Although he was roaring in his heart, he resisted the urge to beat them up in order to maintain his aloof personality.

Yixiao, who was standing by, felt Sean's jealousy and was speechless. Didn't you say that if there is no woman in your heart, you will naturally become a god? ? ?

Watching the two of them pulling each other, all kinds of words like"You go","I don't want it","I will wait for you","I can't bear to leave you" kept popping up.

Are you acting in a Qiong Yao drama here?

Sean, who could no longer bear it, shouted angrily:"That's enough, don't show your affection in front of me, be careful that you will die soon!!" Sean cursed viciously, and the two felt a little embarrassed after hearing it.

After pondering for a moment, Sean made a decision and looked at Stella and said:"Do you have the willpower to become stronger, or do you have the determination to stand by him?"

Yes, Sean decided to give the other party the gene drug, but the premise is that the other party is willing to become stronger, otherwise he will not waste it.

Even if it is not expensive for him now, even what Tezoro contributes is more than enough, and it is even a sustainable income.

Seeing the question thrown back to her, Stella was a little confused and stammered,"Can I, can I become stronger too?"

"Yes, I can make you stronger, but the premise is that you want to become stronger. You have to become stronger, because becoming stronger means suffering. You have thought it through. I don’t want to waste the precious spot."

Sean said nonchalantly, and even lifted the lower half of the mask, lit a cigar and puffed out smoke.

After Stella pondered for a moment, she said firmly,"I want to become stronger, I want to become stronger! I don't want to let others control my fate anymore.

I want to stand beside Tezoro and fight with him. No matter how hard it is, I will persist. Please give me the precious spot, I will cherish it!"

After hearing this, Tesoro on the side already had a perverted look on his face, and he was so happy that he felt dizzy.

It was supposed to be a disastrous day, but now it seemed to have turned into a lucky day with a turning point in his destiny.

He had a goal to strive for, his lover was willing to stay with him, and she even had the opportunity to become stronger.

In this sea, fists are the standard for living freely.

Sean wanted to set fire to the two of them again. You have made up your mind, so just make up your mind? Why do you have to involve the other party in everything?

But after feeling the other party's determination, Sean was also somewhat relieved, as he had one more tool under his command.

It is true that genetic drugs can create a lot of high-end combat power for him, but they can't be given to anyone casually.

The most important thing is the issue of loyalty. Tesoro doesn't have to worry about the two people anymore.

Because the mentality of Tesoro in the original book is to let others taste the pain of losing his beloved.

Now that he hasn't lost Stella, he doesn't want others to try the pain of losing their beloved.

And this kind girl is also a grateful person.

Then he said,"Let's talk about the rest later. Let's solve everything here before that."

After saying that, everyone felt the monstrous murderous aura from the two small holes on the mask.

Then they looked at Tesoro,"Go and beat up those Celestial Dragon scums. It's okay if they can't kill them, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill them."

Hearing this, Tesoro was shocked again, thinking that this man didn't want to push him to death, right?

But on second thought, it didn't seem right, he had already joined the camp that was against the World Government, so what was there to be afraid of? Is there anything more terrifying than losing Stella?

Then he walked towards Kamaeel's family with a hideous face, and started an inhumane beating.

Then, under the influence of Sean's illusions, their family returned to their ship in embarrassment with the 'only' two remaining black guards.

When he left, he was still cursing and said he would call the navy to sink the island.

This was all within Sean's plan. All he had to do was to give the people who were treated as cargo to the It's just a rescue, what does the rest have to do with him?

None of the merchants here are innocent.

What Kamal's family saw was that Tezoro and the other two were beaten to death by them. The owner of the slave shop was unhappy and retorted a few words.

Then a conflict broke out, and the slaves around rioted, regardless of the risk of their collars exploding, they wanted to die with each other.

In the chaos, Kamal's family was affected by the crazy people, and the"powerful" guards around them could not resist so many suicidal attacks.

In the end, they could only leave in embarrassment, and some slaves took advantage of the"chaos" to escape.

Sean looked at Yi Xiao and said,"Use your ability to release everyone on this island."

Yixiao nodded, and in an instant, a dense electric net appeared in the sky, covering the entire island.

Under the horrified gaze of the Tesoro couple, lightning continued to strike.

This was Yixiao's combination of his observation Haki, splitting the prisoners, because emotions don't lie, under various numb and desperate emotions, he can find these people very accurately.

Then, Sean also spread his observation Haki throughout the island, using his ability to bring everyone to the open space in front of him.

The eyes of the thousands of densely packed civilians were filled with emptiness.

But he They were still immersed in the illusion created by Sean. They took advantage of the chaos to escape, but in the end they were swallowed by a super-large sea king.

After all, Sean didn't have that much energy to take care of them. In the end, he could only find an uninhabited island with abundant supplies to put them down.

They should be able to go home in the end, as long as Yixiao led the navy there.

Then Sean asked the three of them to plunder all the money here, mainly Yixiao, because his lightning was too convenient.

As long as there was a place that was conductive, he would go there. He can go there at a speed that is almost like"teleportation". He is much more skilled than Enel in using it, and his range and power are incomparable.

Not long after, several people came back, and Tesoro even brought a knife.

He said it was placed in a safe.

After Sean took a closer look, he found that the knife was very sharp and a good one, but he didn't know what kind of knife it was.

When he returns, he can give it to Zoro, his junior brother, as a gift.

So Sean made all the treasures fly into the air, followed by all the civilians who were still in the illusion.

Finally, Sean and his companions all stood in the air, looking down at the gorgeously dressed people below.

Sean stretched out his hand and clenched it slightly. All the places on the island that were struck by lightning were wiped out by Sean's telekinesis.

Other places were in ruins under the influence of various forces, and even the guards of the Celestial Dragons were directly killed by Sean's ability.

It looked like someone had pierced their hearts directly. As for the remaining merchants?

Sorry, they can only wait for their Celestial Dragon father to take revenge on them.

After erasing all traces, Sean left with everyone.

…… ps: The rest is just a return to the original timeline. After laying the groundwork for so long, I’m now going to start showing off and having fun. Thank you all for your support. I wish you all a happy start of school on Monday and happy work, hahahahaha~~~~~

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