
After Sean left, nothing seemed to have changed in O'Hara, but something seemed to be different.

Scholars continued to study as they had done for the past ten years.

Except for some residents who were used to going out to sea, the rest of the islanders returned to peace after the initial hesitation.

If there was anything different, it seemed that there was a little figure doing morning exercises every morning. The little figure who was sweating profusely on the island was no longer rejected by the children of the same age on the island.

Because their adults knew that whether they could reappear on the sea in the future depended on this little girl who was regarded as a monster by them.

But at this time, little Robin, who had experienced the loss and recovery of O'Hara, had become mature just like the original book.

Even though she was still a child, she had no common topics to play with other children of the same age.

From the beginning, everyone was looking forward to Robin leading them back to Qinghai, but later everyone was conquered by this stubborn little figure.

Her strong, self-disciplined, and gentle character made all the residents ashamed.

Obviously, this is an excellent child from another family. They envied Olivia so much.

So they went home and beat their own child who was playing in the mud in the yard.


Two years later, in the CP organization of the World Government, Enel, who had become a small officer, looked at Rob Lucci, who was only in his teens.

He thought that this must be the talent who had told me.

He used his small privilege to intercept him directly, although he had been trained in the training institution of the World Government. He had some talent, but that was all, and he was not yet a"killing weapon" in the future.

Looking at the other party's cold and arrogant eyes, Enel was not only not unhappy, but more excited.

He seemed to understand the way Sean looked at him. He was so weak, but he still had an expression of"the boss is the boss and I am the second."

It should be fun to teach him a lesson, right?

So Enel pretended to take out a cigar and smoked it, trying to be calm and said:"I heard that you are very strong?"

Hearing this, Lucci, who had no waves in his eyes, also had some emotions, and answered proudly:"Report to the commander, I am the first in our period!"

"Are you proud?"

This made Lucci not know how to answer. He was taught only to obey orders since he was a child.

He didn't know anything about the ways of the world, so he could only follow his inner will:"Yes, I am proud."

Whoosh - a sound of breaking through the air was heard, and Lucci's pupils shrank. Before he could react, Enel's voice sounded behind him.

"What is there to be proud of? You are so weak, but I ask you, are you willing to follow me?"

Lucci was confused. He didn't know what the other party meant, but he had been educated in obedience, so he answered without any emotion as if it was a routine:"Report to the commander, I will obey the order."

Hearing this, Enel also sighed slightly. It seems that being soft is no longer enough. This kid's brain is probably not working well.

Then he used the"Iron Fist of Love" on Lucci, and said while beating him:"Follow or not!"


"Are you going to follow me or not?"

Bang -

Lucci was confused after being beaten for no reason. He didn't know what he did wrong to be beaten by his superior.

But the human instinct for survival still made him shout:"I'm following! I'm following!"

Hearing this, Enel stopped punching and looked at the other party with satisfaction, thinking that this trick was really useful. This is how I, Enel, went through it.

It feels so good~

Lucci touched his swollen cheek and asked incoherently:"What do you want me to follow you?"

Hearing this, Enel's expression froze, and he didn't know how to answer.

Should he say straight out that he wants to kill your top boss? Even a cerebral thrombosis person wouldn't say that the first time they meet.

Seeing this, Lucci sighed slightly, and thought to himself, how did this guy become a superior if he doesn't have a very good brain? As a superior in an intelligence agency, you can be incompetent, but you must have an active mind.

So Lucci, who has been smart since he was a child, seemed to have figured something out, and asked cautiously:"Do you want me to be marked by your faction?"

"Yes, that's right, that's it."Enelu is very satisfied with this kid, he seems to be very sensible.

Oh, it's confirmed, this commander is not smart, but why did he choose himself.

The young Lucci was very sad, but he had no choice at the moment.

In this way, Enelu and Lucci began to run-in as a duo.

If Sean knew the situation here, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood. He knew that Enelu had a problem with his brain circuit.

But he never knew that this person didn't know any political means. Can't he use a conciliatory policy on Lucci? If he is cold, you will be warm!

So Enelu began his lucky promotion journey in the run-in with Lucci.


On an island somewhere, Yixiao sat opposite a man with a slipper tattoo on his face.

At this moment, the tattooed man was a little confused. He couldn't understand why the big man opposite him would invite him to create a revolutionary army together.

Because he had already been preparing for this, he had to consider whether his words and deeds had revealed his thoughts and goals.

But after the following conversation, he agreed very much with the words of the man opposite him named Yixiao. He even felt that this was the best partner given to him by God, so he agreed immediately and even told him some of his ideas and plans.


A few years later, in a town in the South China Sea

, many wealthy businessmen from the town were sitting in the church. They were all there to watch the ceremony and send their blessings.

A couple was reading their vows. The newlyweds were Tezulo and Stella.

After he finished the ceremony, they were in a���Stella snuggled in Tezulo's arms

:"Look, you have become the richest person here, even if you don't have the devil fruit."

Tezulo was also quite emotional:"Yeah, I didn't expect it, but from today on, we will fight for the leader's goal."

"Well, being able to hold an ordinary wedding with you, my biggest wish in this life has come true, I am very happy." Stella looked at her husband with love in her eyes.

Then she added seriously:"Our new life now is all thanks to the leader, you must help him well, understand?"

Hearing this, Tezulo hugged his wife tightly:"Don't worry, we just need to work hard together, even though we don't want children now"

"But we still have children in the future. I hope our children can be born in a new era."



…… ps: The next picture is back to reality, so I’ll just make a transition here. Thank you for your support!!! I won’t write about the interaction between Tezoro and Stella later, I’m sick of writing about itThe protagonist is still single

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