
There are too few clues at the moment, and I can't figure out the relationship between them, but no matter what, I can't let the other party go to the first half of the Grand Line so recklessly!

So I picked up another Den Den Mushi and called the office of Sengoku.

"Moshi Moshi~ I’m Garp, and Sengoku was lazy and went to make tea. What’s the matter?"

As soon as the phone was connected, a strong voice was heard. Hearing Garp’s words, Cloe was also very upset.

Before Cloe could reply, there was another deafening roar from the other side:"Garp!! It was you, the bastard, who asked me to make tea! How could I be lazy! You are such a bastard!!!"

Then there was a burst of ping-pong sounds, and then Sengoku’s insightful voice rang out:"Who are you? I’m Sengoku."

After they finished their daily fights, Cloe asked straight to the point:"Hello, Marshal Sengoku, I’m Cloe from G5"

"I want to ask, has anything big happened in Paradise?"

Hearing Crow's question, Sengoku also became cautious. Over the years, Crow has established a huge intelligence network in the New World.

The other party must have a deeper meaning when asking this question.

So he did not hide it:"Garp's grandson Ace has clashed with Jack of the Beasts Pirates. They are fighting fiercely on an island."

"What happened? I have arranged for Kuina and Tashigi to go to support us. Is there any change in the New World?"Zhan Guo added.

Kuro pondered for a moment and said,"It's like this, Marshal Zhan Guo, I received a tip that Kaido took Jin and another cadre to the 'Paradise', so I asked if something happened."

"Now it seems that just the two of them are not enough to shock the place."

The other side was also silent after hearing this. After a long silence, Sengoku asked directly:"Tell me what you think, you know, we can't wage a full-scale war against Kaido now, even if our strength is stronger than any pirates."

Kuro understood. Sengoku meant that the World Government would not allow this balance to be broken, even if Kaido and others were alone.

Because even so, if Kaido and others want to run, no one can stop them, except Sean, of course, but this is a fact only they themselves know.

The World Government wants the pirates to check and balance the Navy, otherwise the Navy will directly open the world to conscription and promise high positions.

There is never a shortage of people with justice in the civilian population, but their justice needs a high position to be implemented.

The World Government does not allow the Navy to dominate alone. If the Navy directly sends people like Garp or the Admiral over.

It won't work. Once those people are sent over, it will not be a simple conflict, but a It could develop into an all-out war in a matter of minutes.

At this time, Cloe also understood why Sean wanted to replace Sengoku. If he wanted to break this balance, he had to replace him with a new leader and a new atmosphere.

As Sean's confidant, Cloe also knew that he was about to make a big move against the New World, so it would be better not to drag Kaido into the water at this time.

Although there would still be advantages even when facing two of the Four Emperors, that would expose Sean's strength, which was not what Cloe wanted to see.

The current game is about who has more cards and who has the most comprehensive layout. It is not time for a complete showdown yet.

Cloe's mind turned around in just a moment, and he said,"Let me go. I won't be slower than them."

"What do you want to do?"The other end of the line responded

"Those two sisters, individually, are at best at the level of King, but I know very well that their combined strength is enough to overwhelm Kaido!"

"I can just go over and contain Jin, and Ace can contain Jack, just right."

Hearing this, Sengoku on the other side of Den Den Mushi frowned slightly:"Didn't you say they have another senior official?"

"Yes, except for the three big bosses, I don't care about the rest. Even if Foz F comes, I am not afraid."

"There are other navy on the island, are you going to abandon them?" When he said this, Zhan Guo's tone had become a little colder.

Cloe smiled dumbly, leaned back, put his legs on the desk and said faintly:"You think too much, Marshal Zhan Guo"

"We even lack the strength to contain another big shot who has disappeared."

Sengoku was a little worried. Did he really have to send Garp?

Garp also realized the seriousness of the problem. Now almost all the top leaders of the Beasts Pirates are in Paradise.

If they are not handled properly, it will be a full-scale war.

"Then I will ask Garp to go there as well. Our navy cannot abandon anyone who holds justice in his heart!"

Hearing this, Cloe was speechless. Is this a 'wise general'?

So he had to explain patiently:"We cannot go to war with them at the moment, nor can we send out the face of our navy, otherwise the conflict will intensify, right?"


"If I, a major general and two brigadiers, can directly intimidate them and let them leave on their own, can the dignity of our navy be maintained, and there is no need to develop a full-scale war?"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo was still confused. You can intimidate that reckless pirate group? Are you kidding me?

"Are you kidding me? Even if you guys are powerful, you can't intimidate Kaido! Do you think Kaido is a coward?"

Zhan Guo was a little angry. Such a serious topic, but the other party was still joking.

"Alas, Marshal Sengoku, of course we can't intimidate Kaido, but Vice Admiral Sean can."

Sengoku also subconsciously wanted to speak���Refutation:"Wouldn’t it be the same if Sean went just like Cap went?"

"Hahaha, old man, you are old now. You were not so stupid and uncalm before!"

Garp said with a smile.

Being ridiculed by Garp, he was a little embarrassed at first, but after calming down, he suddenly figured it out.

This is because he underestimated Sean's deterrence in the New World. His ability to teleport at any time can be said to be the nemesis of pirates.

Crow is also Sean's right-hand man. If Crow appears there, once he is defeated, will Sean appear?

So Crow's appearance represents Sean. In the past few years, Sean's rescue has left all the pirates dead.

No one knows Sean's specific strength now. Even as arrogant as the Beasts Pirates, his subordinates dare not stroll in the waters of the G5 branch.

There is a consensus in the New World that this lazy vice admiral is very difficult to mess with, unless you are prepared for a full-scale war.

Kaido may be reckless, but he will definitely not dare to conflict with Sean there.

At this moment, Sengoku also wondered if he was old.

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