When Dilk was thrown to the ground with his head pressed down, he was also filled with rage.

Before Ace could make any move, Dilk's subordinates fearlessly rushed towards the pirates on the opposite side.

Kaido glanced at them indifferently, and suddenly these marines had difficulty moving under Kaido's domineering look.

In the end, their legs trembled, their eyes turned white, and most of them fainted on the ground. Only a few were struggling to hold on.

After Ace took a deep breath, he tightened the muscles in his legs, and then rushed towards Kaido like an arrow from a bow.


Ace, who was in a rage, didn't care whether he had enough physical strength to support it or how many people were on the other side.

Ace liked these navy men very much. He was happy to have a banquet with them, and he also liked the feeling of being taken care of by these people like younger brothers.

When they encountered danger, these people asked him to leave the first time. He fought with Jack willfully, and they did not leave.

After barely achieving the result, they had no time to be happy before the arrival of Kaido and his men ruined their good mood.

Dirk was beaten with a bloody head, how could he not be angry!

Kaido looked at Ace who was rushing towards him and grinned,"Interesting kid."

He glanced at Jack who stood up with the help of his men in the distance. There was a hole in his chest. There was no doubt that it was the masterpiece of the kid in front of him.

"But... people who don't know their own strength are not qualified to attack the strong!!"

After saying that, Kaido held the iron rod, which was wrapped with arcs of electricity, and then he hit Ace in the waist with all his strength.

""Thunderous Bagua!"

It was too fast. Ace didn't react and was smashed away without even a little resistance.

Ace's eyes turned white and he spit out blood as he flew back at a faster speed, breaking countless trees and rocks.

Finally, after a loud bang, it stopped. Dilk saw Ace being knocked away and struggled to get up.

But Jhin raised his foot and kicked Dilk, who also flew in the direction of Ace and soon hit Ace.

Ace's The shirt was already tattered, and after Kaido's attack, only two sleeves were left.

There were several thumb-sized holes on the ribs, and bright red blood was flowing out. Ace was struggling on the ground, holding his ribs, gasping for breath.

Dilk crawled over tremblingly, and blood kept flowing out through the gaps between his fingers that were covering his mouth.

He knelt down beside Ace, and helped Ace, who was breathing heavily, and said weakly:"Ace, are you, are you okay? Can you run? Puff..."

Dilk couldn't hold it in any longer in the middle of his words. The damage to his internal organs made him unable to hold back any longer as soon as he opened his mouth, and he spit out a large mouthful of black blood. Seeing this

, Ace endured the pain in his body and helped Dilk instead, his eyes red:"I should ask if you are okay now? I won't run!"

"There can be no deserters in the navy! You taught me that justice must never be retreated!"

"But, you will be the pillar of the navy in the future!"

Ace was about to speak, but with a series of"trample" sounds, the two looked up and saw Kaido and his men walking slowly towards them.

Even Jack was among them, but Jack's condition was not very good, and the hole in his chest was bleeding.

But with Jack's physique, he didn't care about this at all. With his strong recovery ability, he just needed to have a good rest afterwards.

Kaido squinted his eyes, looked down at the two of them, and then said,"Jack, were you defeated by such a person?"

Although it was a question, Jack still felt a little numb:"Boss Kaido, this kid's physique is very strong, and my attacks didn't work. I was just a little tired just now, so he succeeded."

"Oh? Kaido then looked at Ace carefully and finally found something unusual.

He found that after Ace was hit by him, there were only a few holes on the surface of his body that were bleeding.

But his ribs did not collapse at all, which meant that the opponent was only injured on the skin, and his internal organs were just a little uncomfortable.

""Kid, you're great, do you want to join my pirate group?" Kaido invited directly.

For him, this defense is better than any devil fruit. If CP9 can invite people to be pirates, why can't a navy recruit do it? As long as he is strong enough.

Dirk on the side, the blood from his head seeped into his eyes, dyeing his eyes red, making him look even more hideous.

He pushed Ace away and stood in front of Ace tremblingly:"You, don't even think about it! Ace is not like you villains!"

Then he took a deep breath without looking back and shouted:"Ace!! Please! Go, I'll stop them! Unless I die, they can't catch up with you!"

Ace knew very well that it was the best choice for him to leave now, because he still had a lot of things to do.

He hadn't become the King of the Navy yet, hadn't seen Luffy become the Pirate King, and hadn't seen what the ending of the era left by that man would be.

He hadn't repaid Sean for his education, and his grandfather for taking in his sinful blood. He hadn't received the care of Dadan, the care of the village chief, and the care of Nojiko, and he hadn't seen the brother who had been missing for many years.

There were too many of them. These people were the light on Ace's growth path. They redeemed him and dispelled the darkness in his heart.

However, he couldn't just give up on the seniors who had known him for a short time but were so sincere to him! He could only say silently in his heart: I'm sorry, everyone.

Then Ace's aura suddenly changed. He took a step forward and put his hand on the shoulder of the figure who was the same height as himself but unusually tall in his eyes.

He showed a bright smile:"Don't joke, you will make me live in a nightmare all my life. The Navy has Sean and the others, and they will definitely clean up the garbage in the sea. One more person won't make much difference!"

Dilke looked at the young man who was full of fighting spirit when fighting with Jack, but now his smile was as warm as that of a boy next door. He did n't look like he was facing a life-and-death crisis at all, but he still smiled:"Okay! Justice..."

Ace:"Never retreat!"


(Let me explain.

As mentioned before, Ace didn't eat the fruit, and he is the same as Luffy and the others.

The more he fights, the stronger he gets.

He hasn't practiced for a long time, and he also needs to practice Conqueror's Haki, so his current strength is above Vice Admiral and below Admiral.

But in the future he will definitely be one of the strongest besides the protagonist.

Luffy can be knocked out by one stick after beating Katakuri.

Katakuri's target is King, who kicked BIG·MON's main ship away and kicked the old woman into the water, causing her to lose her memory.

The strength division in One Piece is actually quite confusing, so it is normal for Ace to be beaten away at this stage, not to mention the collapse of his combat power.


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