
Whether it was lurking or confronting head-on, the difficulty was not comparable to his original mission.

This made the 19-year-old Tezulo very sad. He was afraid that he would fail the expectations and trust.

Seeing this, Stella, who was standing by, ignored Sean's bloodshot eyes and held his hand tightly:

"It doesn't matter. I will be by your side no matter what. I also believe that you can do it. Believe in yourself, okay, Tesoro."

Hearing this, Tesoro seemed to be resurrected as if he had been injected with chicken blood. What was there to be afraid of as long as Stella was by his side?

Sean on the side actually knew very well that Tesoro was not like Enelu who had no awe of the World Government, because Enelu was ignorant and fearless.

Tesoro was just the opposite. He had to survive alone at the age of twelve and had a clear understanding of the survival rules of the current world.

Naturally, he didn't dare to make promises casually, which was why Sean was more assured of him at this time. The nineteen-year-old Tesoro and the twenty-nine-year-old who had experienced a life of slavery were not of the same species.

But it doesn't matter. There is time for him to prepare.

So Sean said,"You don't have to worry too much. You have ten years. During these ten years, you can develop your own potential while thinking about how to do it."

"Ten years is enough for the two of you to become one of the top powers in this sea. In ten years, you will be active in this chaotic arena."

Hearing this, the couple was even happier. Tesoro was happy because he had time to think about what to do.

Stella was much simpler. She felt that she was already satisfied with having a simple life for ten years.

Then, with a smile, she told Tesoro and his wife about some plans, which made them exclaim again and again.

This has become a closed loop.

The World Government ordered the hunting down of some talents, the Revolutionary Army received the talents, and the underground world provided the scum materials of fake death.

The final result was that the one in the World Government was promoted, the one in the Revolutionary Army absorbed more of their own people, and the prestige of the one in the underground world increased. Even worse.

While they were talking, Sean left and went directly to O'Hara and found Robin.

At this moment, she was nestled in Olivia's arms, and the mother and daughter were whispering.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the two of them, and the breeze blew slowly, ruffling the ends of their hair.

This scene of peace and quiet made Sean more determined to overthrow the world government!

Seeing Sean coming, Robin immediately wanted to run over with her short legs, but seemed to remember her mother's teachings, so she slowed down.

She walked up to Sean, raised her head and asked,"Have you finished your business?"

Sean squatted down, rubbed the other's head gently and said,"Yes, they are over at Sky Island. In the next period of time, I will teach you to practice, okay?"

The little Loli nodded obediently, and responded softly,"Okay... I will be very attentive."

Olivia also knew that Sean would be leaving soon, and Robin would definitely benefit a lot from his teachings.

Even if for a long time to come, the scholars of O'Hara would not be able to study new historical texts.

That doesn't matter, ever since Robin came back and told all the scholars of the Tree of All-Knowing that Sean really knew the existence of the historical text.

They dispelled their doubts. For scholars, the boring wait has long become a trivial matter in their lives, and they are all looking forward to the future.

Sean greeted Olivia, then took Robin's hand and left.

Seeing her daughter's heartfelt smile and cheerfulness, Olivia also had a smile on her lips.

By the way, he and Robin are in the same year, right?


Time went on in an orderly manner.

During this period, Sean and Yixiao trained three people together, but only Robin and Stella never complained and persisted.

The intensity of the training customized by Sean is no joke. Even during the meal and rest time, it seems like carrying a mountain.

At the beginning, Tezulo also complained, but when he saw Stella's strong appearance, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. So far, he no longer complained and was no longer lazy.

During this period, Sean not only helped them train their physical fitness, but also taught Robin how to use the fruit.

As for whether Stella has the fruit? This is none of his business. He is not a nanny. Let Tezulo help him.

On this day, Sean knew that he was going back, and he didn't feel reluctant. After all, he went back in the blink of an eye, and it would not be difficult to contact them after returning.

Finally, Sean also told Yixiao to go to Wano Country to have a look. Under the premise of not affecting the layout, he could help if he could.

Wano Country is the origin of seastone and has unparalleled skills in forging various weapons.

He informed the other party of all the information, such as Kanjuro in the Red Night Nine Heroes was an undercover agent of the Kurozumi family.

There was no other way, who asked Oda not to finish drawing earlier? He could only tell the other party what he knew.

When he returned, the world would be turned upside down, and Oda would no longer understand One Piece.

He wanted to plan more things, but now the only combat force available was Yixiao.

Let it go, anyway, he had told the other party all the important information.

Sean's body gradually lit up with a blue light, which slowly disappeared from his feet.

Little Robin pouted, her big eyes were filled with mist, and she was stubborn not to cry.

She just stared at the man who changed her life.

Taking advantage of the last moment, Sean rubbed the little girl's head angrily and said,"Don't be like this, I'll wait for you in Alabasta in the future, provided that you become stronger." The little girl replied reluctantly,"I will, I will find you in Alabasta."

Sean looked around, Dr. Kloba, Olivia, Sauro, Yixiao, Stella, Tesoro, and Little Robin all looked at him reluctantly.

"Gentlemen, look forward to meeting you in the future!"

Swoosh - after a light laugh, he disappeared completely after leaving only one sentence.

After Sean left, Robin could no longer hold back her tears, and the tears in Carina's big eyes fell down.

Seeing this, Olivia squatted down and gently hugged her daughter, saying softly:"Didn't Sean say that? Every farewell is for a better meeting next time, and you will see each other again in the future"

"I know, I know everything, but I can't help it, it's been too long, more than ten years, too long"Robin choked up and said.

Olivia sighed in her heart and continued to comfort him:"Then you have to use this time to become better. When you meet again, you will not be a child anymore..."

Sure enough, no matter how mature you are, you are still a child. After being diverted from the topic, Robin became a little excited.

Although she enjoyed Sean's pampering, she wanted to get along with him as a peer. Thinking of this, Robin burst into tears and laughed.


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