
When he felt that he could not convince Luffy

, Sean gave up decisively. These sons of the world are really something.

They are all good at talking.

If you are not careful, you will be instigated by the other party in a minute.

Not long after, Ace had prepared the ingredients, built a bonfire, and had a barbecue and beer. The more he drank, the happier he became.

At midnight, Luffy returned to the study to sleep.

Sean and Ace were still sitting downstairs chatting.

He took out a genetic potion and gave it to Ace. Ace looked at it and asked,"What is this?"

"This is a potion that will make your body stronger, with no side effects, drink it."

Ace didn't think much about it, the man in front of him was someone he admired, so he immediately raised his head and drank it.

After feeling it for a while, he felt no change, so Ace asked doubtfully:"Is this really something that makes the body stronger?"

"Of course, this thing needs to be developed. In other words, it will increase your upper limit, but it will not directly increase your strength."

Ace thought about it and asked hesitantly,"This thing is very precious, right? When the old man taught us, he always developed it in the direction of the body."

"It's not precious because I'm the only one in the world. It's precious, but there are more than ten people who have taken it. What's wrong?"

Sean asked with some confusion.

Ace glanced at the tree house, shook his head and said,"Nothing."

He wanted to ask Sean if he could give one to his brother, but he thought the request was too much, so he didn't ask again.

Sean also saw what Ace was thinking and smiled. This is Voldemort, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to give it to the other party.

So he said patiently,"Your brother has his own adventures. If you help him in this way, he may not be happy."

Sean was telling the truth. In the original work, whether Raftel's permanent pointer, the great treasure, existed or not, it was within reach several times.

But Luffy refused it every time, especially when he crushed the permanent pointer, it was simply more exciting than Bo.

If you directly tell Luffy that you can become stronger quickly after drinking this thing, and then compete for the Four Emperors and the Pirate King, then the process will be gone.

The bond with his companions will not be as deep as in the original work, and Sean is still counting on Luffy to catch a big fish.

After hearing what Sean said, Ace thought about it and felt that his younger brother might be naive, but his adventurous character would not allow him to take shortcuts, right?

"Okay, I got it."

After Sean rubbed Ace's dog head with satisfaction for a while, he took out the tent to rest.

In the tent, he rested his head on his arm and thought about how to make the navy independent. If

Kizaru wants to be the admiral of the navy, the navy must be baptized by a big war, and Sengoku must be forced to step down voluntarily.

Otherwise, no one in the navy of that era could force them to step down.

Then there must be the Battle of the Summit, so the question is, without Ace as the fuse of the Battle of the Summit, who else can there be?

Sean, who couldn't sleep, took out his Den Den Mushi and called Kizaru, intending to ask about the situation.

Bulu Bulu ~

On the other side, this time Kizaru finally didn't look at the anti-wiretapping phone in his hand to charge, but picked up the Den Den Mushi with its mouth opening and closing.

"Moses Moses"

"Ah, old man, it's me. I want to discuss something with you. Where are you?"

""It's Sean. I'm still in Marijoa. Is it something important?" On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, Kizaru was a little confused.

From his understanding of Sean, he was a lazy person. He called so late at night, probably because of something important.

Sean thought about it. He had left a mark in the guesthouse today. As long as Kizaru was there, it would be fine. He would not talk about such important things in the Den Den Mushi.

"Yes, there is something very important. If I don't discuss it now, I'm afraid I will forget it. Are you in that guesthouse?"

Sean was also afraid that if he didn't discuss it immediately, he would put it off again and again the next day.

"Ah? I'm not here, but you can come over, it'll be quick."

"Then you wait for me in that room in five minutes, I'll be there soon."

After saying that, Sean hung up the Den Den Mushi and got out of the tent. With Kizaru's speed, he didn't worry that the other party would be late.

Outside the tent, Sean sensed that Ace had fallen asleep, took out a cigar, looked up at the stars, and thought about how to advance the war at the top.

He would not wait foolishly for the scheduled time to do things. Now it was time to plan, and the first step would start with the navy.

The people who were trained have also grown up and can do it.

Five minutes later, Sean was teleported directly to the room where he met Enel.

Sure enough, Kizaru was already waiting there, looking at Sean with resentment:"I'm about to go to bed, are you in such a hurry?"

Sean took a look and knew that the other party was really getting ready to go to bed, because Kizaru was wearing pajamas.

Without explaining, he walked towards Kizaru and put his hand on Kizaru's shoulder:"Let's talk somewhere else!"

Swoosh - a flash of white light, Sean and Kizaru returned to the port of the Kingdom of Goa.

After looking at the environment, it felt pretty good, with only the rustling of leaves and the sound of waves hitting the port.

The sea in the distance was like a huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing people, dark and deep, which made people palpitate. The sea in the daytime and the sea at night really gave people a completely different feeling.

Fortunately, I don't have a fear of the deep sea, otherwise I would be scared to death when I saw the sea at night.

After making sure that no one could eavesdrop, Sean looked at Kizaru and said straight to the point:"I want to lead a war between the Four Emperors and the Navy."

"No, what are you talking about? Say it again."

Kizaru was a little confused. He said right away that he wanted to go to war with the Four Emperors. Can you just fight if you want to? Have you thought about the impact?

Sean said with a serious face:"I want to discuss with you how to lead a war. This is a necessary stage."

This time, Kizaru understood that Sean was serious.

He said with a headache:"Why did you suddenly think of starting a war? The sea has finally maintained a balance this year, but you want to break it? Is this possible?"

Sean used telekinesis to create two chairs from the ground. He sat on a chair first and motioned Kizaru to sit down and talk.

In Kizaru's stunned eyes, Sean took out two bottles of Coke and handed him one.

Ignoring Kizaru's eyes, he pondered for a moment and said:"Whitebeard must die. Any pirate can live, but he can't."

Hearing this, Kizaru became even more uneasy. He thought the other party wanted to choose the other three as targets, but the other party actually chose the strongest one right away.

"Are you sure? Whitebeard won't be easily provoked by the navy now."


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