
Kizaru thought about it and decided that what he should consider now was not this problem, but how to dissuade Sean from this crazy idea.

The World Government would not allow Sean to break this hard-earned short-lived peace.

"No, the problem now is not how to deal with Whitebeard, because the higher-ups will not allow it."Kizaru said

"I know, didn't I come to discuss this with you?"

Kizaru had a headache, this was too troublesome, but he still asked:"Did Whitebeard offend you? Why do you want to deal with him for no reason?"

Sean shook his head, lit a cigar, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

He said with emotion:"He didn't offend me. On the contrary, I like this man very much. He is a real hero. If I were not a navy, I really want to make friends with him."

This is his heartfelt thought. No matter what he did, he is a man who puts his family first, has great courage, and is loyal.

"Then why do you still want to deal with him?"

Sean glanced at Kizaru and said softly:"Sengoku will not betray the World Government. Only when the old era ends, he will give up that position."

"But even so, there is no need to lead a decisive battle with Whitebeard, have you thought about the losses in the meantime?"Kizaru looked at Sean helplessly and said.

He felt that Sean was too impulsive.

Sean knew that if he could, he would not take the initiative to provoke this war. After all, he was not a warmongerer.

But there is no doubt that with the current situation, he could not predict the future, so he had to promote the progress of the times himself.

"I understand what you said, and I will do my best to protect it, but the number of pirates is growing rapidly."

"Our navy must demonstrate our dignity, and this is also the most important purpose."

"What is the purpose?"

Sean narrowed his eyes and whispered,"To break away from the World Government"

"Even if we don't fight Whitebeard, the wheel of time will still crush him. This era is called Whitebeard, so it must end!"

Sean said this firmly. He knew very well what Whitebeard's existence meant to other civilians.

Why did the requirements for idols and public figures in the previous life have to be strict? Because their fans will imitate them subconsciously.

Their every move affects countless people, not to mention pirates. Few people influenced by Whitebeard have learned benevolence and righteousness. All they have learned is the burning, killing and looting of ordinary pirates. Such an example must be set down.

"Why is the main purpose of going to war with Whitebeard to break away from the World Government? Is there any connection?" Kizaru was still a little confused.

"Of course, if Zhan Guo doesn't step down, how can you be a marshal? If you don't become a marshal, how can you influence the entire navy?…"

"Stop!"Kizaru interrupted Sean before he could finish.

"Since you have let me know your purpose, why don't you choose to be the marshal?"

After thinking about it, Sean decided to tell the other party something:"That's because I need to be more mysterious than it! I can't appear in Marijoa so frequently!"

Kizaru frowned. Sean was not talking about them, but 'it', which means it's not the Five Elders, so... thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat. Could there be something more behind it? Although there were some guesses before, no one had a definite answer.

Seeing Kizaru's expression, Sean understood that Kizaru had guessed it. Since Kizaru could appear frequently in Marijoa, it would be strange if the other party was completely unaware of it.

Facing Kizaru's inquiring gaze, he responded:"You guessed right. The highest power is not those five old guys at all. There is another person above their heads who they need to kneel down to worship!"

When he said this, Sean narrowed his eyes. He had been in this world for more than 20 years.

In his cognition, nothing could suppress the entire sea, not even the Pluto that could destroy an island with one shot!

Yellow Monkey's heart was in turmoil. He also confirmed the pyramid of this world for the first time.

Above the navy was the 'steel bone' Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and above him were five people known to the top leaders of all forces in this world - the Five Elders.

But he didn't expect that there would be someone above these five people with the highest power in the world.

So his wretched and lazy expression became more serious and earnest.

"Even so, do you still want to go against them?"

This time it was Sean's turn to lie lazily on the stone bench. With Sean's ability, the dust did not stick to his clothes.

He drank a sip of Coke and said,"So what? How many decades are there in life? The most important thing is to have fun."

"So what do you want to do?"

Seeing Kizaru's puzzled look, Sean was speechless. If I knew

, would I need to discuss it with you? So he responded casually:"I don't know. Otherwise, why would I ask you to come? I just want to discuss with you. Discuss Whitebeard's plan to attack the headquarters at all costs."

Hearing this, Kizaru was even more dumbfounded this time. Does this still need to be discussed?

He immediately asked unhappily:"You kept me awake just to discuss this?"

Sean's hand holding the Coke froze:"No, what do you mean by this? That's the most powerful pirate group in the world!" Kizaru raised his left eyebrow, tilted his mouth and pouted:"What~ This is obviously the simplest thing, just publicly execute his son."

He felt that he seemed to have said too much, so he added:"Those who have followed him the longest, just grab any one of them, and he will definitely come to rescue"

"In this ocean, there is an iron rule for their pirate group, which is that they are not allowed to harm the families of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Hearing this, Sean was enlightened, and in an instant, even the subsequent plans became clear.

He was blinded by one thing, and he had been thinking that Ace was Roger's son, and Whitebeard would rescue him after he was captured.

But what he didn't take into account was that Whitebeard and Roger were equal in status.

He went to rescue Ace not because of Roger at all, but simply because he was his family, his crew member.

Therefore, even if any old crew member was captured, with the benevolence of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard would attack.

Even without him, with Blackbeard Teach's character, he would plot against Whitebeard sooner or later.

His impression of the New World so far is limited to the G5 waters. According to the advancement of the plot, it is inevitable that Teach will obtain the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Since Teach will plot against Whitebeard no matter what, why not capture him before Teach betrays him.

In the eyes of the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is a good son who has followed Whitebeard for decades.


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