
Before Bell-mère could say anything, Nami immediately jumped up with her hands raised

"Of course! Don't you think so, Bell-mère?" After that, she blinked her big eyes and looked at Bell-mère.

Bell-mère would certainly not refuse. Even if Sean went to any resident's house in the village, no one would refuse.

After all, he is the great benefactor of the Kokoasi Village.

She chuckled and said,"It is an honor for our family, Mr. Navy."

So Nami took Sean's hand and ran into the house. Nojigo looked at Bell-mère helplessly.

"Bellmère, you can't handle so many ingredients, why don't I ask the neighbor next door to help?"

Bellmère rubbed Noqigao's little head:"No need, since the navy man didn't come here in a high-profile manner, maybe he has something to ask us?"

"Ah, then let me help you?"

"It's okay, you go in and accompany Nami, the navy has already prepared the ingredients."

Nojigo walked to the sea beast with some doubts, and just saw Sean just controlling the knife���It passed by with a swish, but there was no overall change.

Nokigo stretched out her hand and lightly tapped it, and with a swish, the sea beast meat broke into pieces and slid to the side.

"Look, come in quickly, I'm going to show off my skills today, I have to entertain Mr. Navy well."Bellmaire said with full of energy.

So, Nokigo walked into the house, and saw his sister chattering around Sean like a little bird.

She had completely forgotten the aloof style she wanted to learn.

And Sean was also patiently listening to Nami's daily life, such as who was teased by her, which family's gossip and so on.

Seeing Nokigo come in, the two just glanced at each other, so Sean took this opportunity to instruct Nami on her previous practice.

But when he saw some calluses on Nami's little hands, his expression was inevitably a little complicated. A child of this age actually had calluses on his hands.

It can be imagined that Nami's usual practice was definitely not lazy. After sighing, he cast a"wish" on Nami.

Immediately, Nami felt the long-lasting fatigue. Lao was greatly relieved and hummed comfortably.

Even after watching it again, Nojiko still felt that Sean's ability was too cheating. As long as the person was not dead, he could save them.

The calluses on Nami's hands were gone, and they turned back to those white and tender little hands. Nojiko, who was standing by, was a little envious when she saw it. Nojiko, who often helped Bellmère with work, also had some calluses on her hands, but she was embarrassed to speak up, and this was a healing ability, so it was no big deal to ask Sean to help remove the calluses.

Kids of this age can't hide things. Sean knew it after taking a look at Nojiko, so he also used a"wish" on her.

Not long after, smelling the fragrance from the kitchen, Sean's stomach growled.

So he had to make up a topic casually:"By the way, Nami, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

Hearing this, Nami said without hesitation:"I want to draw maps all over the world, maps that belong to me!"

"Yes, Nami has worked very hard for this goal. Ever since she heard from you, Sean, about the dangers of the sea, she has been working hard for her dream every day~" When

Nojigo heard Sean's question, he proudly introduced his sister's dream.

Sean nodded:"That's great, but how will you go to sea?"

Little Nami thought for a while and said:"I will become stronger first, then travel at sea, and finally join the navy!"

Hearing Nami's words, Sean was not surprised, because from his observation of them just now, Sean already knew that Nami regarded him as an idol.

So Nami would not become a pirate, and that's why Sean wanted to start the war on the top to get rid of Whitebeard.

From the perspective of the anime, Whitebeard is a big pirate with feelings and righteousness, and he has many sons.

But in reality, his existence, even if he does nothing, means that he is an idol.

The little devils of this era always choose their positions influenced by Whitebeard.

However, hearing Nami's words, Sean nodded with satisfaction, and he could recommend Nami to the Nine Snakes Pirates with more confidence.

But not now, let her stay in Cocoa Village to practice on her own, and let Nami join Hancock's pirate group four years later.

As for joining the navy in the future, it is not a problem at all, and when she returns to the navy, she will be promoted.

That's a navy undercover in the New World~

Before Sean spoke, Bell-mère's voice came from the kitchen:"Nokigo, Nami, come and help serve the dishes out."

Nami and Nokiko:"Okay~"

So the two little girls ran to the kitchen and brought out pot after pot of food.

Yes, pot, I guess Bellmère knew Sean's appetite, after all, Sean ate a lot when their village had a banquet.

I guess someone talked about this topic afterwards. Thinking of this, Sean's old face got hot, it was so embarrassing.

After a while, the food filled the entire table. Bellmère looked at Sean:"Thank you, Mr. Navy, for taking care of our family."

So he picked up the juice beside him and drank it all.

Nami and Nokiko also followed suit and picked up the juice at hand, and said in unison:"Thank you, Mr. Navy, for saving our mother!"

Sean also hurriedly picked up the juice and drank it,"You don't have to do this, that's our navy's responsibility"

"You were a marine before, you should know that." Sean looked at Bellmère.

Bellmère looked nostalgic:"Yes, but even so, I still have to thank you, because at that time, I just saw the smiles on the faces of the civilians after they were rescued, and their casual words.���"Thank you, I will be full of motivation."

Hearing this, Sean just smiled and said nothing, because he also has this sense of accomplishment, which is a sense of recognition that what he has done is recognized by others.

Over the years, whenever he received news of pirates wreaking havoc, Sean would rush there as soon as possible. He did not want justice to be delayed. In this sea, justice to be delayed is useless.

Whenever he arrived on time, he would feel happy to receive the sincere thanks from these civilians.

He is a mortal, not an immortal, and he also has vanity. It is this little vanity that makes Sean determined to do what he is doing.

One day, he wants the pirates on this sea to no longer be worshipped like idols by everyone.

One day, he wants the so-called gods to repent for what they have done over the years.

One day, he wants the navy to become an institution of absolute fairness and justice.

One day, he will hang a plaque of his office in the square of the navy headquarters.

——Punctual Justice


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