
It was to open a tunnel for the subsequent plan.

No wonder Sean felt that Kuina's Storm Kick was so weak, just like a beginner.

Kuina took the opportunity when Sean threw her out, and used her immature internal destruction domineering to step on the ground where Sean was standing.

Sean promised not to use domineering, so his observation domineering was naturally useless.

So Sean naturally didn't find out the little plan of the two, which gave Dashiki the opportunity to hit Sean.

At this time, Kuina also came back in embarrassment, with her little face full of"Praise me quickly", proud like a little peacock.

Seeing this, Sean said unhappily:"Are you very proud?"

This sudden reprimand made Kuina's little face stunned.

A little at a loss, she didn't know what she did wrong.

Why praise Kuina but not me!!!

"In terms of this assessment alone, you have passed, but what is the content of this assessment?"

Hearing Sean's question, Kuina answered first:"It is to see the progress of our physical skills!"

Sean nodded first, then shook his head and said:"Only half of the answer is right."

And Dashiqi on the side then added:"They want to see all our methods, not just limited to swordsmanship"

"That's right, then tell me, did I use any other means?"

Then, Sean looked at Kuina unhappily and said,"Why do you think I sent you here and didn't let you touch the sword?"

"The battle with pirates is about life and death, not victory or defeat."

"If your opponent is not me next time, and others use all their tricks, what can you do? Are you still proud?"

"Don’t listen to some people’s nonsense about swordsmen who know physical skills are not pure, that’s what those noobs say!"

"If you are not good at physical skills, don't expect your opponent's swordsmanship to be strong."

"So even if you pass, you are not qualified to be happy. The enemy will not hold back just because you are weak!"

When she heard this, Kuina's cheeks were slightly red.

Now she was embarrassed to praise.

Sean fought them with pure instinct, but he was not suitable for pride. He was just a little unhappy for some reason.

Looking at Kuina's pouting mouth, Sean leaned over and gently rubbed it to comfort her.

"Okay, just remember what I said. Pack up and go home to meet Master's Wife and the others. Next time, go directly to the New World."

""Okay." Tashigi responded obediently.

As for Kuina, she turned her back, a little upset, and wanted Sean to go over and comfort her.

Because Sean just praised Tashigi but not her, even if Sean was right, she still wanted to act pretentiously to prove that she was special.

But Sean will not indulge the other party in these things.

I can tolerate your little naivety, but you can't be unscrupulous when I am serious.

So Sean didn't even look at Kuina, just smiled, turned around and walked towards the elderly group.

Kuina heard Sean's footsteps going away, and she was a little indignant.

She kept muttering,"What, stinky Sean, bad Sean, I will never talk to you again"

"She bullies me all day long, even though she wasn't like this when she was a kid.……"

At the end of her speech, tears as big as beans fell down.

It made Tashigi's head hurt, but she still walked in front of Kuina:

"Sean might really be angry this time"

"Humph, if he doesn't come to coax me, I will never talk to him again."Guina said stubbornly.

This is actually related to the fact that Sean doted on her since she was a child, because Sean was adopted.

So since she was a child, he almost obeyed everything Kuina said, which made her more princess-like than in the original book.

At this time, Dashiqi, who had always been weak, suddenly became unusually serious.

"You really did something wrong this time. I know what you are thinking. You want Sean's attention and praise to prove that Sean cares about you."

"But you've gone too far this time. The theme of this time is to let us know the gap and understand the gap, which involves life safety."

At this point, Guina paused.

"But you have to make a big deal out of a small matter. In fact, I envy you for that."

Seeing the usually gentle Dashiqi speaking to her"sister" so seriously for the first time, Kuina was a little scared.

She also knew that she shouldn't lose her temper, but she couldn't help it.

Hearing Dashiqi's words, she suddenly became curious:"What are you envious of?"

Dashiqi's eyes sparkled:"Of course you can act like a spoiled child to Sean without restraint. If it doesn't involve principles, when have you ever seen him reject you?"

"Come to think of it, I was able to train here with you because of your request. So tell me, is it worth it to make Sean unhappy because of such a small thing?"

Upon hearing this, Kuina fell silent.

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that from childhood to adulthood, even if her father did not think highly of her, it was Sean who comforted her.

No matter what she wanted to eat, or secretly increased her training, or other small things, the other party would always tolerate her.

This time, she got angry just because she was not praised, which might be really too much.

If Sean ignores her in the future, then...

Thinking of this, Kuina was a little panicked.

She asked quickly:"Then what should I do? If I go over and apologize now, will he forgive me?"

Seeing that Kuina still realized that she was willful, Tashigi was relieved.

"Just realize your own willfulness. Sean is with Marshal Zhan Guo and the others, probably discussing something, so don't bother him for now."

"Let's go shopping and make a good meal for Sean at noon to thank him for taking care of us. You can also take this opportunity to apologize to him."

Hearing this, Kuina's eyes lit up. When is Sean in the best mood? That is of course when he is eating.

Only delicious food cannot be let down. This is what he often said when he was a child.

Kuina clapped her hands immediately:"Let's do it, you are really my good sister!"

Dashiqi also responded with a sweet smile.

Immediately, the two walked towards the commercial district. As they walked, Kuina seemed to remember something.

Looking at Dashiqi with a smirk, she bumped her elbow with her:"Hey, do you also want to act like a spoiled child to Sean like me?"

Hearing this, Dashiqi's cheeks blushed slightly. She just felt that Kuina had a brother who doted on her, and she felt very envious.

What she envied was that Kuina had someone to vent her emotions to, not just acting like a spoiled child.

So she hurriedly said:"No, I just said that to convince you."

"Really? I don't believe it!" Kuina looked at Dashiki with a blushing face suspiciously.

"Oh no! Seriously! Go buy some fresh ingredients quickly. Otherwise, if they don’t taste good, be careful or Sean won’t forgive you!"


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