
Cobra was also a little hesitant. On the one hand, he was worried that his daughter could not endure the hardship.

On the other hand, he was worried that it would arouse the fear of others, which was not a good sign.

Moreover, he did not think that his daughter's talent could defeat Crocodile in a few years.

So he expressed his concerns.

Hearing this, Sean sneered, stood up, squatted in front of Weiwei, looked at Weiwei and said:

"Who are you afraid of? The World Government? They don't take your daughter seriously."

"Or is it the suspicion of neighboring countries? Then you are really stupid. All peace is not achieved through compromise. Strength! You don't need it, but you must have it!"

"If you can't even figure out such a simple truth, you should step down and let Vivi take over, what do you think? Princess Vivi."

Vivi was a little shy when she was stared at, but this also planted a seed in her young heart.

She felt that what Sean said made sense. I can not hit you, but I have to have the strength to hit you!

And Cobra was also shocked when he heard this.���Shame on him. He had never thought that he would be so weak.

Then, Sean stood up and sat back down again. He lit up his cigar and exhaled a circle of smoke.

"You don't have to look like this. If you were a king in a peacetime, you would undoubtedly be qualified, but you are still far from it now. If you were a little more ruthless, would Crocodile dare to enter your country so blatantly and covet Pluto?"

"But the most important thing is that we don't have the power to fight against the powerful pirates, so he took advantage of us!" Cobra retorted. Sean waved his hand disdainfully:"Forget it, if you have a little bit of potential, what's wrong with spending money to buy a few more devil fruits to train your subordinates?"

"Don't complain to me about being poor. The fruit is worth at least 100 million Baileys. Those little pirates you caught are worth a lot of money, right? In the final analysis, you are just not tough enough."

Hearing this, Cobra was silent. He knew that the other party was right. In the final analysis, he had always been lucky.

Even when facing outsiders, he just thought that I am good to you, so you should be good to me too.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated human nature.

So he said,"Then what should I do? There is no evidence now, and the World Government will not pay attention. Besides, I know Vivi very well. She doesn't have that talent."

Sean did not answer, but looked at Vivi on the side:"Hey, kid, did you hear that? Do you want to become stronger? Can you persist in becoming stronger?"

He decided to treat the little princess with the same bad attitude he showed to Luo, even though she was a sensible little girl since childhood.

He also wanted to get rid of the title of Lolita King!!!!

Hearing the question, Vivi looked at Sean with a sullen face and was a little at a loss.

She hesitantly said:"I, I, can I become stronger?"

"That's not what I'm asking you! Think it over before you answer!" Sean said with an impatient expression.

But he silently repented in his heart,"I'm sorry, little princess. I really don't want to be the Lolita King. When you grow up, I won't treat you so badly."

And Vivi seemed to be accustomed to Sean's temper, because she didn't think Sean was easy to get along with since they met.

Thinking about what Sean said just now, I don't need strength, but I must have it! This is the cornerstone of peace.

Princess Vivi, who has begun to think about the problem from the standpoint of the country, took a deep breath and said with a firm look:"If possible, I also want to become strong, very strong!"

This answer was within Sean's expectations, as long as the issue was raised to the national level.

Vivi could become mature in an instant. According to the original book, this year Vivi followed Cobra to attend the World Conference. She was even slapped by Valpo of the Drum Kingdom, but in order to avoid a war, she endured it and said that she accidentally bumped into the other party.

This is the quality that a crown prince of a country should have!

Thinking of this, Sean decided to deal with Valpo after the World Conference.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he took out the genetic medicine and handed it to Vivi.

"This is a very precious genetic medicine that can increase a person's upper limit of strength. As long as you can persist, you can become a top powerhouse!"

"The reason why it is precious is that only our own people can take it, and it is a potion without side effects!"

At this moment, Cobra suddenly realized and finally knew why the other party had so many strong followers.

From this situation, it seems that they are not following at all, but are directly cultivated by Sean. No wonder there is no wonder that there are no people on the sea who will be Sean's followers.

But he is also very clear about the preciousness of this thing. Even if Sean gives it to a hundred people, it is still precious.

Because this is something that only Sean has, and he doesn't think Sean really has too much.

He should have figured it out accidentally, right? Otherwise, if it can be mass-produced, it would be terrible.

Hearing this, Vivi drank it without hesitation, but her cute big eyes were a little confused.

She asked a little confusedly:"Why don't I feel anything."

Robin stepped forward and explained:"This is an auxiliary potion to improve potential, not to stimulate potential. This requires you to practice well."

"I will be your teacher from now on. How about that? Are you willing?" Robin said slowly.

"Yes! I do!" The little princess's big eyes flickered as if they contained light.

She felt that Robin was simply her idol, strong and beautiful, and her temperament made the little girl yearn for it.

Children often yearn for growth, and the intellectual Robin undoubtedly satisfied all the little girl's fantasies about what she would be like when she grew up.

Looking at Sean who had achieved his goal, he yawned,"Okay, now that we have come to a conclusion, I'm going to bed, you guys can do whatever you want."

After that, he left the office without looking back, leaving several people looking at each other.

Then Chloe sat at his desk miserably to continue handling official business, while Robin changed her appearance again, took Vivi to her room, and Cobra also returned to his room.


In the following time, Robin stayed with Vivi and taught her various knowledge of cultivation.

Cobra and his subordinates such as Ikalem prepared some things for the World Conference.

In addition to helping Sean with official business, Clo had to take care of training. He also deeply understood the power of genetic drugs.

And Sean would go to the deck to bask in the sun, drink Coke, and smoke cigars after waking up every day. His life was so comfortable.

It was not that Sean was lazy, but the previous few months of time travel made him a little tired, so he decided to have a good time fishing for a few days.

He suddenly found that fishing was so happy that he even forgot to ask Robin about the situation of Yixiao and others.


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