
Kizaru was completely unaware of Sean's complicated psychology and continued to talk:"What a pity ~ Just because of one person, his 100% mission completion rate was broken ~"

Seeing Sean stop eating, Kizaru was a little confused:"Huh? What's wrong with you? You don't have such a small appetite, do you?"

""Ah? Nothing, I'm just a little curious about this person."

After Sean came to his senses, he didn't take it to heart at all. What happened to the vice admiral? Did the vice admiral eat your rice? The vice admiral's status is also very high, okay?

Just when Sean was trying to comfort himself, there was a knock on the door.

Sean looked at Kizaru with some confusion, and Kizaru shrugged, indicating that he didn't know who it was.

So Sean used his ability to push the door open.

Then, two people walked in, one wearing a neat white suit, a top hat, and a suitcase in his hand. Sean recognized the other person at a glance. It was Rob Lucci. The other person was also wearing a white suit, but he was a little unrestrained and didn't wear a bottom shirt. He had a cigar in his mouth and had the temperament of a gangster brother. Isn't this Enel?

When Enel saw Sean, his eyes lit up:"Lieutenant General Sean, is the meal today okay? This is something I specially asked the chief chef of the Celestial Dragons to make for you."

Before Sean could reply, Kizaru on the side took over the conversation:"No wonder ~ I've been here so many times, no wonder I feel that today's food is particularly delicious."

Upon hearing this, Sean's face suddenly looked a little ugly. He just thought that he didn't eat your rice, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly.

And Enel had no idea about this. He only knew that Sean was a big eater, a real foodie, and was satisfied with his arrangements.

Lucci on the side was a little curious why his chief would bring him to see this young lieutenant general.

But why did the lieutenant general look so ugly?

Sean could only build up in his heart that it was the younger brother's duty to respect the older brother. Well, the position of lieutenant general was very free.

Then he looked at Enelu and asked,"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Hearing this, Enel looked at Kizaru standing beside him, asking with his eyes why this man was so ignorant and why he didn't go out?

And Sean thought he understood Enel's eyes, and shook his head slightly, indicating that this was not one of theirs.

Enel thought he understood Sean's eyes again, Kizaru was one of theirs, so there was no need to go out.

So Enel looked at Lucci habitually, and Lucci also accurately understood what his boss meant.

He took out a dozen anti-wireless Den Den Mushi from a suitcase beside him. This has become his habit over the years, carrying anti-wireless Den Den Mushi with him anytime and anywhere.

So he walked over to sit opposite Sean carelessly, and said with a grievance:"Mr. Sean, you are finally here. I have had a hard time these years!"

When these words came out, Sean was stunned, and Kizaru looked at the former in disbelief. The information contained in this sentence was too much.

There was no doubt that Enelu, the highest executive of the CP organization, this political legend, respected a vice admiral of the navy abnormally.

But Enelu continued to complain:"I almost felt like I was not myself. If I didn't catch Yixiao from time to time, I could go out for some fresh air and release my nature. I guess I would be suffocated by this dirty and smelly environment.……"

As soon as he said this, Kizaru looked at Sean strangely. This sentence contained more information.

The environment in Marijoa is dirty and smelly? It shouldn't be, probably this Enel is not loyal to the World Government.

Sean was a little scalp numb when Kizaru stared at him, and he was at a loss. He really didn't expect that this legendary politician would be so fierce and speak directly about the hardship.

And Lucci, who has followed Enel for many years, also saw that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Although he was a little surprised, it seemed that the"one" he had always longed for had surfaced, but now was not the time to think about these things.

There is no doubt that this Kizaru may not be his own!

So Lucci, who had always been"dependent on each other" with Enel, appeared in front of Kizaru with a"shave".

I don't know when the dagger appeared in his hand, and he stabbed Kizaru's throat. Now it doesn't matter so much, Kizaru who knows their secrets must die!

But no matter how talented Lucci is, he is still far behind without taking genetic drugs.

Facing the dagger coming straight at him, Kizaru calmly turned into a burst of light particles and appeared next to Sean.

He raised his hand and said helplessly:"It's so scary~ I almost got killed!"

"Stop kidding!" Lucci was a little annoyed that he was teased, so he looked at Enel and Sean:"We must kill him in this room!"

It's not that Lucci is stupid and thinks that an admiral is easy to kill, it's because Enel told him that 'that person' has the strength to kill any strong man in the sea alone.

What we are talking about here is a single kill, not a defeat. In a one-on-one fight, no top strong man can kill the opponent. He can be defeated, but not killed.

So this means that Sean has a strength that is one level higher than them, plus Enel's top strength, there is a chance, even if the opponent is Kizaru! Can it be faster than Enel's space field? That is the speed that can exchange positions with will!

So... he can be killed!

As soon as the voice fell, Lucci continued to run towards Kizaru, and Sean was a little helpless when he saw this. He could only use his telekinesis to restrict Lucci and said:"Okay, let's talk to him first."

Seeing this, Kizaru also showed a lewd smile, and said with a smile:"That is to say, it is not good for young people to be too irritable~"

On the other side, Enelu, who was still a little confused, felt that he seemed to have caused trouble again. He now had only one question, isn't Kizaru one of his own?

Sean pointed at Enelu with some regret:"Are you fucking crazy? Why do you say all these nonsense? How did you get the title of legend? Did you buy your status? ?"

And Lucci, who was released from the restrictions, was silent after hearing this. He also felt very aggrieved. He wanted to point at Enelu and scold him for being crazy for many days and nights!

But he couldn't beat him, and they had also established a deep bond and were completely tied to Enelu's boat.

Now, the figure who seems to be a big brother pointed at Enelu and scolded him, and he felt refreshed physically and mentally, as if he had been given a massage. Enelu also said a little aggrievedly:"Didn't you just shake your head and say that Kizaru didn't need to go out? I thought he was one of our own."

"I just want you to stop talking nonsense! This is not the place to talk! Your brain is stuck in your ass, right?"Sean roared.

If they don't handle the situation today well, they may become wanted criminals, so it's no wonder he's so angry.

Lucci was also a little scalp-tingling, and fortunately he had foresight to arrange them in this best soundproof box and placed a few silenced Den Den Mushi.

Otherwise, it would be bad if people outside heard it.

…… ps: Thank you for all the gifts, big and small. I wish you all good health, happy birthday, academic progress, and smooth work~

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