As Enel finished speaking, a breeze blew past, dispersing the smoke in front of Sean.

Only a somewhat confused face was left, he did not expect Enel to be so big-mouthed again.

He had just threatened Kizaru, but it was just a threat, even if he joined forces with Enel, it would be impossible to kill Kizaru silently again.

Even if he could, he would not do it, if he killed a veteran who had been loyal to the navy for decades just for the sake of planning.

Then how is he different from Blackbeard? He just wanted to force the other party to make a choice, because he knew that Kizaru had difficulty making choices.

If he did not force him, he could drag it on, and even if the other party did not agree, he would not do it.

This has nothing to do with kindness, it is just a matter of principle.

Sean was happy to hear that Kizaru agreed, but Enel, this idiot, was talking nonsense again.

Suddenly, Sean's expression changed from happy to confused and then to frosty.

So he turned to look at Lu Qi and said sincerely:"You have worked so hard these years. I will help you vent your anger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand.���He clenched his five fingers towards Enel.

Enel was completely unable to move, although he did have monster-level strength.

But under Sean's full suppression, he could not struggle for the time being. Without delay, Sean immediately wrapped his fist with domineering aura. He rushed up and beat them up.

There was no way. Although he had broken through the combat power ceiling and was much stronger than them, he had not calmed down to develop S-level gene potions, so he was not yet at the level of crushing.

(The protagonist has not practiced in the past few months, and has been training the little ghosts, so the combat power setting is no problem.)

This also made Sean determined to develop well when G5 comes, and strive to reach 23,000 combat power as soon as possible.

By then, except for the unknown existence, everyone will be powerless to struggle under his illusion.

After teaching him a lesson at the speed of light, looking at the bruised and swollen Enel, he couldn't help but sigh: This thing is really thick-skinned.

Then he let go of Enel and prayed directly to him. After all, if Enel walked out with a bruised face, it would cause an uproar.

Ignoring Enel who was whining on the side, he looked at Kizaru:"Actually, Enel is right. We do have a lot of top-level strong men."

Hearing Sean's response, Kizaru understood. He also understood that Sean wanted him to influence the navy subtly.

Only when he rises up one day can he get a response from everyone. Otherwise, it would not be letting the navy become independent, but Sean would become a traitor.

But he still teased:"Actually, you didn't want to do anything to me just now, did you?"

"Well," Sean nodded,"it's just that you like to procrastinate too much, so I want you to make a decision as soon as possible."

"So what should we do now?"

Sean looked at Lucci:"Go and bring in my adjutant Crow, he is one of us."

A moment later, Crow came in and was surprised to see Eneel. He did not expect that Mr. Sean's power had infiltrated the World Government.

Then everyone knew why Eneel came to Sean.

Because they had different opinions among themselves, they could not add a fourth admiral seat.

He came to Sean to ask him to help capture the Revolutionary Army. Of course, this was just an excuse for Eneel to come to Sean to cover up his tracks.

So Kizaru and Crow were shocked again. One of the mysterious leaders of the Revolutionary Army turned out to be Sean's subordinate.

Afterwards, everyone discussed some plans, even a plan to send Eneel to the seat of the Five Elder Stars.


On the other side, Valpo, who was very angry in the morning, was walking around with a few lackeys, cursing.

"Humph, the meeting this morning made me feel bad, that damned Cobra!"

Just then, he saw a little girl with a blue ponytail not far away, and his eyes lit up.

"Oh? That's, the daughter of that damn Cobra!!"

He showed a malicious smile and hurriedly walked forward to Vivi's side.

He raised his hand and slapped Vivi directly on the face, shouting while hitting:"Ah, sorry, sorry~ My hand seems to have slipped."

Bang -

Vivi was knocked to the ground by Valpo's slap, and the captain of the guard Dalton beside him changed his face and shouted:"King Valpo!"

But Valpo didn't even look at him, still laughing:"Ahahaha, how rude, you are the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta, right?"

Ikarem hurriedly stepped forward to help Vivi up:"Princess Vivi, how are you?"

But before Vivi was helped up, Valpo's shrill laughter was heard again.

"Hahaha, the daughter of an incompetent king is so pitiful!"

Hearing this, Ikalem couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately stepped forward:"Damn it, what do you mean by this!"

And Vivi quickly stood up, tiptoed and pushed towards Ikalem:"Don't be like this, Ikalem, I'm fine."

Then she turned around and looked at Walpo and others, and forced a smile with her pouting little mouth:"I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into you."

Hearing Vivi's words, Ikalem stared at her with a gloomy face. The people on Valpo's side did not expect that the little girl would not cry or make a fuss. She even apologized to them with the wound on her forehead, which made Valpo feel as if his fist was hitting cotton, very uncomfortable.

Dalton's heart was even more stirred.

He thought to himself: It's really amazing. At such a world conference, all kinds of kings came.

Often a little friction will lead to a catastrophic war. This little girl should know this and endure it. She is so amazing at such a young age...

Vivi's performance left a deep impression on Dalton.

Valpo on the side did not have so many inner dramas. He turned around and left with another lackey.

He even cursed:"Huh, what a disgusting kid, Dalton! Let's go."

Dalton just looked at Weiwei deeply, said sorry and turned away.

Ikalem looked at him with indignation, but said nothing more.

After a while, Ikalem took Weiwei to a corner where no one was.

Weiwei couldn't hold back any more, turned around and fell into Ikalem's arms and burst into tears.

""Wow... Wow, it hurts... Ikalem!"

Just as Vivi was crying and Ikalem was comforting her softly, neither of them noticed that a man in green armor was watching this scene not far away.

Dalton hugged his arms and thought that Princess Vivi was amazing. She was so young and she was thinking about the country.


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