
Afterwards, Sean discussed some details with Kizaru and sent Kizaru back.

From now on, Kizaru just needs to maintain his image in the navy.

The next morning.

Sean was awakened by a loud noise.

He walked out of the tent sleepily and saw Luffy playing with Ace. He was a little speechless. He hated children the most. Such a disturbing dream in the early morning.

Seeing Sean wake up, Luffy's eyes lit up, and he immediately trotted to Sean:"Hey, Sean, can you help Shanks?"

Luffy thought he had forgotten about it, but he didn't expect the other party to bring it up again.

So Luffy couldn't hear what Luffy said, and looked at Ace:"Ace, I'm leaving. The next time we meet should be in the navy."

"Well, I will go to sea in four years, and I will definitely join your team then."

Ace said with a firm face.

Luffy, who was standing aside, was attracted by other topics and asked quickly:"Ace, if you don't join grandpa's army, aren't you afraid that he will beat you?"

Ace's face froze, but he recovered quickly:"What's there to be afraid of? Which unit in the navy doesn't matter? Besides, he has to be able to beat me in four years!"

Ace was confident. He believed that even if he couldn't beat Garp, he wouldn't be beaten too badly, and he would grow up.

He already knew that when he was younger, his ability to scare a wild beast to death in order to protect Luffy was the domineering color domineering.

Sean also told him that possessing the domineering color domineering is not necessarily a top powerhouse, but most of the top powers have the domineering color domineering.

So, he is very confident!

Seeing Ace's proud face, Sean gave him a thumbs up:"You are really energetic, keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing you next time!"

After that, Sean's body slowly flew up.

Seeing this, Ace waved his hand and shouted:"Don't worry, I will become stronger! I will become the King of the Navy!!!!"

Seeing this, Luffy on the side also shouted:"And me! I will become the Pirate King!!!!"

Sean looked at Luffy and felt a little sorry for Garp. Luffy was definitely a naughty kid when he was a kid. He sighed and flew slowly towards Shimotsuki Village.

On the way, Sean thought about the Nine Snakes Pirates, and his heart moved. It might not be enough to rely on Baby 5 alone. The

Four Emperors' pirate groups have 10 or 8 cadres, and there are even more middle-level cadres.

Even if Hancock pays attention to the combat power training of the citizens now, it is impossible to catch up with the talents they have absorbed from the entire ocean in a short time.

So to be on the safe side, at least one more high-level combat power is needed, otherwise it will be difficult for Hancock to gain a foothold.

As for Robin, it's okay to help occasionally. Robin is also very busy and has to collect historical texts everywhere.

Thinking of this, Sean opened the system

【Host: Sean

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Combat Power: 20009"10 ordinary soldiers, 11-499 elite soldiers below lieutenant colonel, 500-4000 elite colonel to major general, 4001-7000 lieutenant general, 7001-9999 general candidates, 10000 and above generals/Four Emperors, no upper limit." (It is a combination of Tao power and ability. The combined value is lower than the simple Tao power.)

Abilities: Telekinesis, Armament Haki Max, Observation Haki Max, Conqueror Haki Max

Skills: Prayer, Purification, Swordsmanship, Flying Thunder God Teleport, Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

Warehouse: Mikazuki Munechika, Yumeng Senmaru 'used', pure gold upgraded version * 9, spare clothes, some photos, Yunyun Fruit, Nekomata Fruit... plot points: 639713]

Sean narrowed his eyes. The Nekomata Fruit was for Baby5, and the remaining Yunyun Fruit...

In fact, this fruit is really very suitable for Nami, a navigator with super talent, but Sean thought that she would join Luffy's pirate group in the future, so he didn't give it to her for a long time.

Suddenly, Sean remembered that when he left Cocoa Village, the plot points suddenly increased.

At that time, he said he would go to see it, but he forgot about it later.

Thinking of this, Sean immediately changed direction and flew towards Cocoa Village.

If the guess is correct, Nami probably has some new ideas. Besides, he doesn't want to be a navy, so he probably will be happy to let her join a pirate group with the potential of the Four Emperors.

It is not necessary to join Luffy's pirate group. Sean does not want the people he trained to become the wedding dress of the protagonist group in the end.

Isn't that nonsense? When watching anime, you like it, but the reality is completely different. He is not so great that he asks his men to lick the protagonist group.

Besides, it is not certain who the protagonist is.

Not long after, Sean arrived at the island where the Cocoa West Village was located at a high speed.

When he arrived at the destination, he immediately unfolded his perception of observation and then found two small figures on a beach.

After flying above the two figures, Sean saw an orange ponytail girl wearing the same black training suit as Sean before, sweating profusely and doing push-ups.

There was also a purple short-haired girl squatting next to her. Isn't this Nami and her sister Nokiko?

But Sean was a little confused. Shouldn't Nami be wearing a short skirt and short hair at this time?

Why is she still wearing the same training suit as before? It's just that the white feather is missing.

Oh, no, there is a white haori on a stone table not far away.

Nokiko below took out a handkerchief and wiped Nami's sweat:"Nami, do you want to take a break?"

Nami said with a grunt:"No, no, I'll do another fifty and it will be done soon."

Not long after, Nami finished the push-ups and immediately collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Nokiko quickly pulled Nami up:"Wipe the sweat first, otherwise you will catch a cold later."

Nami stuck out her tongue and let her sister pull her up and fiddle with her, enjoying her sister's tenderness.

"Nami, don't rush it. Bellmaire said you're still growing and rushing is bad for your health."

Nojigo complained as he wiped Nami's sweat.

"Oh, I know, but our girls’ physical fitness is not as good as those monsters, so we can only be more diligent~" Nami said softly���Dongmawei said

"Having said that, you have to take care of your body. Anyway, I can't accompany you in such high-intensity training."

Noki also practiced together to accompany her sister at the beginning, but she couldn't stick to it without the heart to become stronger. She could only accompany Nami in another way, that is, to help Nami wipe the sweat, feed her water and so on.

She also felt a little emotional. Sean had a great influence on Nami's childhood. It was so great that Nami tied her hair into a ponytail to look more capable.

Although she thought short hair looked more capable, and she also imitated Sean's dressing style.

Sometimes she admired her sister very much. For her ideal, she could work so hard, but she was different.

She just wanted to be a waste who lived a life of idleness and waited for death. Oh, how miserable~


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