
Soon, with the help of the villagers, a group of fresh seafood and navy were brought in.

When the navy reconnaissance team saw Sean, they struggled to get up.

""Okay, let's talk about it after you get treated."

After Sean said that, he used the"Prayer".

The injured villagers and navy soldiers were lit up with a pale yellow light, and there were some starlight around them, which was very beautiful.

The villagers who had never seen it were all amazed.

"Is this the navy man who is helping us? He looks so powerful. Obviously he is not as strong as those pirates."

"What a young navy man! He looks so cool."

"I didn't expect that someone who looks difficult to get along with actually has such a gentle ability.……"


Listening to the whispers in his ears, Sean's face was dark.

Only he knew that he was actually a passionate and talkative person.

It was just that his face looked like this, there was nothing he could do about it.

Soon, the marines who had been treated stood up straight and saluted Sean.

"Major Sean! Sorry, we were too arrogant... We were a reconnaissance team but we tried to catch pirates.……"

They looked a little disappointed when they said this. They didn't expect that they were so vulnerable. Seeing this,

Sean waved his hand and said,"Don't be like this. No matter what team you are, you must first understand that you are the navy."

"And you did a great job, you showed your strength. People like you are just the scum of the sea, they only bully the weak."

"If you dare to swing your sword at the evil dragon, then you are stronger than him. Only those who have the belief in protection are qualified to become strong. No matter what they are protecting, come on!"

The navy team was tearful and shouted loudly:"We will work hard!"

Sean nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at Nami who was nestled in Bell-mère's arms. He was a little embarrassed. Although he saved Bell-mère.

But he couldn't use this as an excuse to ask Nami to join the navy, not to mention that she was so young. If she joined the navy and started as an ordinary soldier? It is estimated that she will become cannon fodder soon.

After all, when Ace joined the navy, he was strong enough to protect himself.

Although Ace himself was fooling around, that was for his own sake to save him.

He may not be a good person, but he is definitely not a purely bad person.

Just as Sean was thinking, the village chief stood up.

He said to the villagers:"Everyone, why don't we have a banquet to celebrate, and express our gratitude to the navy!"

After that, the villagers started to clamor.

"Oh, great! We haven't had a party in a long time."

"The sight of those navy guys standing stubbornly in front of me was really touching."

"Yes, and their commander is also very powerful!"


The hustle and bustle of the crowd went to prepare for the banquet. Seeing this, Sean opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

Seeing this, Bellmair lit a cigarette and walked over.

"Don't worry, they are just using the party as an excuse to vent their anxiety, and they really want to thank you.

Without you, they can't imagine how terrible the days ahead will be, living under the rule of these pirates.……"

Sean nodded after hearing this, and said nothing more.

He just turned around and ordered the navy to tie up these half-dead pirates and wait for the navy's warships to come.

As for why they were not killed? It would be too easy to die, it would be better to let them live a life worse than death in Impel Down.

The so-called banquet is actually not complicated. Each household just takes out the ingredients. Those who are confident in their cooking skills set up a pot at the doorstep and cook.

It's like a competition, quite fun.

Sean may have a physical condition, so he eats a lot and sits cross-legged in a corner.

While eating and watching the interaction between the navy team and the villagers, a smile gradually appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, the navy brother looks so good when he smiles. Don’t you think so?……"

Just when Sean was absorbed in watching, Nami's voice suddenly rang in his ear, and he was almost startled.

Turning his head, he saw two little heads hanging on a window.

Seeing that she was discovered peeking, Nami did not hide anymore, and pulled Nojiko towards Sean.

With a familiar look, she pulled Sean and said,"Navy brother, have you been to the Grand Line?"

After that, she blinked her big, bright eyes and looked at Sean. Sean couldn't help but say in his heart, she was too cute.

Nojiko saw that Sean did not reply, thinking that Nami had angered Sean, and quickly apologized.

""I'm sorry, Mr. Navy, my sister is not very sensible."

Nami was still acting cute and mischievous. Sean could only cough lightly, his old face slightly red, and said:"Ahem, well, my name is Sean, you can just call me Sean."

(ps: In One Piece, there are basically few titles of brother and sister. Except for relatives, people usually call each other by their names. Just look at Shanks and you will know. And it feels weird to call each other brother and sister in One Piece, so don't say it's impolite.)

Nami's eyes lit up, thinking that Sean must be unable to resist her cuteness.

"Hey, Sean, have you been to the Grand Line? What is it like there?"

Nokigao saw that Sean was not displeased, but rather a little shy, and suddenly felt that this navy was not aloof at all, which was really interesting.

So he did not stop Nami.

Sean pondered for a moment and said,"I haven't been there, but I know a little bit about it."

"For example, in some seas there is no wind at all, and only the navy and a few pirates with power systems on their ships can pass through."

"The weather is also unpredictable. When the sky is clear, countless waterspouts may suddenly appear, and the ship may sink in a matter of minutes if you are not careful."

"For example, in the second half of the Grand Line, the weather on the islands is even more bizarre, with islands that are divided into several seasons, or islands that are constantly flashing with lightning."

"There are so many strange creatures, I heard your dream is to���"Do you want to draw a perfect sea chart for the world?"

Nami nodded quickly and said,"Yes, I want to draw my own perfect sea chart."

Sean touched Nami's head and said,"Then you have to work hard. In addition to learning navigation knowledge, you also have to exercise. Otherwise, the unpredictable weather and strange creatures on those islands will hurt you."

Nami looked embarrassed,"But how to exercise? I don't know how."

Then she looked at Sean, her eyes lit up, and suddenly she threw herself into Sean's arms, hugged Sean's neck and said:

"Now, why don't you teach me how to practice? I'll pay you for it."

Sean pulled Nami away and blurted out,"How?"

Nami's eyes turned and she said,"I'll pay you with my body. If that doesn't work, I can also pay you with my sister!"


Nokigao quickly covered Nami's mouth, fearing that she would say something shocking again.

Sean's forehead suddenly showed a few wells, and he punched Nami's little head.


Nami covered her head with her hands, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Sean aggrievedly, as if to say that if you don't give me an explanation, I will cry.

Sean had no choice but to scold:"Don't be a brat, and I have no interest in brats!"

But seeing Nokiko's uneasy face and the little hands that kept stirring, he softened his tone and said:

"Girls can be naughty, but they are not allowed to say such vulgar words. Only their husbands can see a girl's body.

Promise me that you will change this bad habit, and I will teach you to practice before the navy ships come."

Hearing this, Nami wiped away her aggrieved expression and burst into laughter.

"Well...I promise you"


(ps: I am a fan of the original novel. The characters' personalities are based on the original novel from the beginning, not including those that were changed later. Nami was like this when she was a child...so don't say that Nami's personality is wrong.)

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