In the following time, Sean started the last salted fish mode.

Every day he was either sleeping on the deck or fishing.

Robin also began her career as a teacher. After discussion, Robin was allowed to go back to the Kingdom of Alabasta with Vivi.

By the way, interpret the historical text.

But Sean still had a lot of things to do, such as killing Walpo of the Drum Kingdom.

And go back to the East China Sea to see the little brat Ace.

A few days later, the warship docked at the port of Alabasta.

Cobra and his crew were in charge of Robin, so there was no big problem.

Before leaving, Sean gave Robin a few marked stones so that he could come over at any time.

Under Robin's reluctant gaze, the warship set sail again.



Sean was sitting on the sofa drinking Coke and glanced at Clo who was working:"I'll go out later."

"Are we going to the Drum Kingdom?" Cloe raised his wrist and pushed his glasses up.

"I guess so, but the main purpose is to go back to Donghai, and dealing with that thing is just a by-product."

Clo looked at Sean with envy, he also wanted to take a vacation anytime and anywhere. It has been two years since I went back to Donghai.

I wonder if they will still remember me when I return to my hometown one day.

Clo looked longing, and then said:"If I get promoted, can I be as free as you?"

"Aren't you free now?"

"Am I free?"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, you can do whatever you want now, why are you not free? ?"Sean said unhappily.

Hearing this, Clo was numb all over, and looked at the one-meter-high documents on the table.

Although it is said that you can move freely after processing, the key is that this stuff can never be processed.

Alas, life is not easy, Clo sighed.

He did not argue with Sean, that was not a smart option.

In the end, he silently endured everything.

I, Clo, want to recruit a younger brother!!!

Sean was too lazy to pay attention to this guy with a rich inner drama, opened the window of the office, and flew out directly.

Open the map and fly to the Drum Kingdom.

At Sean's current speed, he can reach this snowy country in half a day.

When he arrived at the highest castle, Sean saw the color of sight and heard, After figuring out the general position of everyone, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he just stretched out his five fingers and clenched them towards the castle below.

Boom - under the effect of repulsion, the ground around the castle began to crack, and then dense gullies appeared.

Valpo was even more shocked, and rushed out of the castle in his pajamas.

The moment Sean saw Valpo, he immediately used gravity to pull out a blizzard.

Under Sean's subtle manipulation, the others did not suffer any harm, at most they were frozen by the snow. In the area where Valpo and his two lackeys were located, various positions were intertwined, constantly cutting their bodies.

This caused several people to make various miserable cries.

"Ah... Dalton, where are you?"

"Where are you guys? Come and save me!"

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much, Dalton, how can you be the captain of the guard team, where are the people?"

Except for these three people, the rest were buried in the snow, and only the sound could be heard. The strange thing was that they could not struggle up.

No, it should be said that with Dalton's strength, he could not struggle up.

Others might think it was an ordinary accident, but he felt the pressure brought by the snow pressing on him.

In a short while, the curses of Walpo and others were gradually drowned out by the sound of wind and snow.

At this time, he was able to move, and hurriedly struggled to get up and dug out the guards who followed him out.

Soon he saw the dazzling red not far away, which was so eye-catching in the vast snowy plain.

The air was filled with There was a faint fishy smell, which made Dalton have a bad guess. He quickly took a few guards to start digging. Some servants, ministers, doctors and others in the castle saw that the sudden snowstorm suddenly stopped, and they also hurried out and found the glaring scarlet.

Everyone looked at each other and hurried forward to check.

When they got closer, they found that Dalton had dug nearly one meter deep at the place where he was digging, but there was no sign of anyone.

Only the snow with a fishy smell was still there quietly.

They also had some guesses, but they didn't dare to confirm them, so gradually people shouted

"King Walpo!"

"King Walpo, are you still there?"

After everyone shouted for a while, there was no response at all. Everyone fell into a brief silence.

Then a cheer broke out.

"Is this God's punishment for him?"

"He should be dead, right?"

"Woohoo... The whole country is almost ruined by this devil. God is watching over us."


While everyone was excited and discussing, Dalton was not happy at all.

Because he knew that this was not an accident, but a murder disguised as an accident.

Dalton looked around solemnly, as if he wanted to find the person behind the scenes, but he found nothing.

He loves this country very much, and he is very worried, because he doesn't know what the purpose of that person is, and whether he will cause harm to this broken country again.

He didn't dare to tell others, he was afraid that the citizens would be retaliated. After all, judging from the scene just now. It probably wouldn't take too much effort for the other party to kill them to silence them.

Before he could figure out the reason, he found that everyone was looking at him with fiery eyes.

So he could only bite the bullet and deal with the consequences of this incident.

And Sean, who had been standing in the air, smiled slightly when he saw this, and it was as he expected.

Dalton's prestige is too high. Once Valpo steps down, there is no doubt that he will be the new king of this country.

No longer paying attention to the messy people below, Sean flew to another place.

Soon, the injured Chopper was sensed in a tree house, receiving the hectic treatment of the quack doctor Hiluruka.

Sean smiled slightly:"What an interesting country, the top doctors can save people but can't save people, the quack doctors can't save people, but they can also save people."

Dr. Hiluruka is a quack doctor who lives a very bad life, but wants to save this country.

If you don't have the ability to save people, then think about saving this country. When Chopper was bullied and hunted by the tribe and humans as a monster.

Only he would treat him as a patient after seeing the injured Chopper.

In the original book, even if he was despised by others, he could still drag his dying body to treat people, and after learning that no one was sick, he went to death without regrets.

At that moment, he cured the heart disease of everyone present except Valpo. He is a well-deserved great life mentor.

Sean thought about it and decided to meet them, because only Sean knew.

This old man only has more than a year to live and suffers from an incurable disease


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