
Cobra was also shocked. How could the navy still be so irritable? This is not good, not good.

A moment later, Kuro came in with a bounty and handed it to Sean.

Sean was stunned when he saw it. It turned out that Robin had been offered a bounty of 770 million Baileys.

But this is not the point. This is a low price for someone who can compete with the full-fledged one. This is the previous price.

The point is the photo. The photo shows a person wrapped in armor, holding a shield and a spear as tall as a person, with wings on his back, and the wings seem to have a little scale. The white armor has some irregular black lines and is full of messy texture. The spear in his hand is still entangled with purple domineering.

After looking at the photo and then looking at Robin, I can't recognize her at all.

Who would have thought that such an intellectual woman would be a shield girl?

The most important thing is that the armor is so damn handsome, just like Madara's Susanoo.

Those black wings, no wonder she is called the son of the devil.

So he pointed at the photo and asked,"Is this the combination of bone and enamel? What about these black irregular lines?"

Robin smiled slightly and said,"This is when I was fighting with BIG MON. I covered her with armed color after figuring out her attack habits. This way, I didn't waste my domineering aura. Otherwise, I don't know how long it would take to fight."

Hearing this, Sean gave Robin a thumbs up. This is a person who fights with intelligence. She doesn't forget to disguise herself even when fighting. It's really helpless against her.

She's like a demon in the dark, elusive and unpredictable.

This fighting style can only be done by calm people. This is also a psychological game. Even if the opponent knows, there is nothing he can do. In this case, when the opponent has extremely high defense, he will still instinctively avoid his own attack habits. After all, no one will specifically focus on the opponent's highest defense, right? So this detail is enough to improve the individual's combat power.

The key is that her defense is still high, and she is fighting a protracted war, so it is necessary to save domineering aura.

At this time, Cobra on the side asked Robin,"So, what do you want to express to me, Son of the Devil?"

"Huh? Sorry, I almost forgot. I just want to tell you that you don't need to doubt Sean. The power behind him is beyond your imagination."

""I know that there are no less than ten people with the same fighting power as me. Do you know what this means?"

Robin said with a smile. She was not talking nonsense.

After experiencing this powerful gene potion, combined with the little story Sean told, she had no doubt that Sean had so many strong followers.

There is no doubt that this was a heavy hammer that hit Cobra and Clo's hearts hard.

What this meant, both of them knew clearly, this was a force that was enough to completely overturn the balance of pirates or sweep across the navy.

Cobra only felt a little dry in the mouth, and looked meaningfully at the cold and upright vice admiral who seemed a little silly in his eyes.

"In this case, the only reason you are looking for me is Pluto, right? Otherwise, I really can't think of anything that you would like."

At this moment, King Cobra felt that the young lieutenant general in front of him was too terrifying.

Strong men are all proud, and he doesn't believe that a historian, especially a top strong man, would lie to him, because historians are concerned with the truth!

Even if they know that they will be destroyed, they still have to study the blank hundred years. Do you think these scholars will go against their dreams for a person with no strength? Are you kidding?

In this world, dreams and ideas, in some cases, even override life.

At this moment, Robin seemed more like the leader of the organization, and said generously:"Of course I hope you will join us, you can bring better help to our goals."

After a moment of silence.

Cobra said slowly:"Why do you think I will join?"

"Then why didn't you pass on the news about Pluto?" Sean asked back.


Hearing this, Cobra burst into laughter.

Then he said,"In that case, I will join you, even though it is a little different from the prediction of our ancestors."


Sean was stunned. He didn't expect Cobra to do this. He knew that there were many prophecies in this world.

There were even fruits about time, but he didn't expect Cobra to have this kind of inheritance.

"That’s right, it’s a prophecy that we have passed down from mouth to mouth. One day, an adventurer will break this false balance!"

"There is nothing specific. Our family has to protect Alabasta. I guess it is about Pluto."

Cobra said.

Upon hearing this, Sean fell silent. Adventurer? According to the description in the original book, isn't this the Straw Hat Pirates?

I always feel that the world is getting more and more complicated. Joy Boy, the Lord of the Elephants, the Uranus, the Straw Hats in Pangu City, and everything else are too mysterious.

Sean made up his mind to uncover the mystery!

Just as Sean was brainstorming, Cobra said,"But the only thing I'm worried about is my daughter. I'm afraid she will be involved."

Sean came back to his senses, looked at Robin, and then said,"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything that will make the World Government suspicious."

Hearing this, Cobra was relieved a little, although he also wanted to hate the rule of the World Government.

But there is no doubt that Vivi's existence prevented him from being unscrupulous, and now he got a definite answer.

As a king, he also roughly understood what the other party wanted him to do. There is no doubt that it is inseparable from the emerging revolutionary army.

As if thinking of something, Cobra hurriedly asked:"By the way, how to deal with Crocodile? This is a big trouble." What

Cobra said was right. It was indeed a bit troublesome, but this was only for Sean and him.

Pirates who plundered legally, whether it was the navy or the kingdom, could not attack them for no reason.

This is also one of the reasons why the prestige of the navy could not reach its peak.

However, for Robin and others, this is not worth mentioning. Anyone who comes out can deal with Crocodile.

But their plan is to let Princess Vivi solve this big problem, so that Vivi can better win the hearts of the people.

So Robin said:"Next, let me teach Vivi to practice. Sean and I have discussed it, and our suggestion is that you solve it yourself!"

"This will also give other countries the impression that it is better to rely on themselves than on the World Government, which is very beneficial."

Weiwei on the side was also a little stunned. Why did she suddenly have to fight the Seven Warlords of the Sea by herself?

I was so panicked!……


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