
Doflamingo, who had been staring at the genetic potion with fiery eyes, seemed to be poured with a bucket of cold water after hearing these words.

He immediately calmed down. He understood that he had a chance to enter the cadre level.

His venting behavior towards those villains over the years has been recognized, and now he has been rewarded and warned.

At the same time, it is also for him to make a choice. If it was a threatened cooperative relationship before.

Now he has to make his own choice. Accepting this means completely becoming a member of Luo. Once betrayed, the consequences will be unbearable for him.

Although Doflamingo is very ambitious, as an ambitious person, he must have the necessary calm mind.

Seeing Doflamingo thinking, Luo and Rosinante ignored him and walked aside to reminisce about the past.

After a while, Doflamingo made up his mind and walked towards the two people in the pavilion not far away.

"Give it to me, I want it!"

Yes, Doflamingo decided to be tied to this big ship completely, because after weighing the pros and cons, he found that there was no other choice at all. He was forced to cooperate to do these things, and he would do these things after joining.

Why not just join? Then he can get more powerful power and feel more secure.

Even the four emperors who were once out of reach for him are no longer far away, and he has the confidence to face them directly.

Rosinante looked at his brother and handed it over with a complicated face.

Doflamingo said nothing, raised his head and drank it down in tons. He was not worried about any problems in it.

After all, if the other party wants to harm him, one Luo is enough.

"Although I was strongly opposed to handing you such a dangerous thing, I was finally convinced. Do you know why?"

After drinking the potion, Luo Flamingo looked at his brother who was always thinking about his bad luck with a puzzled look.

Rossinandi said to himself:"Because, that person told me that it's not the heart that matters, not the deeds. Not to mention that there is a devil living in your heart, even if you are a devil!"

"No matter what you think, as long as you do good things, even if you pretend for a lifetime, you will only be an angel in devil's skin."

This is why Rosinante is always conflicted when facing his brother.

On the one hand, he knows that Doflamingo is a big villain and a devil, but on the other hand, this man always does things that good people do.

This gave him an extremely strong sense of separation, and he almost couldn't tell who Doflamingo was.

Hearing this, Doflamingo sneered, and then his laughter became more and more crazy.

"Fufufufu, Fuhahaha~"

"My stupid Odoudou~ You haven't seen as clearly as the leader of the organization, you have never known what I want from the beginning to the end."

At this point, Duoo Flamingo changed his tone and looked at Rosinante with a grim tone, releasing the invisible pressure

"There are no demons in this sea. They are just butchers at best. The real demons have never been people like us!"

"Do you understand?"

"Even though I am a butcher, don't forget how that stupid man brought our family to a dead end. If I kill him, do you think I am a devil?"

"Have you ever thought about why our mother died and why we have to suffer so much for nothing? No, you will never understand."

"Because this world is twisted, and the stench of human nature keeps me awake at night. You should just pursue your dream of becoming a navy."

"You are nothing but tools of the devil, so you have no right to tell me what to do!"

Rosinante swallowed his saliva, only to feel that his brother's momentum was getting more and more terrifying, and he didn't want to argue with him anymore.

It was because everyone had different ideas. In Rosinante's heart, his father's original intention of bringing them down was good.

He just didn't expect that these civilians would hate the world's nobles so much.

At this time, Xiao Luo stepped forward and blocked in front of Da Luo, staring at Doflamingo:"I advise you not to think about taking action, the price you can't afford."

Seeing Luo standing up, Doflamingo returned to his street look.

He sighed:"I didn't expect that the little ghosts I picked up at the beginning have grown up to threaten me. Time flies so fast."

"Come on, if that person hadn't saved Rosinante, believe me, you would have faced my endless revenge!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Law didn't say anything, just looked at the other person quietly.

The atmosphere was a little silent for a moment. For Doflamingo, Law was now dispensable.

Rosinante on the side didn't want them to have any conflict here.

He could only break this weird atmosphere:"Okay, let's discuss Law's departure, the next one is the key point."

Hearing this, the invisible aura between the two disappeared, and Doflamingo sat down on the side.

"Isn't it easy for Law to leave? Tell me, what's the important thing?" Doflamingo said with a nonchalant look, crossing his legs.

"Law needs a legitimate and reasonable reason to quit your pirate group, as he will eliminate one of the Shichibukai in the near future."

Doflamingo was a little surprised. This really told him something.

It's no longer like before where he could just do whatever he was told to do. Is it so easy to trust himself? Not every pirate can be a Shichibukai.

So he asked the doubts in his heart:"Are you sure that what you talked to me about was told to you by the organization?"

Rosinante lit a cigarette, and as expected, it almost caught fire again. Law calmly put out the sparks on Rosinante's clothes.

As if it wasn't Rosinante himself who was on fire, he said calmly:"Yes, he said that he can tell you after you take the potion, and I hope you will cooperate."

Doflamingo just put his hands on his face, ready to laugh wildly, when Rosinante's next words almost pissed him off to death.

"He said, if anything happens to Law, then the traitor must be you, and you will die."Rosinante said slowly. Doflamingo asked with a constipated expression,"Why must the traitor be me and not you?"

Law on the side glanced at him coldly and said faintly,"Because as far as I know, many people were trained by the leader since childhood."

"Besides, who made you look like a villain? According to that person, without his guidance, you would definitely be a dead boss."

Afraid that Doflamingo would not understand, he added:"Dead means finished, you know."

Hearing this, Doflamingo was so angry that he almost wanted to fight with the other party!


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