Enelu was scolded by Sean, but he was powerless to refute.

Because he knew that this seemed to be his problem. When he was alone with Lucci, Lucci could be the scapegoat.

But when facing Sean, he didn't dare. God knows how powerful Sean can be.

The stronger he is, the more he knows about Sean's mystery, the devil fruit that is not afraid of the sea, and the potion that increases potential.

He has never even heard of this thing in his high position.

So he can only lower his eyebrows and endure Sean's foul mouth.

And Sean didn't just want to scold Enelu.

He secretly observed Kizaru and wanted to give Kizaru some time to digest it. If possible, he really didn't want to overturn the table with Kizaru.

Kizaru may be the laziest navy, but at the same time he is his favorite among the three admirals.

Ambiguous justice-doesn't this mean that Kizaru is the same as himself? He knows that pirates are not necessarily pirates, and officials are not necessarily officials.

They all have their own set of standards for judging good and evil.

After a while, Sean let Enelu go and turned to look at Kizaru,"Hey, do you have anything to say?"

Kizaru was still lazy, as if he was sure that Sean would not attack him, and sat lazily on the sofa. He even took out his nail clippers and said,"It seems that I still underestimated you~ Why don't you tell me what you want me to say?"

Hearing this, Sean understood Kizaru's idea. He wanted him to convince him, otherwise they would really break up.

After a moment of silence, Sean decided to kick the ball back:"It's really troublesome, then what do you want me to say?"

This time it was Kizaru's turn to be dumbfounded. He felt that he had hinted very clearly, and he was just short of writing the words"convince me" on his forehead. In the past few years, Kizaru has often recalled what Sean said at the beginning, that the navy needs to change and needs to be completely independent.

And the sea, as everyone expected, was briefly balanced after nearly twenty years of rampage.

This also reminded him of the most profound words Sean had said, a moment of silence, only to erupt more fiercely, to set off another era of huge waves, the wave will sweep the whole world, including above!

If the navy does not become independent before then, it will face the tide of the times, no force can be immune to it, he can't give up the navy to which he has dedicated decades.

So after Huang Yuan pondered for a moment, he rarely became serious and asked:"You asked me to run for the Navy Marshal in the first place, was it because you wanted me to be independent? Is this still the simple purpose now? Or do you want to use the navy for something?"

"Don't worry, the navy you love will only be the navy, and my goal has always been only one."

Sean pointed to the front, which was the direction of Pangu City. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to see through all the barriers and face the number one person in the World Government. Kizaru was not surprised at all. The other party could push people to a high position, and his ambition was obvious.

So he asked,"You haven't answered my question yet! Do you want to replace him and become the king of the world? What is your confidence? Even if the navy leaves the World Government, what's next?"

After listening to Kizaru's three questions, Sean smiled and relaxed.

He took out a cigar from Enel's pocket and puffed out smoke. The smoke covered most of Sean's face, making it difficult to see the other's face clearly.

He said slowly,"I'm not interested in the so-called dictatorship. I just think that I have a rare trip to this world, and I just want to do something."

"My confidence? How about another way of saying it? What are the forces under my command now? Let's put it this way, I now have the power to face the other party directly! But I still have concerns about that person."

"As for the Navy's separation from the World Government, that's also simple."

He turned his head and looked at Enelu:"How is his... wealth accumulation?"

This time Enelu's IQ was online, and he was the only one who knew who Sean was asking about.

So he nodded:"He is developing very well. Not to mention a few years later, now alone is enough to support the entire Navy."

Sean immediately understood and continued:"Separating from the Navy is not something that can be done overnight. It requires planning and public opinion. Now is not the time."

"You don't have to worry about retaliation after you break away. The navy, it can only be the navy! By then, I will have the power to face the World Government!"

In fact, when Kizaru heard Enel say that he had accumulated enough wealth to support the entire navy, he knew that the young man in front of him was not joking, he was really accumulating strength.

So now he is really entangled. At first, Sean used two colleagues to persuade him.

As for what the other party said about the collapse of the World Government, he didn't quite believe it. He thought Sean didn't know the strength of the World Government.

In this situation, the top leaders of the World Government have been infiltrated, how could they not know?

Therefore, the other party really has the strength to challenge the World Government, but I don't know what the other party is afraid of.

But this also shows that the other party knows more than himself and understands the opponent's situation better than himself.

But now, he has to make a choice, and once again faces the choice of position.

In the era that is about to be more turbulent, will the trendsetters of the new era be more skilled, or will the overlords of the old days have a deeper foundation?

He needs to think carefully about this, But he didn't have time. He knew very well that he couldn't leave the room without making a decision, although he didn't know what the other party's confidence was.

He felt that the other party's eyes, which were covered by smoke, were staring at him. The air seemed to solidify gradually, and it became increasingly depressing.

Enel on the side raised his hand, and his murderous aura gradually spread. At this moment, Kizaru felt a life-and-death crisis.

He felt that he would really die if he refused.

But on second thought, it seemed that standing on Sean's side was not bad. The navy was still the navy. The only difference was that the rulers had changed.

He was not afraid of death, but he wanted to see the direction of the world. Where it would go was too desirable.

After thinking it through, Kizaru completely relaxed his body and lay on the sofa:"Brother Sean, you are so scary like this. I promise you that in the future, I will stand on your side without violating the justice in my heart."

Yes, Kizaru thought that Sean was interested in his fighting ability, but he didn't know that Sean was only interested in his prestige and network in the navy.

This was something he couldn't match, after all, the other party had been deeply involved in the navy for decades.

Sure enough, Enel was disdainful after hearing this, still maintaining his nose-in-the-air attitude and said:"Tsk~ Although I don't know why Sean likes you, we have so many strong people that you won't believe it!"


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