Hearing this, Robin and Olivia walked towards the dozens of survivors.

Even when they reached those people, they still did not react at all.

Robin leaned over and whispered:"You are all right now. I have cleared out that group of trash. I will let my companions come to treat you."

Robin had blind confidence in Sean. She believed that Sean's ability was enough to heal their injuries.

However, she forgot one thing. Physical trauma can be smoothed out with time, but the cracks in the heart cannot be erased.

These people looked up in a daze, glanced at Robin, and then stopped talking. Their lifeless eyes were looking around.

As if they were looking for something.

Olivia frowned as she looked at them. She thought these people did not believe that they had been rescued. She had to continue to add:"Look around you. Those corpses are the evil people who occupied your homes. Now they have been killed."

"Your injuries will also be effectively treated, so don't give up, okay?"

Olivia was really worried. She didn't know what these people wanted to do, but they all scattered in all directions, like zombies.

Looking around, this weird behavior made Olivia more and more uneasy.

The children who had been subjected to human experiments, with empty eyes, were also looking for something everywhere with the adults.

And a woman who looked a little older did not join their weird behavior, but staggered to the mother and daughter with injuries all over her body.

The numb eyes were rippling a little at this time. She looked at the two of them deeply, and then smiled.

Her voice was hoarse, but full of tenderness, she said to the two of them:"Thank you very much for coming, but I don't think we need to be rescued."

"We don't want to live anymore. Every day we live is a torture for us. Even in our dreams, we are still tortured."

"Our husbands, children, fathers, mothers, everything, all the bonds we have had were destroyed by those demons."

"If you could come earlier, if they came later, maybe the ending would be different."

Hearing this, the mother and daughter's faces changed, because they saw the other party slowly pulling out the extremely sharp stone from her waist.

The woman raised the stone and slowly pointed it at her heart. Robin was about to stop her.

The woman who had a gentle tone before seemed to have changed her face, panting fiercely and said:

"You don't have to blame yourself, this is our choice, and you don't have to stop us, because you can't save someone who doesn't want to live."

Olivia was anxious, she wanted to stop this tragedy from happening, because she had seen that the people who had just scattered had come back.

Some were crawling back, while others were supported and walked over, and they all stopped not far away.

The only difference from just now was that they all had sharp weapons in their hands, pointing them at their throats, hearts and other parts.

But Olivia was gently pulled by Robin and stopped.

The woman looked at Robin with gratitude, and said in the gentlest tone possible:"Thank you very much for helping us get revenge"

"If there is a next life, I would rather be like my daughter's pet, carefree."

Speaking of this, her eyes suddenly softened, and she looked in a direction in the distance. The mother and daughter looked in that direction.

They saw a white cat squatting on the ground in the distance, looking at them. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Robin saw sadness in the cat's eyes.

Puff - at this moment, a series of piercing sounds came into the ears of the two, and Olivia was suddenly at a loss.

Because after the first sound, the rest of the people inserted sharp objects into their hearts, throats and other places.

He looked at his daughter with a cold look, and then stepped forward to help the woman pull out the stone blade, and then pressed hard on the wound that was constantly bleeding.

"Why, why do you have a chance to live, and hope, but you still want to die!"

Olivia was very puzzled. She had been rescued, and there was nothing left after death. She even turned to Robin and said in a lost tone:

"Robin, why don’t you save them? They can obviously survive, obviously…"

But before he could finish, the woman in his arms gently pulled the corner of his clothes. After coughing up a pool of blood, he said weakly:"Don’t, don’t blame her, she is a really good person"

"She, she made us happy. We are very happy, but we can't express this emotion anymore. Thank you, thank you for coming."

"It's just a pity that you're late..."

After saying that, the hand holding the corner of the clothes fell weakly, and then looked at other people, including the children.

Gradually, more and more people lost their lives, which made Olivia very sad. Although she always knew that this was the current situation at sea.

She had also seen purgatory scenes that were no less than the current one, but it still hit her heart hard.

What on earth did the children go through to stop crying out in pain and only want to die like adults?

"Hell is empty, and the devils are in the world, oh."

Olivia, immersed in sadness, looked at Robin who made the sound with some disappointment:"Why? With your ability, you can completely stop them."

Hearing this, Robin took off the mask on his face and revealed his true face. Robin was already in tears, not the heartless look just now.

"Mom, that was said by Sean. He also said,"Don't advise others to do good without having experienced their own experience.""

"Although it is not appropriate to use it here, it is the same. They really don't want to live. I can't imagine or empathize with the nightmares they have experienced."

"But I know that as long as they live, they will remember the torture they have suffered, which is an indelible pain."

"I thought I saved them, but actually I didn't. They were just thanking me for giving them a chance to end their lives."

Hearing this, Olivia's spirits lifted. Yes, she had just been thinking about keeping these people alive, and had never thought about how they would face life after they survived.

Whether awake or asleep, it was a nightmare for them, and only death would be a relief.

How desperate must they be to make them feel that giving them a chance to die would be a gift.

Seeing her daughter's beautiful eyes filled with tears, but she couldn't say anything, Olivia felt sorry for her daughter. Her daughter hasn't changed. She is still a kind girl who cares about other people's feelings and is thoughtful. It's just that in this world.

This kindness is forced to be labeled as deformed.

Even giving others the right to die has inexplicably become a kind of kindness.

How ironic!


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