
Nami waved her hand, and the other half of the thundercloud in the sky suddenly flashed with lightning.

The rumbling thunder was incessant, and then countless thunders poured down towards the place where the pirates were.

The scene seen by the residents on the mountain was that it seemed as if a basin of glowing"water" was poured from the sky.

Then it flooded the entire area, as if a pool was filled with water.

In a short while, the thunder and lightning disappeared, leaving only Nami standing in the air, although the pirate worth tens of millions could no longer be seen.

It couldn't even be exchanged, but this time Nami was surprisingly not overly obsessed with money, because she felt that what she was doing now was the same as when Sean came to their village.

"As expected, Lei Chi is still useful. The temperature of the hail from the cumulonimbus is still too low. It seems that frost must be combined with it next."

Nami murmured softly while looking at the black charcoal all over the ground.

Then, she launched a white cloud with both hands, about 20 meters above the ground, and then these clouds unexpectedly rained heavily without any warning.

It rushed towards these pirates, and a large amount of rain washed these pirates who were thrown into the sea at the port.

Even their blood was washed away.

Immediately, Nami controlled the pirate ship and left leisurely, leaving the port as if nothing had happened. After the work is done, leave with a brush, hiding the merits and fame~


Haiyuan calendar year 1518.

Donghai, Windmill Village Port.

A young man wearing a yellow shirt, black shorts and a white cowboy hat is standing on a small boat, waving goodbye to the people on the shore.

"Luffy~ Village chief, Makina, and Dadan, don't hide, I've found you!! Thank you for sending me off, I'm going out to sea today~"

After hearing this, several people followed Ace's sight and found Dadan's family in the alley of a building not far away.

Dadan felt a little embarrassed for being discovered, and said stubbornly:"Don't joke, I just came down to purchase supplies"

""You troublesome little brat, it's better to leave as soon as possible. And Luffy, it's better to leave with you as soon as possible!"

Dadan said hypocritically.

Ace just smiled when he heard it. He knew that Dadan was a guy with a cold face but a warm heart.

Luffy on the side said,"No, we have an agreement. It will take me two years to go to sea."

Then he looked at his brother:"Ace, I will go to sea soon. When we meet next time, I must beat you."

Makino smiled softly when he saw this. Since the past few years, Ace has gradually revealed his unparalleled talent.

Ace even became the master of all the beasts in the entire mountain range, which also led to Ace training his younger brother every now and then.

Ace showed a warm smile like the warm sun:"Yes, yes, Luffy, you will definitely realize your dream, but I'm one step ahead of you."

At this time, the village chief appeared and hit Luffy with his cane, looking very disappointed:

"Look at Ace, his ambition is to become a great navy, but you, a naughty monkey, are always clamoring to become a pirate. Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

The two brothers smiled at each other after hearing what the village chief said. Even though they have different positions, the bond between them will always exist. They are brothers for life.

Then the two of them took off their hats at the same time. Ace took a step forward and held out his hat, and Luffy also took a step forward.

The hat he held out touched Ace's cowboy hat.

"Luffy, I look forward to seeing you in the sea!"

"Ace, I will try my best to catch up with you too!"

Looking at the two brothers' unconcerned feelings, no matter it was the irritable village chief or the duplicitous Dadan.

Only one person, looking at the two hats, the gentle smile on his face froze, as if he remembered some memories.

It's just that the two brothers have different brain circuits and never thought about the similarities.

Shanks and Sean are already well-known strong men on the sea.

One reigns over the New World like an emperor, invincible, and competes with the other three emperors in the New World.

The other has gradually become a pillar of the navy in these years, guarding the New World and becoming the strongest line of defense.

But they all came to the East China Sea, which is a paradise for them, just to break a leg, a hand, and give a hat.

But Sean had some ability and recovered his broken leg, which made her very confused.

However, she did not ask these strange questions out loud. After all, in her opinion, Ace joined the navy and was taken care of by Vice Admiral Garp.

In this way, several people watched Ace slowly sail out of the sea on the small boat.

Suddenly, the sea surface suddenly rolled violently, and gradually formed a huge water curtain, which slowly fell with the water curtain.

The true appearance inside was revealed. This was a crimson sea king, even bigger than the one that bit Shanks.

The small boat that Ace was riding was shaken by the huge waves raised by the sea king, and the people on the shore who watched Ace were all terrified.



Although the boat was a little turbulent and seemed to be sunk by the waves at the next moment, there was no panic on Ace's face.

His left hand gently pressed down the hat, and his right hand was covered with a layer of black substance, and then wrapped with a circle of orange energy halo.

Looking up at the big bloody mouth, a large sea king with one tooth bigger than the boat grinned at the other party.

Then a piercing sound of breaking through the air was heard, and it turned out that Ace disappeared from the boat, and appeared on the top of the sea king's head the next moment. He swung his fist back, and then shouted:"Iron Fist-Gun" and then punched out like a dragon, with great force and heavy power. Before the other party could react, it suddenly hit the sea king's head.

Boom- crack-crack- then there was a deafening sound of blows, and a sound of bone fractures followed, which stunned the people on the shore.

Then Ace fell on the swaying boat,"This is the boat I'm going to find Sean, and it can't be destroyed by you."

Then he turned his head to look at the stunned people on the shore, and shouted loudly:"Luffy~Dadan~This is the gift I gave you before I went to sea. It is enough for you to eat for a while~~"

Hearing this, Luffy grinned:"Hahaha, you are worthy of being Ace, so powerful! I must be so powerful in the future!!"

Then he looked at Dadan:"Dadan, you go find someone to bring the sea kings up, and let's have a banquet together~"

After that, without looking at the gloomy faces of Dadan's family, that thing, although it was beaten to death, was still floating on the sea.

But it really can't be pulled by just a few people, but there is no way, after all, it is a gift left by Ace, so he had to grit his teeth and ask the villagers of Windmill Village to help.


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