
If it were Chopper, Sean would not have planned to take him into the navy, and neither would the rest of the protagonists.

The reason was simple, because a lucky child like Luffy, if he kept reckless, he would be able to get more information.

His luck was not something he could compare to, and Luffy was Ace's younger brother, and Ace was his subordinate.

Sabo was his subordinate's subordinate, and Zoro was his junior brother, and that guy really admired him.

So he landed directly at the door and knocked on it gently.

Knock knock -

Hearing someone knock on the door, although he was a little confused, the quack doctor still came to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a navy with a cold face, wearing a white suit and a coat of justice.

Yes, Sean changed his outfit, there was no way, he was tired of wearing black every day, and it would be nice to change into a white suit occasionally.

After all, his nickname is"Tulong", isn't it white.

The moment he saw the navy, Hiluluk was a little panicked, he thought he was reported.

Was he reported for random medical treatment or all kinds of fraud?

Looking at the worried expression of the quack doctor in front of him, Sean just found it funny. He spoke first before the other party could think of a solution.

"Won't you let me in and sit down? Dr. Hiluruka."

The quack doctor was startled back to his senses by Sean, and quickly welcomed Sean in.

But the worry between his brows became more and more intense. What if the other party wanted to accept a bribe...

When he entered the other party's house, he saw all kinds of messy books and some bottles and jars.

This should be the"panacea" that the other party has researched to cure the people.

At this time, Sean found that a small reindeer at the door of the room not far away was looking at him.

He pulled at the door, revealing most of his body, and he thought he was hiding very well.

He was frightened by Sean's light glance and shrank back into the room.

Seeing this, Hiluruka hurriedly stepped forward and introduced:"That's Chopper, my son!"

"He didn't do anything bad. The child has a hard life. If you have any problems, just arrest me. Don't involve him, please."

The quack doctor had a pleading look on his face, thinking that Sean was a navy who came to arrest him.

Upon hearing this, Chopper in the room ran out and stood in front of Hiruruka.

He looked at Sean vigilantly without saying a word, but his actions showed everything.

Sean smiled. It seemed that Chopper had been living with the quack doctor for a while, but the quack doctor's level was limited.

He didn't take good care of Chopper, so he didn't fully recover.

So he said,"I don't mean anything else. I'm not here to arrest you. I just want to come in and take a look."

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to believe what he said, he raised his hand and released a 'wish' towards Chopper.

In an instant, Chopper's small body lit up with a milky yellow light, with a little starlight.

In a moment, Chopper felt better than ever before and squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

The quack examined Chopper with a worried look on his face, but after removing the bandages, he found that Chopper's injuries were all gone. He immediately bowed to Sean with excitement and said,"Thank you so much, you are a very good navy. This child is too lonely, woo woo, hahaha."

As he spoke, he was dancing, crying and laughing. He was very happy, not because he was not caught, nor because the other party cured Chopper's injuries.

But he felt the kindness that Sean showed to Chopper, which was undoubtedly a heavy hammer for Chopper.

The rejection of his own kind and the disgust of humans have cast a shadow on the fragile heart of this simple-minded little reindeer who only wants to be close to humans.

Some people use their childhood to heal their entire lives, but some people use their entire lives to heal their childhood.

The heartbroken little reindeer blinked his big eyes at Sean, as if asking why he helped him.

Looking at Chopper's appearance, Sean wanted to go up and rub him, so cute.

But he still looked at Hiruluk and whispered,"Don't get too excited, do you know that you have a terminal illness?"

The quack doctor who was dancing with joy froze when he heard this, and then looked at his research and laughed heartily,"Haha, really? That's such a pity, but it's okay~"

But when he saw Chopper's eyes filled with deep worry, his heart trembled.

His research should be able to catch up, but what should Chopper do, and then his eyes lit up.

He thought of his best friend, the real doctor——Dr. Kuleha.

If Chopper didn't know, he might have driven Chopper away and let him meet the other party.

But now it's impossible, he can only bite the bullet and say to Chopper:"I know a very good doctor, so Chopper, don't worry."

Hearing this, the worry on Chopper's face eased a little, but he still said in a baby voice:"Then go find him quickly."

Chopper was very scared, afraid that the only person in his life who had good intentions towards him would die.

When Chopper was seriously injured, it was Hirulka who appeared with a tranquilizer gun in his hand, wanting to treat Chopper, but Chopper did not let Hirulka get close to him.

In order to prove his innocence and express his goodwill, Hirulka even took off all his clothes in this snowy world.

He threw away the tranquilizer gun in his hand just to prove that he really wanted to save him.

For the young Chopper, this scene was undoubtedly a scorching sun that suddenly lit up in the darkness.

Hearing this, the quack doctor was a little embarrassed, but still said,"Then can you wait for me here obediently? I'll go call her over."

He wanted Kuleha to help conceal his illness. He didn't doubt Sean's medical skills at all.

After all, the other party just waved his hand lightly, and Chopper's injuries were healed, and there was not even a scar.

Since the other party said it was a terminal illness, it should be incurable.

In his heart, Sean was as good a doctor as Kuleha.

Now all he wanted to do was to ask Kuleha to help him conceal it.

Sean on the side certainly understood what the mediocre doctor was thinking, but he didn't stop him, because he also wanted Chopper to contact the other party in advance.

Otherwise, if he cured the mediocre doctor directly and told him that Walpo was dead, would Chopper still be able to learn medicine?

According to the record pointer, the Straw Hat Pirates will eventually come here, and he doesn't want Chopper to become mediocre.

If he fools him again at that time, he will have paid a huge price and suffered serious injuries to save the mediocre doctor.

Guide Chopper to study his own"panacea".

Chopper heard the mediocre doctor say that he would go to Kuleha by himself, and he was immediately unhappy:"No! I want to go with you, otherwise I will not be at ease"

""Hahaha, stupid son, I'll be fine. Just wait for me at home. My friend has a weird temper and likes to eat children!"

Hiluluk threatened Chopper.


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