
Hearing the other party's arrogant speech, Nami's face suddenly turned red with anger.

Since eating the devil fruit three years ago and practicing hard under the effect of genetic drugs, her strength has changed dramatically.

Although she is only fifteen years old now, her strength is enough for her to run rampant in the East China Sea where the bounty does not exceed 30 million.

A year ago, Nami felt that her strength had made great progress and felt that she could share some of the financial pressure for her family.

So she told Sean that she wanted to venture into the East China Sea, catch some pirates and make some money.

Sean considered that Nami's natural system should not be dangerous in the East China Sea, and also gave her a stone marked with a mark.

Then let Nami go out to sea for training, which is not a bad idea. After all, Nami in the original work has been out to sea at the age of ten.

With the strength comparable to that of a major general of the Navy Headquarters, coupled with the devil fruit of the natural system, it is enough to go out to sea, so he agreed.

It's just that Nami didn't kill anyone every time. After all, in her heart, as long as she handed the people over to the navy, the navy would give them corresponding punishment.

So every time the battle ended in an almost instant kill. After all, those pirates were not very strong. Every time they knelt down and begged for mercy, they looked like they were humbly changing their ways.

But now, she just hesitated for a while, and someone on the other side threatened to massacre civilians, which made her fall into deep thought.

If the pirates she had caught before had the opportunity to take hostages, what would they do? Have they really changed?

The scene of the invasion of the Dragon Pirates suddenly appeared in her mind. This sudden memory made

Nami's little head clearer and clearer. She recalled some of the pirates in the past, who had always been ready to move.

When she was caught, her eyes were always on those weapons. Nami realized it.

If you kill someone, you should pay with your life. Even you know this truth. These people who have lived for decades cannot be unaware of it.

If they really want to repent, why do they have to commit murder!

Gradually, Nami's worldview gradually formed a set of standards for judging who should be killed and who should not be killed.

The scene of the invasion of the Arlong Pirates warned her, so she would never be soft-hearted.

Those who kill will be killed!

After the thought came to her, she looked at the captain who was cursing on the ground and showed a devilish smile.

"So, do you want to kill me?"

As she spoke, Nami landed.

The captain was overjoyed to see Nami actually coming down. He waved his hand and all the pirates surrounded Nami.

"Little boy, today I will let you know how miserable the fate of those who provoke our Tiger Pirates will be!"

""Little guys, come on! Break this brat's limbs first. I'm going to torture this brat who challenged the dignity of our pirate group!"

Nami looked at these people, her expression changed from anger at the beginning to indifference now.

She imitated Sean's starting posture, stretched out five fingers and clenched them in the air, and suddenly clouds from all directions approached Nami's head.

As for Nami's ability, she can create all kinds of clouds by herself, and then use various factors such as wind, water vapor and air flow in the sky to cause various natural disasters.

In other words, as long as the charging time is long enough, Nami can create real natural disasters, raging floods, sharp hail, strong frost, and even condensed thunderclouds, even mirages, etc. Nami can do it.

These are all currently The only shortcoming of the subject Nami is practicing is that it takes too long to charge, but it doesn't matter.

She knows her shortcomings, so she has been working hard to practice physical skills. She also has a three-section stick that can be combined in her bag.

Looking at the pirates who were rushing towards her, Nami chuckled, and then clenched her fists towards the air.

Facing these rookies, Nami was too disdainful to create clouds to deal with them. A few remaining clouds in the sky were enough.

Suddenly, the pirates stopped because they suddenly felt the biting cold and were a little confused.

Suddenly someone shouted,"Quick, look at the sky, the sky."

Everyone looked up and saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives. It was a clear and sharp sky.

Yes, it was clear and sharp, because half of the clouds in the sky were pure white, and the other half were as black as ink, but with faint rolling lightning snakes.

Nami looked at the people who surrounded but did not attack, and playfully blinked her left eye:"Cat Pirates, if you don't come, I will come~" As soon as the voice fell, countless blade-shaped hail fell straight down towards these people.

Suddenly, waves of heart-wrenching shouts rang out at the scene.

"Captain, save me!"

"Please let us go. We are just pirates from the East China Sea."

"Asshole, why would such a strong person be active in the East China Sea?"


Nami closed her eyes and turned a deaf ear to the screams of these people. They could not escape.

Even though the cloud was just a remnant cloud to Nami, it almost covered the entire island, but it only attacked these pirates. At this time, all the pirates knew that it was this little girl who was behind it. This power to directly control the weather really made them unable to have the slightest thought of resistance.

The captain who was going to compete for the position of the Four Emperors had already been disheartened, but he saw that Nami actually closed her eyes.

The other party was so arrogant, this was a good opportunity to deal with the other party. As long as she died, the clouds in the sky would disappear.

He immediately picked up the knife beside him and rushed straight to Nami. He jumped up and swung the knife with all his strength, trying to chop off Nami's head directly. Just when the captain saw the blade getting closer and closer to the other party's neck and showed a cruel smile, Nami raised her white and tender palm with lightning speed. He gently held the other party's knife and didn't even use his domineering.

"Tsk tsk, scum is scum as expected, to actually attack a lovely beautiful girl like me, it is simply unforgivable."

The captain saw Nami holding the blade nonchalantly, and he wanted to pull it out with all his strength, but even though his veins were exposed and he used all his strength, the blade did not move at all. He immediately raised his leg and kicked Nami, and Nami also raised her slender legs and kicked the leg that was thicker than her waist, and the two legs collided.

Kaka - suddenly there was a teeth-grinding bone-breaking sound, and then the captain flew out backwards, even with a scream.

Nami looked at the captain who flew backwards, and whispered softly:"Sure enough, he said that physical skills are very important, it's really true."

Nami squinted at the bloody pirates, thinking that it was time to get rid of them once and for all and clean them up.


(This cerebral palsy pirate is a transition)

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