
Then Sean and his companions took these civilians to an uninhabited island with abundant supplies, and then returned to the island that they had chosen as their base.

Along the way, Tesoro was only surprised. He did not expect that the masked man in front of him was so powerful.

He could actually bring them to such a faraway place in an instant.

At the same time, he was also somewhat fortunate. If he had not been able to play a role, his fate would probably have been as miserable as that dream.

After stopping, Sean took out two genetic potions and handed them to Stella and Tesoro.

"Drink it, this is a potion that can improve your quality and talent, there are no side effects, if you insist, you need to develop it yourself."

Stella saw that Tezoro was a little hesitant, so she drank it first without hesitation.

She knew what Tezoro was thinking.

It was nothing more than wondering how a small potion could have such a powerful effect?

Stella was a person who knew what was good and what was bad. After all, the other party had saved her. If he really wanted to harm her, he wouldn't go through so much trouble, right?

Then Tezoro also drank it, but he didn't feel any changes.

Seeing the doubts of the two, Sean said bluntly:"This is to increase your upper limit, not to improve your strength. The real strong people have come out step by step, otherwise they are just flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water."

Hearing this, Stella nodded slightly and asked softly:"Um, can I ask who you are? And what exactly do you need Tezoro to do for you?"

After Sean and Yixiao looked at each other, they slowly took off their masks. Only then did they realize that their leader was so young.

It seemed that he was not much different from themselves.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Sean and I am from……"

Then he said the same old thing again, the future admiral of the navy.

There was no way, this was his last stubbornness, whether the other party believed it or not, he had come back from the future.

After explaining, under the other party's horrified expression, he continued slowly:"In the original trajectory, you would be a pervert, a dead pervert who likes to see people part and die to get pleasure." As soon as these words came out, the couple's faces changed, especially Tesoro, who couldn't hide the embarrassment between his brows.

Because he felt that what the other party said was true, if he lost Stella, he would turn into a demon.

Feeling Tesoro's emotions, Stella pulled the other party's hand to comfort him.

Seeing this, Sean could only roll his eyes.

His tone became a little more serious:"But that's not now. I like your ease in moving between various forces, and your unparalleled talent for business."

"I want you to be the true ruler of the underground world. If nothing unexpected happens, with Stella's help, no force in the open sea can really threaten you."

He said with a dry mouth. Seeing that the two were still in a daze, he took out a cigar and Coke and shared it with Yixiao.

Yixiao originally only loved soba noodles, but after being assimilated by Sean, he also fell in love with cigars.

There is no way, smoking cigars is full of momentum.

Tezoro came back to his senses with a bitter look on his face. He never expected that the other party would think so highly of him. After thinking about it, he hesitated and was about to say something.

Finally, he sighed and said directly:"You think too highly of me. This is not something that can be done with strength, right? And aren't you the admiral of the navy? Do you have to do those criminal activities too?"

Sean looked at Yixiao and motioned Yixiao to explain, so that he could see if Yixiao understood his thoughts.

Yixiao organized his words and said:"There will be members of the organization to assist you, and they are not going to do these dark activities, but to help us secretly eliminate these criminal activities."

"Eliminate crime? What is our goal?"

"Accumulating money and wealth is essential in the process of overthrowing the world government. Sean values your ability to make money. You have to become the richest man!"

Tesoro was a little confused. The money he saved for several years was not enough to redeem an ordinary human girl. Now he was given this goal right away. Is it okay?

Seeing this, Sean on the side added:"Don't underestimate yourself. You have this talent. In the year 1510 of the Haiyuan calendar, you can go to the Don Quixote family and ask them to give you a devil fruit called the Gold-Gold Fruit."

"Although I don't know how you can use that thing to become the richest man, I believe you can do it."

Tesoro felt a little bitter. He had no idea now. This goal was too exaggerated.

He could only bite the bullet and said,"According to what you said, it would be a devil fruit that is very helpful for accumulating wealth. Why would the other party give it to us?"

"I will give it to you," Sean said nonchalantly,"To deal with this family, you just need to be strong enough to make them afraid."

Then he looked at him and smiled,"Before the two of them come on stage, Don Quixote will be handed over to you. If they are obedient, it would not be a bad idea to give Doflamingo a gene potion."

Yes, Sean wants to muddy the waters completely now. As for Doflamingo's betrayal?

Are you kidding me? What waves can he make? Any kid around him can match his fighting power.

Even if he wants to give it to him, he won't give it to him in the early stage. If he really helps Yixiao and Tesoro and others, he will not be stingy.

No matter how big his ambition is, it doesn't matter. Judging by deeds rather than hearts, even if a bad guy pretends to be a good guy all his life, he will be evaluated as a good guy.

After all, even if you suppress the opponent with force, there will always be a day when the string will be broken. Loosening and tightening is the way to fish.

And Tesoro, even after hearing what the two said, was still a little embarrassed, so he had to ask weakly:"Can you give me other tasks? I'm really afraid that I can't do it."

Before Sean could speak, Yixiao answered the other party expressionlessly:"Sure, are you sure?"

Hearing this, Tesoro was delighted:"Really? ? What other tasks can be given to me?"

He stroked his beard with a smile, and after a moment's silence, he said,"Well...why don't you go undercover and lurk in the World Government? But the target is a senior government official, whose status cannot be lower than that of the general. Of course, I will help you."

The joy on Tesoro's face froze, and he stammered,"Then, what else?""

"Are you not satisfied?"Yixiao waved his hand nonchalantly:"Then you can take over from me and organize a revolutionary army to fight against the world government openly."

Tesoro's heart sank. He never expected that this thick-browed and big-eyed Yixiao would actually play a trick on him.

After all, accumulating wealth is the easiest task. At most, it's just fighting some rats hiding in the dark.


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