
Immediately, Olivia walked forward and gently hugged Robin.

She said gently:"I'm sorry, Robin, it's my mother who is too narrow-minded. I promise I won't do this again. I'm sorry."

Robin hugged his mother with his backhand, leaned on her shoulder, and whispered softly:"This is why so many of us are so devoted to following him."

"This era of pirates must come to an end!"

The mother and daughter snuggled together for a while, and then walked deeper into the island, because they had obtained information that there was a historical text on this island.

Not long after, the two came to the place where the pirates hid their treasure.

They saw a large amount of gold and silver treasures piled up randomly, but no trace of the historical text was found.

Robin, who was careful, found that the ground not far away had been turned over, so he used his ability to break the soil layer.

After a while, the dark black historical text buried underground was revealed.

"I didn't expect that this group of pirates with a total bounty of no more than 500 million would actually hide this thing. It's incredible."

Robin saw this piece of historical text and expressed her feelings. She couldn't imagine why the little pirates in her eyes would leave the gold and silver treasures and hide these instead.

She felt that she should suppress her anger and interrogate him properly.

"No, this thing shouldn't be theirs, maybe they are a pirate group under the command of a big pirate."Olivia said after hesitating for a moment.

Robin was a little surprised,"Why do you think this is not theirs?"

"It's very simple. In the past, we O'Hara had to work very hard to get one. We searched for it with a purpose, so we found it."

"The one we found at that time was also found in a ruin in the sea area of a big pirate group, and it also recorded history."

Robin asked in confusion,"That doesn't mean it's not from the group just now, right?"

Olivia shook her head,"You're wrong, pirates also need historical texts, but they need the four red road sign historical texts and the nine historical texts that record important information."

"Only we are the opposite. We O'Hara want the remaining 17 pieces of historical text that record the real history."

"Therefore, once these pirates find something that is not what they need, they will often hide it, because the appearance of each piece of historical text means bloody storm."

"The only people who can obtain the historical text in this situation are extremely powerful pirates or those from the World Government."

"The world government is interested in these 17 blocks just as much as we are, because they want to bury history, and we want to understand history. Otherwise, why do you think we know that the text of the road sign history is red?"

"Because at that time one of the pieces was in the hands of a legendary pirate, but now he has fallen, and no one knows who has passed it on to."

Over the years, although Robin has faced this terrible world, she has not neglected her job as a historian.

Even though her mother and Dr. Klopa and others have been teaching her all kinds of knowledge, there are still some things she is unclear about.

After all, she is no longer the devil's son in the original work who desperately wants to know the truth and struggles to survive.

After listening to her mother's story, Robin's face suddenly became ugly, and she looked at her mother and asked,"Then do you know who this pirate is under?"

Olivia shook her head:"You don't have to guess, it's impossible to know who it is. One thing is certain, those who dare to touch the text of history are all the top people on the sea!"

"The Four Emperors! Is that them? But aren't they the target of the pirates? Aren't they known for their kindness and righteousness?"After a little thought, Robin came to her own conclusion.

Olivia stroked Robin's hair and said,"Silly child, you were already a member of the pyramid when you went to sea. You just haven't experienced the filth of the bottom pirates yet."

"No matter how good a pirate's reputation is, he cannot escape the identity of a pirate. The higher the status of a pirate, the more corpses he has at his feet. Their benevolence and righteousness are only for those they approve of."

"Without that cruelty, they wouldn't be alive today."

"Their territory is very vast, and there are many pirate vassals who are struggling to survive under their command, doing things for them that are inconvenient for them to do, such as this incident. They may even be unaware that the pirates under their command have done something immoral without their knowledge."

The twists and turns here undoubtedly taught Robin a lesson.

Adhering to the idea of seeing this world in person and feeling this world.

In the past few years at sea, Robin has come into contact with people from top forces, and they are all her own people.

She fought against pirates like BIG MON, and went in and out of big countries like Alabasta.

It seems that she still doesn't know enough about this world, Robin sighed in her heart.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business. Let's copy down the contents of this historical article and pass it to that person."

Even though there was no one around, they didn't dare to call Sean's name directly. This was Sean's repeated instructions.

"Got it, mom. It's really convenient to speak this new language."Robin said with some pride.

After she finished speaking, Robin took out a camera-based Den Den Mushi from the bag behind her, and then took out a piece of paper and started writing and drawing. (This Den Den Mushi does exist. I remember that Sabo also used it.)

If there were people from Earth here, they would definitely recognize that Robin was writing in Chinese. This was what Sean had taught Robin.

There were only two of them in the world who knew how to speak Chinese. When Robin was a child, after she learned pinyin, Sean bought her a dictionary to study by herself.

Not long after, Robin finished writing the message of this historical article, took a photo of it with a Den Den Mushi, and sent it to the office of the G5 branch. Because Sean was in seclusion, it was Clo who was in the office. Clo was bored and overlooking the training of new soldiers below. He was suddenly awakened by the abrupt sound of"Kajia" and quickly turned on a Den Den Mushi in the office.

Immediately, the Den Den Mushi's eyes lit up and sent a photo. Clo quickly printed it out and then walked quickly to Sean's lounge.

He handed the paper in from the small window at the door, shouted, and left after getting Sean's response.

The content of the paper is as follows: [The origin of pirates - a piece of historical text that my mother and I found, blank In history, there are records about a group of"adventurers". In the past, Dionysus, that is, the D clan, was a group of guys who liked adventure.

Before the destruction of the kingdom, many of them were still outside and had not returned to the country. Later, in order to kill them all, the world government issued a high wanted reward. They were defined as sea thieves and were declared to be unforgivable.

According to our O'Hara's documents, the pirates in the past were not like today's burning, killing and plundering. They were a group of sea rangers who liked banquets, loved sailing adventures and were righteous. Their behavior gradually influenced many people. More and more people yearned for the free adventure and joined them.

As time went by, the"adventurers" were defined as pirates. As a result, more and more people who ignored the rules joined them and became thorough"thieves". Roger's declaration only accelerated this process.

One day, it will become what it is today. The Age of Navigation actually existed eight hundred years ago! This is the record of this historical article. For some detailed adventure stories, you can come to O'Hara to see it~ Because I haven't seen you for a long time.】


(Except for the 9 pieces of information and the 4 pieces of road signs, the remaining 17 pieces will be written out slowly.)

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