Ignoring the opponent's corrosive white gas emitting high temperature, Ace's fist was wrapped with orange flowing energy.

He jumped up and headed straight for Jack's forehead.

Jack was not to be outdone. His high temperature could still affect some people with weaknesses, but it was insignificant to people with sufficient domineering.

Moreover, although the navy in front of him was not as strong as Kaido's domineering color, his condensed momentum was enough to block his corrosive temperature.

Ace also heard from Sean that people with animal-type devil fruit abilities are thick-skinned and tough, and fighting them would mostly be a protracted battle.

For the sake of caution, Ace did not waste his skilled domineering, and only used the domineering color momentum for defense.

Jack raised his trunk high, and then slapped it at Ace. Ace jumped in the air and actually accelerated twice.

Ace superimposed the Moon Step. Under his strong physique, the Moon Step burst out at an astonishing speed, and even rubbed out flames around his body.

Rumble -

Under the powerful force of Ace and Jack, the ground collapsed layer by layer, and the two were also pushed back by the force of the other party.

Two gullies were directly plowed on the ground.

The next second, Jack changed back to the human-beast form, because the beast form can only be used for destruction, and it is not advisable to fight with the strong.

It is powerful, but for a guy with such speed and strength, it is like a living target.

So the two started a close-range hand-to-hand combat again.

The roar of the explosion was endless, and the rear admiral and many soldiers in the distance were also stunned to watch the battle between the two.

The earth collapsed, and no grass grew wherever it passed. Various plants gradually withered when they were still some distance away from the two.

At this time, the people of the Mammoth also landed on the island. They were also surprised to see their boss fighting with a navy man who was not wearing a uniform.

It was not that they did not believe that their boss would be chased and beaten, but that they did not believe that he would be chased and beaten by an unknown person.

At this time, a younger brother quietly dialed the Den Den Mushi.

Prior to this, Major General Dirk had already called the headquarters to seek support.

Navy Headquarters.

In Marshal Sengoku's office, after Sengoku received the other party's request for help, he looked at Garp:"Are you going to help your grandson? According to Dirk's description, they will probably have to fight for a while before they can decide the winner."

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being my grandson. The first time I fought against pirates was with that guy, but I don't want to go."

I thought Garp would go to help Ace defeat Jack, but I didn't expect Garp to refuse.

Before Sengoku could speak, Garp said,"Since those guys above don't want to break the balance, don't expect me to clean up the mess for them, otherwise it will be bad if I kill them by accident~"

Sengoku also understood what Garp meant. The people above would not allow the navy to become stronger at this stage, so someone was needed to check and balance the navy.

Whenever he thought of this, Sengoku gritted his teeth, but support was necessary there. There were many people in the Beast Pirates who could fly. What if the other side also came, wouldn't Ace be in danger?

At this moment, Sengoku looked through the window and saw two young women in shirts and coats who had just come down from the port in the distance.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly ordered the guards outside to call them over.

In a short while, the two walked into Sengoku's office and greeted the two old men

"Well, well, you two are really beyond our expectations. I can feel the explosive power in you."

Zhan Guo sighed at the two of them. He didn't expect that the two of them would grow up so fast.

The one with long straight black hair parted in the middle is Kuina, and the one with a ponytail and wearing red-framed glasses is Tashigi.

Both of them are like a sharp sword, revealing a hidden edge.

Over the years, the two have gradually made a name for themselves in the New World. Since the two stay together no matter what they do, the world calls them the"Twin Stars."

Reports say that they will be Sean's successors, and like Sean, they will become the strongest line of defense in the New World, or the sharp blade that cuts through the New World.

Many people are speculating about what the scene will be like when they fight the emperors of the New World, and many people know that the two of them are pure swordsmen. Everyone likes to know whether they will challenge Hawkeye Mihawk, and when they will challenge Hawkeye.

Kuina smiled slightly:"That's all because of Sean's good education, otherwise the two of us might just be ordinary girls."

Dashiqi did not refute. After all, without Sean's constant teaching over the past few years, even if they took the potion, their swordsmanship would not have improved so much and become a great swordsman with a reputation that resounded throughout the sea.

"Well, let's not talk about the past for now. Garp's grandson, Ace and Major General Dirk's men are fighting with Jack."

"Sakaski went to the New World to catch pirates, Borsalino was in the Holy Land of Marijoa, and Kuzan was on vacation again."

"Sean has to guard the New World again. After much thought, I think it is more appropriate for you to go and support. After all, we don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, whether there will be support, and how much support there will be."

Hearing this, the two decided to go to support without thinking too much. They are now nineteen years old and adults. They all have their own worldview. At the same time, when they were young, they didn’t understand some of Sean’s strange movements.

They all understood, and knew that Sean was trying to get the navy out of it, and even knew that Sean was going to push Kizaru to the position of marshal next term.

They are still brigadier generals at present, and want to serve as the base chief of a branch, which is not enough, because one carrot one post, strength alone is not enough, but also prestige in the navy.

Even if they don’t consider promotion, the two will go to save their colleagues without hesitation, not to mention that they know that Garp’s grandson is still one of their own.

He is the guy that Sean started to train when he was still working in the East China Sea. He should not be weak, right? They thought so

"Then let's go now, otherwise it would be terrible if something unexpected happened if we delay any longer."

Then the two left the office. Their warships were the same as Crane's, with a group of female soldiers, who were as good as men.

Just after a short break, they received an order from their chief to rush to the aid of a rear admiral.

Out of admiration for their chief, they would not ask who their opponent was.

In their minds, their chief would sooner or later fight with the sea emperor who ruled the new world.

And it was very likely that she would be the first strongest female swordsman in the world.


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