
"So when can I see him?"Baby5 said with some melancholy.

Since the separation that year, Baby5 could not remember anything, only remembering that Sean said he did not like little ghosts.

So she dressed in a mature way. In her eyes, wearing a suit is a symbol of maturity.

Hancock said:"Don't think about it. According to Yixiao, Sean is practicing hard now, otherwise I would not come to pick you up."

A year ago, Sean found Baby5 and gave Baby5 the fruit of the mythical beast species - Nekomata form. When he saw Baby5 at that time, Sean was also very surprised. Gold-rimmed glasses, black stockings, small suits, ahem.

That was a special dress for Baby. When she saw Sean's pig brother look at that moment, she felt that wearing uncomfortable black stockings was not unacceptable.

Of course, you want her to wear it at ordinary times? What a shit.

"So who has joined your pirate group now?"

Hancock shook her head."For now, it's just you. I heard that there will be another one in a few years."

"What about that delicate and pretentious woman? Won't she join you?"

Hearing this, Hancock snorted coldly, and then said,"That scheming and gloomy woman is still in Alabasta. It seems that she has her own mission next."

""It's quite a coincidence. I found this fruit for Sean." Hancock said with some pride.

Over the years, Baby5, who only has Sean in her eyes, will not be easily provoked by others.

She said lightly:"Oh? Really? Thank you very much."

Over the years, she has been in the revolutionary army and has long washed away her easily fooled nature and her heart has become as hard as a rock.

Imperceptibly, she has become needed only by Sean. If one day Sean no longer needs her, she may feel worse than death.

Looking at Baby5's calm appearance, Hancock felt gnashing her teeth.

Whether in front of a scheming woman or this indifferent woman, there is always a feeling of powerlessness. Alas.


In the year 1516 of the Sea Circle Calendar,


A tall building complex near the royal palace.

This is the base camp of the Don Quixote family. It is natural for Doflamingo, who has a good relationship with King Riku, to obtain such a large piece of land.

What's more, this country was originally named Don Quixote.

Originally, I wanted to plan this country, but I just wanted to use it as a springboard. Now that Xiao Ming has someone behind him, a mere country is not taken seriously.

At this time, Doflamingo, who was sunbathing by the swimming pool, saw a man wearing a cloak and a mask coming over not far away.

He stood up subconsciously and waved his hand to dismiss everyone, including the cadres in the family.

In a short while, only three people were left.

Doflamingo looked at Law with some seriousness and asked,"Is this a big shot in the organization?"

It's not Doflamingo's fault for being cautious. He really saw the power and mystery of this organization in Law!

He watched Law grow from a little kid to someone who can beat him now. It's hard to imagine how many powerful people there are in this organization.

Not to mention that he had seen Yixiao before and knew that he was a member of the organization, and he was also one of the leaders of the revolutionary army, which was becoming famous and threatening the world government.

And this was just one of the members of the organization, even including the richest guy in the world, and the couple were also cadres of the organization.

It was hard to imagine how amazing the full picture of this organization would be, and Doflamingo, who had the same goal as this organization.

Naturally, he did not dare to do anything out of line over the years, and even did a lot of good things. It was rumored that he was a great philanthropist among the pirates. He often slaughtered those human traffickers wantonly, with his connections in the world government and the intersection of various forces.

No one would do anything to him at all, not to mention that their family had a top-level combat cadre, Luo, not to mention that there was a behemoth behind him,"Luo".

This also made Doflamingo live a very comfortable life. There was no way, Xiaoming just liked to bully those guys who thought they were heroes.

This also made Doflamingo very famous among the people, although doing these made him, a hero, uncomfortable.

After hearing Xiao Ming's question, the masked man checked with his observation Haki, then slowly took off his mask. He looked at Doflamingo with a complicated expression:"Long time no see, brother."

Seeing the other party's true face, Doflamingo's face froze, and he said sarcastically:"Isn't this my good brother, Brigadier General Rosinante?"

"He is known as a strong contender for the position of"Grand Counsellor". Vice Admiral Tsuru pushed our family to the brink of death several times."

Rosinante automatically filtered out the other party's sour tone. In fact, he knew that Doflamingo no longer hated him. He just couldn't let it go. In addition, he knew the identity of the leader of the organization, but Doflamingo knew nothing, so he would mock himself every time they met.

"This time I came with the order from that person. Soon Law will leave your pirate group and reorganize his own crew."

Hearing this, Doflamingo looked a little ugly. He has been unscrupulous over the years, in addition to his powerful background.

It is also because there is a top combat force like Law in the family. Otherwise, the fighting between pirates is fleeting. Who would wait for you to call for help?

This is equivalent to roasting the Don Quixote family, which has offended countless people, on the fire.

Law, on the other hand, didn't care. He already had his own partner.

"You are going to drive our family to death. If this happens, we will not be able to do what we did before from now on."

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and said, he felt that he was abandoned by his superiors.���

Looking at Doflamingo, whose eyes were red and who was breathing heavily, Rosinante sighed slightly.

"The organization didn't abandon you, and even let me bring this!"

After saying that, Rosinante took out a test tube filled with fluorescent green liquid. Suddenly, Doflamingo's breathing became heavier.

He had some guesses in his mind, but Rosinante didn't say anything, so he didn't dare to snatch it. The opponent's strength was so strong that he was palpitating, and he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction at all.

"I'm sure you know what this is. The man asked me to bring it to you. He is very satisfied with what you have done over the years."

"He wants you to keep going, but if you do anything that goes against the organization's purpose, there will be endless people coming to kill you! He said…"

"He will make you live for one minute and suffer for sixty seconds, making you unable to live or die. He hopes you will not try to challenge the bottom line of the organization."

"So, it's up to you to decide whether to accept this or not."


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