
It was noon.

After Sean said goodbye to the senior group and returned home, he saw two little girls in aprons busy

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Sean asked in confusion.

""Oh, no, come and sit down first." Kuina pulled Sean to sit down.

While Sean was in a daze, the table was already full of food.

Dashiqi pushed a cup of Coke in front of Sean, and then raised her juice:

"Thank you Sean for taking care of us all the time!"

After that, Tashigi drank the juice in one gulp.


Seeing the little girl drinking the juice with the momentum of wine, Kuina also raised her glass:"Sean, I was too willful this morning, I'm sorry! Thank you for your tolerance towards me!"

Kuina also drank the juice in one gulp.

"No, what are you guys doing?"

Hearing this, Kuina's cheeks turned slightly red.

Dashiqi explained,"No, Kuina wants to apologize and I want to thank you, that's all."

Sean looked at the two of them suspiciously,"Really? You didn't do anything in private?"

""No!" The two girls said in unison.

Although the two of them were a little strange, and Kuina couldn't be so sensible, Sean smiled with relief when he saw this.

"Okay, you are all my family, no need to thank me, as for what Kuina said... I forgive you too~"

After saying that, Sean began to eat and drink.

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief and then happily enjoyed the delicious lunch.

After eating, the two girls cleaned up the dishes, dragged two lounge chairs to the yard, and lay side by side with Sean who was basking in the sun.

Enjoying this beautiful afternoon.

After a while, Sean squinted his eyes and said,"I'll take you home first, I still have to go out for a while"

""Ah? Where are you going? Didn't you forgive me?" Kuina said, and mist began to fill her big eyes.

Sean was a little confused. Why didn't he think Kuina was so willful before? He had to explain patiently:

"I'm going to find a kid and see how he's doing in training. He'll join our navy when he's seventeen."

"Well, you didn't explain clearly, so I thought you were angry again."Guina pouted and said.

Sean touched Guina's head, and Guina squinted her eyes like a kitten, and even rubbed Sean's palm.

Seeing the eagerness in Dashiqi's eyes, Sean hesitated and slowly stretched out his hand.

Before he touched it, Dashiqi moved her head over and rubbed it.

Seeing this, Sean also smiled, and stroked the heads of the two girls like stroking a cat.

After a while, Sean let go of his palm:"Okay, let's go back, you take your things with you, and next time we will go directly to the new world."

"Ah~ Are you going back so early?" Dashiqi said with some regret.

Sean looked at her and knocked her unhappily:"It's afternoon now, hurry up and pack up and go back."


Soon, the two girls packed up some of their personal belongings.

They both held Sean's hands, and a flash of white light appeared, and Sean and the other two disappeared in the yard.

The scene changed, and Sean and the others appeared in the dojo.

But now it was lunchtime, and no one was in the dojo.

"Go find the teachers first and tell them that I probably won't be back until tomorrow night."

After saying that, Sean took off into the air, flew out of the door, and flew in one direction at high speed.

Sean was looking for Ace this time. Now that he was rich, Sean was no longer stingy with plot points.

He hoped that Ace could reach the level of his father. Ace had the potential to reach the top ceiling.

When flying to Mount Gorber in the Kingdom of Goa, Sean looked at the plot points. There were more than 800,000 in total, which was still plenty.

After arranging everyone, he withdrew to G5 and used the remaining plot points for training to improve his strength.

With Sean With his strength, he flew at high speed, and it only took about an hour to reach Mount Gorber.

Immediately, his observation Haki was fully activated, and he sensed the location of Ace in an instant.

As expected, Ace, who was already thirteen years old, was still fooling around with Luffy.

When he arrived above the two of them,

Sean saw the two kids were training.

Luffy's soft rubber fist hit Ace, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, but Ace dodged it by slightly turning his head.

Then he opened his eyes:"Luffy, you can't do this, it's too slow, I can't even feel the pressure!"

"Well, Ace~ Stop training, let's go play. I found some monster eggs yesterday, let's go steal them!"

Luffy said to Ace with a droopy face.

"No, I will become the King of the Navy by then, so I can't slack off now." Ace said while rubbing Luffy's head angrily.

"Ace!! I told you not to rub my head anymore! You asked me to take off my hat just to rub my head, didn’t you?!"

Little Luffy looked at Ace with resentment. Ever since Ace wanted to become a marine,

Ace would always find a chance to rub his head, which made Luffy very distressed.

It was hard to disobey his brother, but he always made him take off his hat for all kinds of reasons, which made him impossible to refuse.

Ace thought to himself that Luffy had become smarter, but he could finally understand how Sean felt when he rubbed him, which was really good!

Although he thought so, Ace still fooled him,"No, this is my brother’s love for you, and this is a symbol of our closeness as brothers!"

Luffy looked at Ace suspiciously,"Really?"

"It's true, you'll make me sad."

"Um...Okay, I believe you~"

In less than a minute, Luffy put the matter out of his mind.

Then he asked again:"Hey, Ace, Sean you mentioned broke his leg, but he grew it back, how did he do it?"

Ace shook his head:"I don't know, I only saw him in the newspaper."

"But, the newspaper you brought back clearly had Shanks in it, why didn't he grow out~" Luffy was a little depressed

"I'll ask Sean for you next time I see him. You want to help Shanks, right?"

"But he is really amazing. Even with a broken arm, he is still one of the pirate emperors who reigns over the New World!" Ace said with emotion.

Hearing this, Luffy was no longer sleepy, and looked at the straw hat not far away with shining eyes:

"Right, right? I think he's amazing too. Even though he's close to becoming the Pirate King, I won't give up~"

Luffy clenched his fist and said with full fighting spirit.

"But you are still too weak now."Ace couldn't help but say


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