
"Ahahahaha… your expressions are awesome! Remember to prepare the protection fee in advance next month!"

Just as Aaron and the others were laughing up to the sky


In the open space next to Arlong, a thunderous explosion sounded, accompanied by billowing smoke and dust.

Arlong and his group looked in that direction with a look of doubt.

Nami and the others were also frightened by the sudden change.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and a young man with silver-white hair, wearing a black training suit and white wings, and wearing a coat of justice slowly walked out.

"Is it too late... huh?"

Everyone listened to his murmurs, and saw him quickly walk to Bellmer and squat down.

Aaron finally reacted. This guy is a navy. Although he didn't know how he suddenly appeared.

But he would never allow anyone to challenge his ruling authority!

"Boy! Have you thought about how you will be killed by the noble fishmen?!"

When Sean arrived, he saw Bellemeier fall to the ground and thought she was dead. He hated these scums.

But his perception of sight���After a while, he noticed that she was still breathing weakly.

So the intention of torturing Aaron faded a little, and he just wanted to save her quickly.

This dirty seafood still dared to jump out, which immediately angered Sean.

He released some of his aura, looked at the group of fishmen, and gently uttered a word:"Get out!"

In an instant, the coat of justice moved without wind, and a aura as real as substance pressed forward.

They were oppressed and stunned in place, their faces covered with cold sweat, although they could be directly shocked to faint.

But Sean wanted them to experience fear and the unbridgeable gap, so they barely kept from fainting.


Ignoring them, Sean turned to look at the stunned Nami and the others.

He said gently,"There is still hope. Can you give me a seat?"

Then he lifted the two little ones by their collars and put them aside.

Then he whispered softly,"Pray for them.——"

Bellmère's body was glowing with a faint yellow light, and there were some starlight dotted around it.

The wounds on his body were healing quickly, visibly.

Bellmère also opened his eyes slightly, and struggled to get up and look around.

But as soon as he struggled, he spat out a mouthful of blood and lay down again.

Sean said quickly:"There is still a bullet in your body, don't move. I was just afraid that you couldn't bear the damage of removing the bullet, so I treated you first. Now the bullet can be taken out, just bear with it." Without waiting for

Bellmère's response, Sean clenched his palm and used gravity on the place where the bullet hole had just been shot.


A bloody bullet fell into Sean's hand, and Bellemeier's face turned pale.

He raised his hand and prayed again.

Nami and Nokiko watched their mother's face gradually turn red, and rushed over


Bell-mère looked at her two daughters in confusion.

She remembered that she should have been beaten to death, what was the situation now?

She hurriedly asked her two daughters:"What's going on?""

Nami came out of Bell-mère's arms, raised her little hand and said:"I know, it was the navy brother who saved you."

Only then did Bell-mère realize that it was the navy who saved her.

"Excuse me...are you here to catch them?" He pointed at the group of fishmen who seemed to be under a spell.

"Ah, sorry, I'm almost late."

Before Bellmer could say anything, Nokigo said loudly,"No! You came just in time.……"

Nami nodded in agreement:"That's right!"

Sean shrugged his shoulders:"Although justice may be late, but it will not be absent. This sentence is great, but in this world... it seems that there is no need for late justice."

"Okay, you guys stay here for now, let me deal with these seafood first."

As soon as Sean stood up, he heard a loud shout beside him.

""Be careful!"

It turned out to be Aaron. After seeing this man's methods, he guessed that he and others might be in trouble.

The only chance was to sneak attack him when he was relaxed.

So he bit his tongue and used the pain to numb his fear.

Seeing Sean stood up, he raised the serrated knife in his hand and swung it hard.

But Sean seemed not to see it and gently raised a finger.

Holding the serrated knife, he tilted his head and asked:"With your level, who gave you the courage to swing the knife at me? Huh?"

Everyone around was staring at the young navy in amazement, and the fishmen were almost scared to death.

Aaron saw that his full-strength attack was blocked so easily.

He shouted"Iron Teeth Kung Fu!" in anger.

The other palm was opened, and there were rows of sharp teeth in the palm, attacking Sean.

Sean clenched his palm and pressed down, and Aaron suddenly felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.


The fishmen looked at their boss, who was pinned to the ground in such an embarrassing state, and a big hole was smashed.

They were immediately disappointed.

Aaron raised his head with difficulty, looked at Sean who was looking down at him and said:"Humans rebelling against mermen is equivalent to defying the laws of nature!"

Sean sneered disdainfully,"You are just a group of slaves who are tired of being played by the Celestial Dragons, what nobleness are you talking about here?"

The fishmen around looked at Sean in horror:"You...what do you know!"

"If you are liberated and have a reverence for life, like your boss Tiger, maybe I will respect you."

"Every life deserves fair treatment, this is your boss's idea"

"But the way you look now is even more disgusting than the Celestial Dragons. They just do whatever they want."

"You? Haha... Sorry, I really don't want to laugh. You guys only feel superior to the weaklings."

"It's like when you get bullied, you find some kids to bully you back, and then you think you are the best in Tianyi?"

"Tell me, what's so noble about you?"

Arlong yelled crazily,"Nonsense! Fishmen are the noblest race!"

Nami looked at the Arlong Pirates, who were so arrogant not long ago, and suddenly became so embarrassed. She suddenly felt that the navy was so handsome... By the way, Bell-mère is also a navy, right?

Sean looked at Arlong with a playful look on his face,"Don't bluff, that will only show your weakness."

After that, he ignored Arlong, a stone slab rose under his feet, and flew up with Sean.

Sean spread his observation Haki to the whole village and sensed it.

"Fortunately, no one died, so we managed to catch up.

Then he clenched his five fingers and pressed down.


The whole village was filled with rumbling sounds. Just when everyone below was confused,

Sean came down and said directly to the village chief:"Aha, Mr. Village Chief, I'm the only one coming to support this time, and we don't have enough manpower. I hope to get your help."

Without waiting for the village chief to speak, he continued:"Well, the pirates who are making trouble in the village have lost their ability to resist. I want you to help bring them over.

By the way, there is also a team of injured navy. Bring the injured villagers and navy here, I will treat them."

Just as the village chief was stunned for a moment, Ajian turned and ran towards the village.

While running, he shouted:"A powerful navy is here to help us! Everyone, come and help catch the pirates!……"



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