
Tashigi also drew her sword, and started with a huge slash that seemed to cut the island in half, sweeping straight towards the embers.

Seeing the two fighting at the slightest disagreement, Ace was impressed that they were indeed Sean's subordinates.

He rushed towards Jack and Foz F,"Little elephant, the ivory is worth 900 million, let's continue our unfinished battle!"

"And the one next to you, come up, I can't be outdone by a girl!"

With a cone-shaped Ryuuko domineering wrapped around his fist, he rushed straight towards the two of them.

The battle started at this moment.

Dirk knew that he couldn't get involved in a battle of this level. In order not to become a burden, he could only look back every few steps as he ran towards his subordinates.

He had to gather all his subordinates together. Even if they couldn't make a contribution, they couldn't fall behind. What's more, the opponent's subordinates were there too.

Kaido saw Kuina with her hair flying, rushing straight towards him, and grinned.

He swung his weapon and smashed it over:"Kid! Let me show you the gap between you and me!"

The iron rod wrapped with electric arcs collided with the sword lingering with domineering aura in an instant.

Clang - a crisp sound of metal colliding resounded throughout the island, but strangely, Kaido's weapon did not collide with the Wado Ichimonji, but it made a sound of metal clashing.

It turned out that Kaido used the domineering color entanglement. If it was the first time for someone to be attacked by this kind of attack, then it would be a sure thing, even the top strongmen would be slightly distracted.

But Kaido miscalculated, and when the two weapons confronted each other, Kuina grinned.

"Conqueror's Haki? What's so great about it!"

In an instant, a force as substantial as substance burst out from Kuina's body, colliding with Kaido's own domineering aura.

Suddenly, under the collision of domineering aura, black and red lightning snakes roamed around the two of them, which was more violent than the collision of Conqueror's Haki with Ace just now.

The earth cracked under the collision of the two's auras, and dense cracks spread to the distance.

This shocked Kaido. Although the opponent's Conqueror's Haki was not as mature and powerful as his own, the opponent actually had the qualifications to become a king.

When did the navy have so many kings? When he first arrived at Ace, it could be said that he was a recruit, but the opponent had already awakened the Conqueror's Haki.

But this is obviously just Sean's subordinate. What's more terrifying is that from the information just now, these two are Sean's subordinates.

Kuina, with her hair flying, was very satisfied with the other party's expression.

"Well~ It seems that my Conqueror's Haki is still too weak, and I can't entangle. When I can do it, that will be the day I will take the throne of the world's number one swordsman!"

Yes, Kuina also awakened the Conqueror's Haki. Four years ago, after the two sisters came to the New World, Sean taught them swordsmanship from time to time.

He asked them to chop the sea, mountains, and islands, and later they could only use bamboo swords.

One day, the two sisters, as usual, took a small raft to the deserted island where they practiced, but for some reason, a super-large sea king attacked them. Before the two could react, the boat was overturned by the waves caused by the opponent.

The sea king even opened its bloody mouth to swallow Tashigi. At that moment, Kuina awakened the Conqueror's Haki. The super-large sea king was shocked and slightly lost in thought, and then he drew his sword and slashed, driving the sea king away.

Kaido was also a little annoyed when he heard Kuina's Versailles speech:"Kid! There are many such qualifications in the New World! You have nothing to be proud of."

After he finished speaking, he transformed into an orc, jumped up, and jumped in the air, spinning his iron rod, wrapping the domineering aura around it.

He smashed it down towards Kuina from top to bottom.

""The Third Generation: Inducing Naraku"

Kuina instinctively felt that this attack was very dangerous, but to become the world's greatest swordsman, she should not be afraid of any challenge.

She held the sword with both hands behind her, and the tip of the sword gently slid across the ground, and then suddenly lifted it up, the black blade flowing with orange domineering aura.

""Broken Sea Flow·Shattered·Acala!"

This is one of Kuina's special moves. She once fought against a devil fruit user, who was a natural ability user. He could create all kinds of rocks and soil. The opponent's turtle shell was based on Acala, but it was still destroyed from the inside by Kuina's blow.

Boom- the energy on the two weapons was released at the moment of collision, forming a semicircular light curtain interwoven with orange and red and spreading away.

When the energy halo dissipated, a huge, bottomless pit appeared on the ground, and the sound of gurgling water flowed from the pit.

In less than a moment, a lake was formed under the backflow of sea water, but it was made of sea water.

Only Kaido was left standing on it, and two huge gullies spread from Kaido's feet to both sides.

Ace, who had been paying attention, was shocked to see Kuina disappear, and was immediately slapped away by Foz F in the form of a saber-toothed tiger.

Seeing this, Tashigi shouted coldly,"Watch yourself, Kuina is not that weak!"

As if to confirm Dashigi's conjecture, Kuina popped her head out of the lake, and then stepped on it again with a moon step, standing firmly on the other side of the lake. She looked at Kaido from a distance, but her arms were slightly trembling, and there were a few red bloodstains on her face. She was almost cut by the black lightning of Kaido's attack.

Kaido on the other side saw that the other party was just a little embarrassed, but not fatally injured, and he was not disappointed.

After all, it was just a blow to see if the other party was qualified to fight with him.

"Kid, I recognize you. You have a chance to catch up with that bastard Sean!"

"Humph, your attack is not that great, are you really the strongest creature?"Being lectured by Kaido in a condescending tone, Kuina retorted unhappily

"Then I'll let you see for yourself! How strong is the dragon flying in the sky!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dragon roar sounded, and Kaido turned into a blue dragon, and Kuina also gritted her teeth and went to meet him.

On the other side, the battle between Dashigi and the Flame Disaster Jin was in full swing.

Jin in the form of a Pteranodon swooped down from the sky at a high speed and rushed towards Dashigi.

"Dan Gong Huang" (I don't know why Jhin's move names are so tacky, I didn't come up with them)

"When Jin swooped down, his body spun, his wings drew an arc, and swept towards Dashiki.

Dashiki held the knife horizontally in front of him, the tip of the knife condensed with sharpness and domineering power, and stabbed at the opponent at a speed faster than the finger gun.

There was another earth-shattering explosion, sand and gravel flew, the ground cracked, and the island was once again indelibly scarred.


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