
"The ending is the ending because it represents the result."

"The world is full of excitement because of the unknown. Everyone is a pen that writes his own history."

"Even if there is a better ending, the process is still written by you, isn't it?"

"If you can have a clear conscience, be worthy of people, and be worthy of worshipping God, then this process of your life will be extremely wonderful, and I am looking forward to the future."

When Sean heard this, he suddenly realized that no matter what the ending of the original work was, whether his ending would be successful.

But one thing is beyond doubt, O'Hara survived, Bikaru was not destroyed by Enelu, and Rosinante of the Navy is still serving.

The three Hancock sisters got rid of their miserable childhood, Tesoro did not become a world-weary person, and although Nami was a money-grubber, she was very happy now.

Whether it was Enelu or Tesoro, all the people influenced by Sean still love life now.

Even Doflamingo, the ambitious man and the scum of the sea, is now protecting a country for whatever purpose.

Even countless disasters, under the leadership of Yixiao, help as many people as possible.

This... is the process of Sean's writing.

At this moment, Sean was more determined than ever. After his inner thoughts were clear, he felt full of energy.

"Teacher, I think I know what to do, thank you"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are this guy's most proud disciple."Lehman, who came out to change the water, rolled his eyes and said.

Koshiro did not refute, but looked at Sean with a smile:"Only those who have no confusion in their hearts can make great progress in kendo. It seems that you have found the way to carry it out."


That night, Sean broke free from the shackles of being 'detached from the world' and no longer viewed the world from a God's perspective. He completely became a member of the masses.


In the year 1515 of the Haiyuan calendar, in the world's largest entertainment city, Grand Tesoro,

Tesoro, known as the"Golden Emperor" and his wife Stella, were overlooking the city from the highest floor in the center of the city.

"Stella, I must get the natural devil fruit that appeared in the North Sea for you!" Tezulo said as he looked at his wife nestled in his arms.

Stella shook her head and said softly,"It's okay. I feel that I am very strong now. I am very satisfied."

"How can that be? Now, every time I see those beasts who enslave humans appear here, I can hardly suppress the anger in my heart!"

"If that adult hadn't saved us, we would probably just be one of them. No, we might not even have the chance to come out and see it."

"When we start an uprising in the future, I hope you can gain more strength. Otherwise, if I lose you, I really don’t know what I should do."

Feeling her husband's hand holding her slightly tightly, Stella felt her husband's love and dependence on her.

She nodded and said,"Then how can we get the fruit?"

Hearing this, Tesoro's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said in a cold voice,"Just wipe out the Mochia family. The crimes of their family are simply unforgivable!"

"Born in the North Sea, rose in the North Sea, but became a pawn of those guys who did evil things in the North Sea, damn it!"

Holding Tezoro's hand, Stella asked softly:"Then what are you going to do?"

""Baccarat!" Tezulo shouted to the door.

A moment later, a woman with red hair and a black high-cut dress came in.

"Mr. Tezulo, you're looking for me?"

"You take some people to the North Sea and let the Mochia family be unlucky for a while."

Bakara hesitated, but still asked:"But considering the amount of money his family spent in our entertainment city, do we really have to take action against him?" Although

Bakara asked in a more tactful way, Tesoro still knew that the other party wanted to ask how to explain to the Celestial Dragons.

So Tesoro said with contempt on his face:"They are just a bunch of scum who don't regard themselves as human beings. Don't worry, those guys won't go against me for the sake of those who are already unlucky."

"After all... we are not good men and women."

Stella smiled at Bakara and told the girl in front of her with a look of contempt:

"My husband and I did not own this country by relying on business relationships, but by absolute strength, so you can rest assured."

Bakara looked at the queen and the proprietress who were always gentle, and was a little dazed.

But she quickly responded:"I know, what are your plans after that?"

"What about later? We don't need to do anything to that bunch of trash. We can just let the Don Quixote family go there later."

With just a few words, this man who is ostensibly the king of a super economic power decided the direction of the underworld families between the two seas.

This king and queen have another title in the underground world, namely 'Dark Arbitrator' and 'Angel's Eyes'. The

'Angel's Eyes' here is not a good nickname. Thanks to the development of Observation Haki, Stella's Observation Haki is the same as Otohime of Ryugu. They all have the ability to see through people's hearts, but when they are stared at by those beautiful eyes, they often think of their past with shame.

Many sinister people used all kinds of conspiracies and tricks to plunder Tesoro, but in Stella's eyes, anyone with malicious intent could not hide.

So the people of this country called her the 'Angel's Eyes' who protects this country.’


At the port of an island somewhere in the New World.

A black-haired woman in a black suit and hip-hugging trousers exudes an aura that keeps strangers away.

The woman was holding a lollipop in her mouth, standing on the deck, looking at the island not far away that was almost razed to the ground and exuding bursts of cold air. She gently held her hair that was messed up by the sea breeze by her ears, and her slightly childish face inadvertently revealed a charm that was inconsistent with her age.

Looking at the tall woman in a purple cheongsam next to her, he asked in a rather unfriendly tone:"When will he come to see me? I want to ask him some questions about cultivation."

"Tsk, are you kidding me? You can freeze the whole island with just one breath, and it will be shattered by the wind. What kind of guidance do you need?" The cheongsam woman sneered and added

:"You don't want to be a maid and want to be a personal secretary? You are thinking too much."

The suit woman was not annoyed. She glanced at her and said:"It's better than some people who wear cheongsams without slits."

"Humph, what do you know? Ladies shouldn’t be promiscuous!"


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