
Kaido and the others looked at the two's passionate declarations with cold eyes.

He said coldly:"Do you think you are so great? Without strength, everything is just empty talk, and……"

"Do you think you can get away?"

After the words fell, a flash of scarlet light flashed in Kaido's eyes, and the domineering color was released at full power. He leaned over with an extremely oppressive momentum and pounced on the two.

Ace grabbed Dirk and pulled him behind him, and released his own domineering color with all his strength.

Rumble- red and black arcs wandered over the two people, and under the impact of the impact force like a substance, the clouds in the sky were shaken back.

The sky seemed to be cracked, and a huge gully covering the sky and the sun just stretched across everyone's heads.

The battle was about to start!

At this moment, two delicate shouts rang in everyone's ears at the same time.

"Cutting off the flow and rock cutting"

""Cut the rain."

Then, two sounds of breaking through the air were heard, and two huge blue and white slashes flew straight towards here.

Fuzzy Fu was about to take action, but was stopped by Jin. He drew out his long sword and swung a slash at the slashes in the sky.

However, he could only eliminate one of the white slashes, and the blue slashes still flew towards everyone.

Then he condensed a ball of fire with his hands and resisted the slashes in front of him.

""Flame Emperor Shield"

Suddenly, a crackling sound was heard, and the fireball turned into a huge shield that continuously outputs fire.

The huge impact pushed Jin back more than ten meters, and two grooves were plowed on the ground by his feet.

In the end, the slash was blocked by Jin, but his hands were trembling slightly, and even the gloves were protected by armed color. They were still cut with tiny cuts.

Kaido squinted and looked at the two women who were performing moon steps and jumping in the sky in the distance.

Foz F also looked at the two people who were coming here, and said softly:"Those are the twin stars of the navy. Like Sean, they are veritable monster swordsmen."

After a pause, he continued:"They are pure great swordsmen. They have not taken any devil fruits. Their combat records show that no one has been able to cause any harm to them."

"The report said that they were like proud stars hanging in the sky, standing at the top of all swordsmen, and they were the ones who might finally defeat Mihawk."

Hearing this, Kaido laughed wildly, and immediately swung his iron rod heroically, and leaned on the ground:"Even if they are Mihawk, so what? I am Kaido! Kaido of the Beast Pirates!"

After a while, two women wearing coats of justice landed in front of Ace. Dirk almost cried with excitement when he saw the two of them.

It was because although his military rank was one level higher than the two, she had heard a lot about the legends of these two people.

This was the junior sister of the legendary vice admiral who frightened all the pirates in the New World, and their swordsmanship was also taught by Sean.

Immediately, she said to Ace excitedly:"We are saved, it's the Gemini! The Gemini under Vice Admiral Sean!!!"

But Ace was not as optimistic as Dirk. Tashigi and Kuina were also facing each other with serious faces.

Now even with the arrival of Tashigi and Kuina, who have reached the level of generals, the situation has not improved much.

The two of them can certainly compete with Kaido together, and even suppress him, but for a strong man at this level, it is impossible to kill the opponent, unless there is an extra helper.

Otherwise, it will be a protracted battle at best. Kaido can be defeated, but in a one-on-one fight, he will be suppressed by the opponent.

Now two of the opponent's three disasters have come. Kuina can deal with Kaido, Dashigi and Jin can fight, and Ace on the side can only fight with Kaido. Both Foz and Jack were injured, and their fighting power was estimated to be 50-50.

But the remaining Foz F had no one to hold him back. No matter which battlefield the other party joined, it would be a bad thing.

The navy knew very well that this was once known as the most talented intelligence officer and the user of the animal-type devil fruit.

Cat-Cat Fruit·Ancient Species·Sabertooth Tiger Form, bounty of 546 million berries.

Dirk also found that he seemed to be happy too early, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly. He really hated his own weakness. He took a deep breath and was about to let them give up on him, but Ace interrupted the other party in advance.

""Leave Jack and that Foz F to Dilk and me, can you guys handle it?"

Although it was a question, Ace felt that the strength of the two women should not be underestimated. Just standing there, he could feel his hair stand on end. A breathtaking and sharp aura came over him. These were two top powerhouses!

Kuina looked at Ace and raised her eyebrows:"You're really embarrassed. Sean said that you have the qualifications to be a top powerhouse, but now it seems that you are just that."

"Don't say that, after all, he is the one Sean has chosen, although it is a bit embarrassing that he was bullied by the elephant."Dashiqi comforted.

Ace's mouth twitched, a little unconvinced:"Sean said that my talent is not weaker than anyone else on the sea! As soon as I go out to sea, I will fight a billion pirate!"

Kuina sneered, looking at Jack opposite with a playful look:"Him? In Sean's words, a billion bounty, but his teeth are worth 900 million, what are you proud of?"


Before Ace could refute, Jack was immediately furious and roared:"You two bastards! I'm going to smash your mouths!"

But Kaido restrained Jack and said:"It's really interesting. From what you said, you are all subordinates of that bastard Sean?"

"I really envy that bastard, where did he get so many young and powerful people? In that case, if you die here, he will go crazy, right?"

It's no wonder that Kaido hates Sean so much. After all, most of the pirates under his command are not good people.

He is arrogant and often has newcomers who say they want to go to the G5 waters to get back their face, but they often never come back, which makes many of Kaido's new forces be eliminated.

Kuina inherited Sean's ruthlessness and didn't say much. She pulled out the Wado Ichimonji, disappeared in front of everyone with a shave, and rushed straight to Kaido.

Although she knew that Kaido was stronger than her, she was not weak either, and before coming down, the two sisters took charge of the brains. Tashigi told herself Just drag it out.

The navy will support you, and maybe even keep Kaido and other core characters.

Yes, after these years of experience, Tashigi, who has great power, is completely different from the weak and timid Tashigi in the original book.

With a reckless"sister", she was forced to grow up and become the leader of the duo.

Kuina also picked up Xiaoye Shigure, who she had nurtured day and night, and rushed straight to the Flame Disaster Cinders.

She decided to let the name of her sword resound throughout the world and become the supreme sword that everyone envied!


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