
Just like that, no matter how unwilling Doflamingo was, he had to cooperate with them.

So several people started a discussion about Law's departure from the Don Quixote family and the preparations before joining the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

During this period, Doflamingo even had some speculations. He was wondering if there would be people from the organization among the Seven Warlords of the Sea. What would this person be going to do? He would not believe that an organization with such a strong combat power would make such a big plan just for a mere position of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

If Sean were here, he would definitely give Doflamingo a thumbs up. There is no other reason, Doflamingo really sees farther than Cloro.


In the year 1517 of the Sea Circle Calendar, a great war was taking place on an island with strange weather somewhere in the Grand Line.

No, it was more of a one-sided massacre than a great war.

The earth-shaking roars and cries for mercy were heard everywhere.

"Please, let us go!"

"We won't dare to do it again. Give me a chance and I will be a good person."

"Ah, it’s too, too horrible, this, this is really a demon!"

"Woohoo, I was really wrong, I don’t want to die"


But a figure wearing white armor, with bone wings on his back, standing proudly in the air, was not moved by the cries of these people for mercy.

The bone wings flapped again and again, and the white figure crossed his hands and looked at the people trapped in the huge black bone cage.

The faintly visible eyes did not show any pity, but only endless indifference. Sharp white bones kept piercing from the ground.

Harvesting one life after another, when encountering a more flexible one, countless black lines shot out from the ground while the opponent was tossing and turning.

They bound them, and then the bone spurs with cold light came with a whistling sound and pierced their heads.

Looking at the people protected by another black cage not far away, they had endless fear, numbness and despair in their eyes.

Some women were naked, covered with scars, and there was almost no good place on their bodies. They lay on the ground with empty eyes, looking up at the sky.

Some children were connected to the limbs of various animals, and some were even dissected, with bulging chests.

A hideous centipede-like suture line ran from the shoulder to the lower abdomen. It was not difficult to imagine that the organs of this dying child had even been transformed.

Seeing this group of people who had completely lost hope, the white figure became more and more angry.

""Hundreds of flowers wither. The biggest wheel. Water flows and flowers wither."

The white figure murmured softly, and then a drastic change suddenly occurred below. There were bursts of loud noises like thunder, rumbling incessantly, and then the ground cracked, stirring up a lot of dust.

Then countless black guns, with a strange keratin on the tip, shot out from countless cracks in the earth.

In a moment, the begging and screaming stopped abruptly.

The entire earth, except for the protected space, was replaced by countless black bone guns.

Except for the huge gullies that were cracked like an abyss, there was only an endless black expanse.

This was like a scene of the devil punishing the world. The people in the safe space just glanced at it and no longer paid attention to it..

As if it had nothing to do with them.

Then the demon in white armor slowly landed on the ground, and the armor on his body, and even the endless black bone spurs, disappeared in an instant.

It turned into pink petals with a faint fragrance and dissipated in the wind.

Revealing a woman wearing an elegant black dress and with a slim figure, but her appearance was a little ordinary.

When this woman landed, a woman wearing a cloak and faintly visible white hair also came forward not far away. The white-haired woman took off her hood, revealing a still ordinary face, and looked at the black-haired woman.

She said softly:"Hey, Robin, in fact, you should know very well that this situation is just normal. Mom hopes you can keep a good attitude."

"Don't let the killing blind you to your pure heart as a scholar. The noise you made this time is too exaggerated."

After saying that, she looked at the desolate land. There were potholes everywhere, and it was almost impossible to find a flat ground to stand on.

At least in her sight, there was none.

Olivia came out with Robin, with Robin's disguise and strength as confidence.

So the mother and daughter embarked on a journey to find the historical text, but they didn't expect to encounter this hellish situation here.

This is a group of bloodthirsty pirates. After looting the village on this island, they did not leave, but tortured them. They even captured children for their ship doctor to do human research. Robin, who was furious, did not have any scruples. They directly slaughtered this group of guys who were worse than beasts, and Olivia did not dissuade them at all. In her opinion, these people died too happily.

It's just that she was worried that her daughter's mentality would be unbalanced and she would no longer be able to maintain the calmness that a scholar should have.

Robin took a deep breath and slowly exhaled the turbid air.

"Don't worry, mother. Don't forget that I went to sea when I was less than 17 years old. I have seen many scumbags like this."

"I don't know how many have been killed. I just didn't expect that someone would use children for experiments."

"The strong prey on the weak, and the fittest survive. Now think about it, those pirates who are simply immersed in killing seem to be quite kind? After all, the pain of those people is only a moment."

Olivia sighed, with a hint of sadness in her eyes:"That person is right, the human nature in this world is really too twisted"

"Are you really not going to be affected?"Olivia was still a little worried. This was the first time she saw her daughter in such a fierce manner. Her ordinary face suddenly showed a smile as gentle as spring breeze:"Don't worry, I won't be affected by this little scum."

"I just remember what he said: a kind person can also be vicious."

"But don't tell him that I was so rude today, or I won't know how to face him."

Olivia looked at her daughter speechlessly. Although her daughter was very ladylike, intellectual and gentle since she was a child,

Olivia always knew that Robin was a complete scheming person and never regarded Sean as an elder.

Since she was eight years old, she had always regarded Sean, who was more than ten years older than her, as a peer.

""Okay, okay, I got it." She agreed perfunctorily, and then looked towards an empty space not far away.

She looked worried, because she could not see any life in those people's eyes, only endless silence.

"What should we do with those people? They look alive, but they are already dead."


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