
East China Sea, an unknown island.

At this time, the fishermen at the port saw a ship approaching in the distance. It was not a big deal.

After all, there would always be some merchant ships passing by their island. But when they looked carefully and saw the bright pirate flag, they were stunned. The next second, all the fishermen ran back like crazy, shouting in fear as they ran.

"Sea, pirates are coming!"

"Everyone, find a place to hide!"

"Damn it! I hope these pirates aren't just after money."

After hearing this, the villagers took their food and ran up the mountain without saying anything. This was not the first time they had experienced this.

Merchant ships would pass by, which meant that there were also pirates who were interested in this place. From time to time, some new pirates would come to collect money.

They showed their ferocity as pirates to the navy in order to get more rewards. After all, the bragging among pirates was generally based on the bounty.

After going out, if the bounty was less than 10 million, they would be embarrassed to tell others that they were big pirates. After all, in the East China Sea, more than 10 million was already very remarkable.

(Except for the King of Bandits.)

At the same time, those pirates would not kill everyone here. After all, they could distinguish between a one-time harvest and sustainable development.

As a transit island, it was normal for them to be a little rich, so they usually sought wealth, unless they met a blind guy, they would kill him.

There were few places like this in the East China Sea, and they didn't have the ability to venture into the Grand Line anyway.

Not long after, a pirate ship docked, and dozens of people got off the ship.

"Hahahaha, guys, you see, the intimidation of our Tiger Pirates has caused this village to hide from us from afar."

A three-meter-tall shirtless man with a tiger tattoo on his body laughed wildly at the sky and said to the brothers beside him

"The captain is mighty! The captain is domineering!"

"As expected of our captain, there are only a few pirates with bounties over 10 million Baileys in the East China Sea."

"Follow the captain and enjoy the good life!! I am proud to be a member of the Tiger Pirates!"

"As long as we take over this island, the captain's bounty should double, right?"

"When we go to the Grand Line together, maybe we will be rewarded."

Listening to the flattery of his brothers, the captain of the Tiger Pirates was very proud, and even felt that his future was limitless. He might even compete for the title of Pirate King, after all, his fists were like bullets.

The enemy would die if they touched him!

"Pfft~ A bunch of little cats, when they hear the name of your pirate group, they are just like passers-by, and they don’t know what to be proud of."

The captain, who was daydreaming about his wonderful life after becoming the Pirate King, was interrupted by this voice and immediately looked unhappy.

After hearing the other party's ridicule, his face was even more gloomy. He turned around and looked around, trying to find the person who dared to offend him!

Then he would torture him to death. The majesty of the Pirate King cannot be desecrated!

"Who is it? Which mouse was talking just now?"

Seeing the captain's furious look, the crew members were also a little frightened and immediately searched around for the person who had just mocked the captain.

But in the end, they found nothing.

"Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. A little cat that can't even find the enemy dares to threaten to venture into the Grand Line? Who gives you the courage?"

At this time, everyone heard the source of the voice, which was in the sky.

Looking up, they saw a girl in a white sweater and jeans, sitting on the clouds and looking down at themselves and others.

The orange hair, matched with the wavy hairstyle, made this girl with a somewhat immature face look a little more mature. It was a pretty girl, but it was a pity that she opened her mouth. Although she was sitting on the clouds, the crew did not think that their captain would lose.

They had never seen anyone who could catch the captain's punch, even this weird girl was no exception. This was their inner thought, but it was a pity.

Sure enough, the captain looked up at the girl with a gloomy face, and said in a grim tone:"Kid, are you going to irritate me? Congratulations, you succeeded."

But Nami didn't care about the other party's harsh words, and said playfully:"So, how are you going to deal with me? Jump up? See how high you can jump, just jump and see."

Indeed, a height of more than ten meters was not something he could jump up to, so he picked up the sticks and weapons of several of his men.

He said coldly:"I can't jump up, then I can help you knock them down!"

Swish, swish, swish - as soon as the voice fell, the weapons in the captain's hands were thrown out one after another, rushing away with the sound of breaking through the air.

Unfortunately, all the weapons passed through Nami, but could not cause any harm to her.

In the eyes of the people below, it was clear that their captain's aim was not good, and he always went through the clouds.

At this time, the captain became more and more angry, because he felt that he had lost face in the eyes of his younger brothers. He suddenly shouted angrily:"Come down if you have the guts! It's over if I don't take care of you!"

At this time, Nami's head stuck out a little more, and her face appeared in front of everyone:"Oh? What will you do if I don't come down? Captain Cat?"

Just as the captain was about to respond, the younger brother beside him immediately grabbed him and said in a trembling voice:"Captain, she, she is a pirate hunter, the little thief cat Nami, who teases pirates and teases them to collapse!!"

The righteous captain immediately scolded:"So what, I am a pirate worth tens of millions! Didn't you see that she didn't dare to come down?"

Seeing that the younger brother was still about to say something, he slapped him in the face:"Useless thing, how can you follow me to conquer this sea with such a cowardly heart!" The younger brother

's questioning made him more annoyed. Now he had only one idea, that is to kill this girl who dared to challenge his majesty.

Otherwise, if anyone comes to provoke him in the future, where is his majesty as a big pirate?

But he can't fly, and he has no way to deal with the other party.

But when he saw the local residents running wildly in the distance, a plan immediately came to his mind,"Kid! Are you a resident here?"

Nami, who was about to capture these people for bounty, frowned slightly when she heard the words:"Is this your business again!"

The captain grinned:"Hahaha, I'll count to three, and you get off, otherwise I will bring my crew to slaughter everyone here!"

Nami's ambiguous words, to the ears of the 'cat' captain, were a sign of the other party's lack of confidence.

The other party was definitely a native here!


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