
At the dinner table, Sean enjoyed the food, occasionally listening to Nami's questions or Nokiko's complaints about Nami.

Whenever Nami got angry, Bellemere would come out to stop them.

Looking at the noisy family, Sean rarely smiled.

"Nokigo, Sean just smiled." Nami, who was being held down on the head by Bellmère, saw Sean with her sharp eyes.

She felt that at that moment, Sean's temperament was no longer cold, but as warm as the afternoon sun, which made people feel warm.

Nokigo and Bellmère heard the words and immediately turned their heads to look over.

Seeing this, the smile on Sean's face froze, and the warm breath turned back to cold, and he glared at Nami angrily.

Unfortunately, Nokigo and Bellmère had already seen that feeling.

Bellmère even sighed,"I didn't expect that looking at such a cold navy gentleman, he would actually show that attitude."

Hearing this, Sean chuckled. He was too sensitive. Didn't he just want...���Has my temperament become warmer?

So he nodded:"It's nothing, it's just that seeing your wonderful interaction, I think the existence of the navy is the best."

Bellemeier nodded in agreement:"Even though I am no longer a navy now, I still know that there are still countless navy officers who are going forward one after another to eliminate the injustice on this sea."

"It's just that their abilities are limited, but it's also because of these people that pirates are not so rampant, right? After all, I was once a member of the bottom navy."

After saying that, Bell-mère looked gently at Nami and Nokiko, both of whom were daughters she adopted when she was a navy.

If she hadn't become a navy, she might not have such a good daughter.

Nami and Nokiko also held Bell-mère's hand tightly.

When Sean saw this, he immediately understood, even if it was any navy instead of Sean who came to save the village. If

Bell-mère hadn't died, Nami would not have become a pirate. No wonder he didn't fool her much, Nami herself was thinking about becoming a navy in the future.

Thinking of this, Sean decided to discuss with Bell-mère about Nami joining the Nine Snakes Pirates in the future.

So he said to Bell-mère straight to the point:"Nami wants to be a navy in the future, right? I want to give her the first mission in the future now. What do you think?"

There's no way. Nami has a guardian, and Sean can't trick Nami into leaving her mother and joining his camp.

In fact, Bell-mère guessed that Sean had something to say when he came, but she didn't expect that he would ask his twelve-year-old daughter to carry out the mission.

He frowned and asked suspiciously:"Actually, I want to know what you like about my daughter. She is only twelve years old. What mission do you want her to perform?"

Even though Sean is a well-known navy, Bell-mère is always tough when it comes to his daughter.

Sean took a sip of his drink and said slowly:"Not let her go on the mission now, but four years later."

In fact, Sean could have let Nami join Nine Snakes without Bell-mère's knowledge, but there was no need. He was afraid that it would be like the stupid plot in the TV series.

Causing all kinds of irreparable misunderstandings. Even if he is an undercover, what's wrong with telling his relatives? Can't he report you? What's more, Hancock is his own person.

"As for what the mission is, I don't want to know for the time being, but I still hope you can answer my question just now, why do you like my daughter?"

When she said this, Bellmère's tone was already unfriendly. Her sixth sense told her that Sean seemed to be hiding something.

Seeing the other party's protective attitude, the two girls on the side also looked at Sean nervously, as if they were afraid that their idol image would be shattered.

His fingers tapped the table, making a clicking sound, which was extremely harsh in the silence of several people.

After thinking it over, Sean said:"The answer is very simple. Whoever I like can become the top powerhouse in this sea, and what I need is a partner who can assist me in fighting crime."

"To be honest, Nami does have a good talent for sailing, or she is a super genius, but that is dispensable to me."

"Because of your existence, I think even if I train Nami, Nami will not betray me, right?"

At the end, he turned his head to look at Nami who was clutching her sleeves with her little hands, and asked softly.

Hearing this, Nami was stunned, and nodded a little stiffly:"Well, I won't betray Sean, Sean is the benefactor of our family~"

Then, Sean looked at Bellmère, his eyes seemed to say,"See, I was right."

Bellmère grasped the point and asked:"You mean, you can let anyone be your helper, but you have to choose those with good character, right? Where do you get the confidence? Mr. Lieutenant General."

Bellmaire's tone became more and more unfriendly. She felt that there were too many loopholes in Sean's words. Since they were looking for talented kids, there were plenty of them in the headquarters, so why look for her own daughter?

If the other party really had that ability, Sean would not have been just a vice admiral until now. In other words, his ambition was so great that the navy was just a stepping stone for him.

In this case, how could Bellmaire believe Sean?

This was her awareness as a mother!

Before Sean explained clearly, even if she died, she would not let Sean take Nami away!

He had anticipated this situation, but he didn't care. It was better to make it clear as soon as possible than for Bellmaire to see Nami on the wanted list in the future.

Then after a lot of trouble, he arrived in front of Nami with great difficulty, and asked her dyingly why she did this, okay?

Sean would not do those stupid settings.

"You have served in the navy, so you should be very clear about the factional atmosphere in the navy. I won't talk about the generals in the headquarters,"

"There are countless branches under the branch, and the branches are divided into base commanders and chiefs of staff. Although this is to check and balance the navy's officer system, there will inevitably be some disagreements."

Bellmaire nodded. She has indeed experienced this. Although the base commander of the branch has the highest decision-making power, the chief of staff also has the right to directly call the branch or even the headquarters.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the heads of the branches will not disturb their superiors, and generally make decisions by discussion.

Sean continued:"I am from the same faction as Kizaru. The main reason I look for Nami is that I don't think she will betray me."

"Because in a few years, Kizaru and I will plan something, and Nami will be one of the main cadres of that event."

Speaking of this, Sean paused, and Belle-mère's mother and daughter also felt that something extraordinary had come into their minds.

This made Belle-mère even more worried. Even such a person said it was a big deal, and it was planned together with a general.


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