
With Ace's departure, they have been sailing for a while. First, they went to the 16th branch and found Sean's old boss, Badno, Colonel Big Egg.

Sean had invited him to the Grand Line, but Badno's family was in the East China Sea, so he did not agree.

This time, Ace went to the 16th branch to transfer to the warship to the headquarters. He had already told his grandfather. His grandfather just said one sentence and asked him to report to the headquarters.

Although he was a little speechless, he still agreed. In his opinion, this might be a test given to him by his grandfather. After all

, generals must have brains. Little did he know that Garp was just lazy. He teased Sengoku, beat up the little devils, and caught pirates in the headquarters every day. He didn't mind going back to the East China Sea to pick up the little devils, okay?

In the meeting room of the branch, Ace waited for a while and saw a big bald head, Ace who had learned etiquette from Makino.

He immediately stood up and saluted Badno:"Hello, Colonel Badno, I'm Ace!"

As for why Makino taught Ace to salute, it was because Garp said in a very Versailles way,"I didn't pay much attention. After all, it was others who saluted me."

Influenced by Sean, Ace was careless for a moment and followed suit, calling out"Boiled Egg", which made Ace very embarrassed.

This rough-looking but tender-hearted man waved his hand indifferently,"It's okay, don't worry about it. I know it was Sean who led you astray."

"Really, calling me a boiled egg here is fine, but he calls me that in front of the new recruits. I will give him a good beating next time!" Badno said, stroking his big bald head.

After a simple greeting, Badno taught Ace all the tricks of the trade he had learned as a navy officer over the years.

In the afternoon, a warship carrying weapons would arrive, and Ace could take a ride to the headquarters to report.


On a sunny and cloudless sea, a warship sailed leisurely on the sea in the sea breeze.

On the deck, a group of navy officers were talking enthusiastically around a young man, including the commander of the ship.

Major General Dirk was the highest commander of this trip. In this sea, strength is undoubtedly the best way to gain respect.

Just yesterday, when they passed through the doldrums, even with the navy's technology, they could avoid most of the sea kings.

But there would still be sea kings that collided with the warships, and they would be discovered at that moment.

Dirk killed the sea kings the moment he saw them, and then, as if he had poked a hornet's nest, waves of sea kings continued to pour out and attack the warships.

And Ace showed unparalleled strength, fighting and retreating, protecting everyone on the warship.

So after a night's rest, they decided to hold a small banquet on the warship to welcome this strong man who was about to join the navy.

Ace's approachability and fun nature made him quickly get closer to everyone.

The good times didn't last long. Due to the large amount of fresh water consumed at the banquet, and the fight with the sea kings the day before, the fresh water tank was broken by the violent shaking of the hull.

So they needed to land on an island to replenish fresh water. When Ace and his men were replenishing fresh water, a sentry discovered that a pirate ship was heading this way in the distance.

Dirk picked up the telescope and looked into the distance. His face suddenly turned ugly. He didn't expect to meet this madman here. Even if he called for reinforcements, it would be too late.

After taking a deep breath, he shouted:"Everyone assemble! Pick up your weapons!"

At this time, Ace, who was helping to fetch water in the distance, was also a little confused when he heard this, but he still rushed to assemble. It seemed that something big had happened.

Dilk looked at the black spot in the distance with a grim expression, then turned his head to look at everyone, took a deep breath and said:"This will be a big crisis for us! But for justice, we can't retreat!"

Ace asked with some confusion:"Major General Dilk, what happened?"

Dilk looked at the distance with a serious expression:"The Beast Pirates of Kaido, one of the three big names under his command is 'Drought' Jack, and that ship is the Mammoth."

Ace was a little confused. Although he would pay attention to the developments in the New World, he mainly paid attention to Sean's news.

So he asked:"Is he strong?"

"Very strong! He is a fishman who ate a devil fruit. Wherever he stepped on, it would dry up and decay like a drought demon, and eventually perish, so he was nicknamed"Drought". The most important thing is that this person has a very violent temper!

Except for the cadres except the big board, almost no one likes to contact him, so if nothing unexpected happens, he is the only cadre. Even so, if he runs into us, with his temper, he will definitely conflict with us!"

Hearing this, Ace was also shocked. He didn't expect to encounter a difficult enemy so soon. Suddenly, Ace was eager to try.

He also wanted to try the results of his practice in the past few years. Although Sean told him that as long as he practiced step by step, his achievements in the future would at least be at the level of a general.

But he always felt that without actual combat, he could not fully stimulate his potential.

So he looked at Dirk and said seriously:"Then leave him to me! I'm responsible for dealing with Jack, can you deal with the rest?"

Dilke was shocked. Although he knew Ace was very strong, he had no idea how strong he was.

But no matter what, this courage alone was enough to gain the respect of all the navy. Besides, he was still young, and Dilk didn't want to bury such a navy supernova too early.

So he said,"You haven't joined the army yet, so you're not a navy member yet. If we can't win, I hope you can leave and help us get revenge in the future! You are still young and have unlimited potential. You will definitely become a big figure in the navy in the future."

Hearing this, Ace was moved. This is the navy. Maybe the factions have different ideas, but once it comes to justice, everyone will fight on the front line without hesitation.

The navy is really great.

"Please believe me, I will defeat the opponent! I don't want to start from private, I want to be closer to Sean, so I need credit!"

After saying that, he grinned at everyone, held down his hat and looked at the Mammoth that was getting closer and closer:"The rest of you just take care of the defense, wait for me to defeat him, and then catch him, you must not die."

He no longer asked about the information about Jack, no longer looked at Major General Dilk who was about to open his mouth to persuade him, and even those soldiers who were ready to die, their fiery eyes were also ignored by Ace.

He squatted down, put his hands in the ground, and said softly:"You all step back, I'm going to give the other side a big gift!"


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