
When Teach was hiding, Feng Ping was simply a model student. He was modest and polite, friendly to his partners, and low-key and not interested in the limelight. He was a perfect candidate for the captain of the squad.

But in the original work, the position of the captain of the second squad was given to Ace.

If he was caught, the reaction would definitely not be weaker than in the original work. After more than ten or twenty years of bondage, the public would definitely be in turmoil.

It's settled! The plan worked.

But what about the balance of power in the sea?

Once Whitebeard and Teach were gone, the New World would inevitably be bloody again.

His original intention was to give Whitebeard the most luxurious funeral and to support Kizaru in advance so that he could make more plans.

He didn't want too many civilians to be involved in the fall of the Whitebeard Pirates, because even if those islands paid protection fees, they also enjoyed the protection of the pirates' flag.

At least they were alive, at least there was hope. Once the balance was broken, the navy would be out of reach of the New World.

Sean couldn't take care of all the islands.

So Sean told Kizaru everything except Teach, and asked him what to do with the remaining forces of Whitebeard.

Kizaru didn't know that there would be a Teach, so he thought about it quietly.

It should be said that Kizaru is indeed a veteran navy, and he knows the rules between pirates very well.

So he asked,"Are there pirates in your organization?"

When Kizaru met Enel later, he also knew that he joined an organization called"Fall".

According to the other party, it was the"Fall" of the gods' fall. At that time, I was impressed by Sean's ambition.

Hearing Kizaru's question, Sean's mouth twitched, and he guessed that it was Enel, the idiot.

But after a moment of silence, he said,"There is only one pirate group that is completely ours, what's wrong?"

As for the Tesoro couple, they are not pirates at all, they are simply building a country.

As for Law, he just stayed in Doflamingo's pirate group to explore the other party's secrets.

The only pirate group that can really use their own people is Nine Snake.

"How powerful is it? Or which pirate group is it."Kizaru asked.

Sean glanced at him and said,"What do you want to say about Hancock's pirate group?"

Kizaru was a little confused. My goodness, the pirates have been arranged under the command of the World Government. How much do you want the World Government to fall?

However, Kizaru still asked irrelevant questions and continued to ask,"Then can you improve the foundation of their pirate group in the short term?"

Sean frowned slightly, not knowing what the other party was thinking, but he still thought about it.

With the style of the Nine Snakes Pirates and Hancock's arrogant personality, the other party will not allow men to join the group. The only ones who can be sent in are Robin and Baby5, but Robin is now in Alabasta, and Baby5 should be able to, after all, the other party has been practicing in the Revolutionary Army.

Although he didn't know what Kizaru's purpose was, he nodded:"It is possible to arrange for someone with the same strength as Enelu, or even stronger than Enelu to go in."

Sean was right, after all, he still had a mythical beast devil fruit in his hand, which was originally reserved for Baby5.

Hearing this, Kizaru thought for a while and said immediately:"Then it will be easy to arrange after the war. Judging from the conflict between Hancock and BIG MON a few years ago,"

"As long as her pirate group's foundation is strengthened, it can still succeed Whitebeard and become one of the Four Emperors!"

"And you haven't taken action against Whitebeard recently, right?"

Upon hearing this, Sean suddenly realized, yes, who said that the Empress can only be one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Can't one of the Four Emperors? In this case, in addition to the Revolutionary Army, another force has entered the New World.

So Sean said happily:"Okay, you are worthy of being a veteran in the Navy. I myself am often confused because there are too many forces, which leads to them not playing their roles."

"I really envy your laziness, old man. Maybe only in this way can your mind be clearer."

Hearing Sean's Versailles, Kizaru almost couldn't bear it and rushed up to beat the other party. There were too many forces...

But he still endured it and asked,"Do you have any specific plans? Which son of the other party do you want to execute?"

Sean thought about it and decided to tell it, so that Kizaru could be prepared and take advantage of this period of time before it happened to build up relations.

Lay a solid foundation for an independent navy

"My vision is that in four years, my subordinates will have grown up thoroughly, and we will be more confident!"

He didn't tell Kizaru that after planning the Four Emperors and the position of Marshal, it will be a higher level of world government.

"As for who to execute, my idea is one of his little-known sons, Marshall·D·Teach."

Hearing this, Kizaru frowned and asked in confusion:"I have indeed never heard of this person. Is there anything special about him?"

Kizaru knew that Sean would not make a move without a purpose. This candidate must have some purpose for Sean.

"Of course, don't underestimate him, he is an ambitious man, lurking beside Whitebeard for more than 20 years."

Kizaru didn't ask how the other party knew, just thought that the other party's intelligence network was strong, don't you see that the bosses of CP are all the other party's younger brothers?

"Then this guy is really dangerous, why did you choose him?"Kizaru asked suspiciously. Sean chuckled and said,"You have already given the answer. He is too dangerous. He has been hiding for more than 20 years. As for why, we still don't know."

"But a powerful guy has been hiding for more than 20 years without being wanted, which shows how deep his plan is." (Teach still has some strength at this time, Red Hair said���Fang is dangerous)

"But one thing is certain, if I want to plot against this guy, I will not have any psychological burden at all."

Yes, Sean was also hypocritical, but he quickly calmed down. This is reality, and everything can no longer be divided by the perspective of anime.

Whitebeard has a huge impact on countless new pirates. This is one of the sources of trouble left over from the old era.

"So, there are still four years left. Is there anything I need to do?"

"Of course, you should be more radical in the next few years. Even if you want to compete for the position of admiral, not to mention your network of connections,

Enel alone will have reasons to support you, so you can just rest assured to establish your authority as the admiral of the navy."

Hearing this, Kizaru chuckled. In the eyes of the World Government, as long as he is not lazy, he will definitely be nominated.

As for strength? Anyway, Sakaski and Kuzan have never seen my strength~


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