Although everyone didn’t know what Ace was going to do, they guessed that Ace might do something earth-shattering.

Seeing everyone retreat, Ace used his hands to send out clever force and armed color impact techniques. Suddenly, along Ace’s palms, two cracks gradually spread out from the ground.

Crack, crack, crack— under the stunned gaze of everyone, Ace directly dug out an irregular semicircular stone with a diameter of fifty or sixty meters. He held it high above his head, and some gravel fell from the stone from time to time, touching the soldiers, but no one cared.

Even some of the taller ones could only squat on the ground and watch Ace’s movements.

This was really amazing. It was unheard of to dig out a huge stone that looked like a bowl-shaped hill with bare hands.

But the next moment, they realized that they were surprised too early. With Ace’s strong vitality and talent, coupled with his unparalleled physique.

The domineering aura in his body was incomparably huge. After a crisp sound, the boulder was covered with a layer of dark armed color.

Then he held the boulder in one hand, took a step forward with his left foot, gathered strength, and then threw it with all his might!

""Iron Fist·Fist Bone Volcano"

Boom-- the boulder attacked the Mammoth with a huge sound of breaking through the air. During the period, the high-speed friction of the air brought about high temperature, and even burned the whole boulder. It fell towards the Mammoth like a meteor.

On the other side, the Mammoth.

Jack was standing on the boat. He wanted to wait for the island to replenish fresh water, but when he saw a warship, he also made up his mind to go up and destroy the warship.

But who knew that when he was about to arrive, the other party actually raised a boulder as big as a meteorite to attack him.

This made Jack laugh. I didn't even launch an attack, and you dared to attack me!

The younger brother on the side was suddenly a little panicked:"Boss Jack, the person who threw the meteorite must not be underestimated. Do we still have to wait for the island?"

Jack heard this, and pushed the younger brother away with a bad face:"Huh, who do you think I am! Pull the boat closer!"

After saying this, Jack roared, and then he changed into a human-beast form, with a long nose growing longer in the wind.

Then Jack jumped up, and with a fierce suck of his nose, the flames on the nearby boulder were completely absorbed, and then the scorching flames wrapped around the trunk. He swung it out with all his strength, and suddenly there was a shocking sound that echoed above the sea. The dark boulder and Jack were in a stalemate for a while, but were soon pierced by the trunk.

Under the huge impact force, the boulder was shattered into pieces, and the boulder was destroyed in the blink of an eye, turning into small pieces of stone and falling into the sea.

Then Jack landed on the deck, with only a few tiny bloodstains on his nose, and bright red blood was flowing.

This undoubtedly completely angered Jack, and he roared in a low voice with red eyes:"Hurry up and rush for me!"

"Yes! Boss Jack!"*N

On the navy side, Dilk was also frightened when he saw Ace's strength, although the stone was broken by the opponent.

But seeing that Ace's face was not red and he was not out of breath, it didn't look like he had released a special move, and he was suddenly excited.

Maybe, he can really compete with the opponent.

The remaining soldiers were also excited. They thought that their naval career might end here.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden turn of events. There was such a powerful existence on their side. These soldiers immediately lost the attitude of seniors guiding juniors.

Looking at Ace with starry eyes, even the older ones admired him a little.

Ace was not too disappointed when he saw that he failed to hit him. After all, the opponent was a big boss under one of the four emperors. If he was defeated so easily, the four emperors would not have to live in the New World.

"His strength is really good, you all should step back."Ace grinned and got into position.

Because his observation Haki had already sensed that the other party was already half-crouching on the boat and accumulating strength, with the other party's strength, the surrounding soldiers would not feel good.

Upon hearing this, the surrounding soldiers also scattered and stayed away from Ace. As soon as the soldiers dispersed, a man from the Mammoth not far away jumped up and ran straight to the land.

Holding the Shottell knife in both hands, covered with armed Haki from top to bottom, he chopped down at Ace who was standing in the front.

Ace was not panicked at all. His pair of iron fists were still covered with armed Haki, and his left arm blocked Jack's double swords.

The moment of contact, there was a shocking explosion, rumbling sounds were endless, and smoke and dust rose.

The earth cracked inch by inch under the collision of the two, and gullies spread in all directions.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the figures of the two, Ace's calves were directly pressed into the ground, and he said sarcastically:"What a terrible power!"

Jack was a little annoyed when he heard that, because Ace blocked the double swords with one hand, and he shouted angrily:"Boy, don't be so arrogant!"

Then he added a little more strength, as if he wanted to cut off Ace's arm.

Ace raised his hands with all his strength, and the double swords gradually rose, and then the other fist that was ready to go followed and hit Jack's chin.

Ding- although Jack was knocked out, his chin was covered with armed color domineering, plus his own defense, he did not suffer any damage.

Landing in the distance, Jack moved his neck, squinted his eyes and looked at the other party:"It's really interesting, it seems that the navy has a strong guy…"

"But... I am Jack!!!!"

After saying that, he turned into a beast. Jack, who was already more than eight meters tall, became even taller. His sharp tusks emitted a cold light.

But this was not the most terrifying thing, but the energy wrapped around Jack's limbs. It was a dry and hot force.

Ace looked at the other party from a distance. No wonder the other party was called"drought". The hazy white energy on Jack's feet evaporated the moisture wherever it passed.

Unlike the scorching flames, his was simply emitting temperature, emitting a temperature that deprived moisture and vitality.

Can't let the other party rush over!

So Ace took the initiative and jumped up, then punched the ground, and the ground suddenly undulated irregularly.

Forming an uneven ground, Ace thought that this should be able to better restrict the other party, after all, there are some navy soldiers behind him.

Jack also saw the other party's thoughts, howled to the sky, and then rushed towards Ace.


After a roar, the aura emanating from Jack's limbs directly distorted the air, and he rushed straight towards Ace, ignoring all obstacles.

Ace turned around and roared at the many navy soldiers:"Go to the forest, not here!"

Then, without waiting for the soldiers to react, Ace pressed his hat and rushed towards the other party.

Although Ace is still unable to entangle with the domineering color or emit domineering aura all the time, it is still possible to release a high-density aura around himself.


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