait for you in the back, wait for you to come back, so... do what you want to do."

Sean's painful mask became more and more distorted. Why should I eat your dog food when I am so handsome!!!! These two people are so hateful.

So sour!!!!!!!


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