
New World, Onigashima.

A tall and strong man with a well-proportioned body, his whole body including his face is covered with jet-black clothes, and flames are spewed from the jet-black wings on his back from time to time.

There is a long sword hanging on his waist, and there is also a tuft of flames surrounding the back of his head.

He is the"Flame Disaster", one of the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates, and the big boss flying in the sky with flames wrapped around him - the"Jin" of flame.

Kaido's confidant, the highest cadre of the Beasts Pirates, the leader of the big boss, and also the confidant of the Beasts Pirates whose strength is second only to Kaido.

At the same time, Jin is also a surviving member of the super rare race - the Lunalia clan. This is a race that even the Totland Kingdom with many races does not have, so Charlotte Linlin's desire for him can be said to be salivating.

At this time, he, who has always been calm and composed, is speeding up his pace to Kaido's residence. As soon as he entered the door, he said bluntly:"Something happened to Jack, and he had a conflict with a navy. According to his men, they are currently 50-50."

"The most important thing is that the navy that clashed with him is very young, and their powerful physical skills are likely to overwhelm Jack. Do we need to go over to support them this time?"

Kaido, who was originally drunk and taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes wide, exuding a monstrous aura, and rushed straight towards Jin.

Jin was not moved at all, but it was hard for the crew outside. Everyone was struggling to resist this breathtaking aura.

"That bastard, what does he want to do? Didn't I tell him to keep a low profile? Doesn't he know how important the person he is going to capture this time is to us!"

Jin also understands how important this person is to them. This is related to whether the Beasts Pirates can become a real"Beasts" Pirates.

Kaido immediately took the lead and stood up,"Take that guy Foz-Fo with you, I want to see who is against me!"

Foz-Fo is the captain of a pirate group under Kaido. He was originally an intelligence officer of the World Government CP9.

After failing to escort the rubber fruit mission, he was arrested and imprisoned, and then escaped from prison and went to sea. Zeng Jing is also one of the strongest agents.

After Kaido walked out of the camp, he roared with a dragon's roar, turned into a blue dragon, with clouds of flames lingering under his feet, and flew rapidly in the direction of the life card.

Next was Jin, who also turned into a toothless pterosaur. He first flew to a place not far away, carrying an unwilling person in his claws, and then chased in the direction of Kaido's departure.


On the other side, on the island where Ace and Jack were fighting.

The navy and the pirates also took advantage of the various geographical environments on the island to fight a guerrilla war, but they didn't fight for a while.

Both sides stopped because the aftermath of the battle between Ace and Jack was getting more and more exaggerated, and they would be affected if they were not careful.

So both sides stopped tacitly, waiting for reinforcements, thinking in their hearts that they could quickly resolve the battle when the reinforcements arrived.

In the center of the battlefield, the two people who collided with various explosions from time to time were getting more and more frightened, especially Jack.

At the beginning, he thought that Ace was just stronger, but now it seems that the opponent's defense and endurance are no less than his.

You know, he ate the devil fruit to have such defense, and this monster-like physique is almost catching up with the old woman in the New World.

Moreover, the more he fought, the opponent's experience was also rising, and there was already a tendency to suppress himself.

How could Jack, who has always been proud, accept this?

The same thing happened to Ace. He realized at this moment that he had underestimated the heroes of the world and his own defense.

He could clearly feel the power of the opponent's attack on him, but he didn't expect that his own defense was no less than the opponent's beast.

Moreover, as time went by, his combat experience became more and more abundant, and his domineering power became stronger and stronger, as if it was inexhaustible.

It seemed that the results of his training over the years were very gratifying. In another year or two, he would cultivate all his domineering power to the top level.

At that time, he would have the strength comparable to the Four Emperors, and use this pair of iron fists to smash the darkness of the new world!

So the battle between the two became more and more fierce. Jack resisted Ace's powerful and heavy iron fist, which seemed to penetrate the sky, and spit out blood.

Then the two swords followed one after another and swung at Ace's head at the same time. He wanted to kill this navy with unlimited potential here.

Ace was also shocked, and immediately condensed his whole body of domineering power at his neck, and also resisted the attack of the two swords.

This scene was seen clearly by Dilk in the distance, and his heart was pulled up, although domineering power can greatly increase defense.

But the opponent's domineering aura is no joke. Once it is broken, he will definitely die.

Clang - with a crisp sound of metal clashing, Ace decisively used the Navy Six Styles - Shaving. At the moment of being hit, he decisively retreated by rubbing the blade.

Then both of them looked at each other. Ace's neck was scratched with a faint scratch, and Jack also reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Neither side was surprised by such a result. After reaching a certain level, it is difficult to simply determine the winner.

(First of all, to avoid being criticized, Ace has not eaten the fruit, and the time is not as long as others, so the temporary combat power is definitely not as good as the others. When Ace's domineering aura comes up, it will definitely be at the level of Roger, so don't panic.)

Then the two rushed towards each other with red eyes and continued to fight. One-third of the entire island has been beaten by both sides.

New World, G5 Branch.

Since Sean started to retreat from time to time to practice, Clo has been helping Sean manage it.

At this time, Clo was handling official business in the office when he suddenly received a call from a Den Mushi.

"Major General Kuro, our people have detected that the Four Emperors Kaido and two high-ranking���All of them flew to the Grand Line."

Hearing this, Cloe frowned, a little puzzled, so he asked:"Did they have any signs before?"

"No, but a few days ago, Plague Quinn and Drought Jack both disappeared."

"Any other information?"

"there is none left"

"Thank you for your hard work. Keep watching the movements of the pirates in the New World, but be careful about your own safety. Remember to crush the stone in case of crisis."

"Yes! Major General Kuro."

Kuro then hung up the Den Den Mushi. If it was just Kaido, or even brought two big bosses, Plague and Drought, to fight,

Kuro would not care. After all, in his opinion, those two big bosses were idiots with brains full of muscles.

But if Flame, who usually never left the house, also went out, then the matter was worth pondering.

Flame was the brain of the entire pirate group, and even he was dispatched, something big must have happened!


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