
After a few days of sailing, we finally arrived at the headquarters of the Navy, Marinford.

Although there are more than 70,000 plot points, Sean decided to save them until he had 100,000.

After all, there is a guarantee for ten consecutive draws, and this is a consensus.

When I really saw Marinford, I was really shocked.

In the anime, it was just a small building, but here, the towering huge city walls are like a shield. The inner bay and the dock are all parked with endless warships.

Damn, Aokiji was able to freeze such an exaggerated area of sea, but he couldn't beat Red Dog. It's outrageous.

On the way to the Sengoku office taken by Garp, he saw many navy people in a hurry along the way.

He sighed and said,"The guys here are much more diligent than ours."

"It's okay," Garp turned his head and said seriously:"Try not to conflict with Sengoku later, he also has his difficulties."

Sean waved his hand indifferently.

After a while, he arrived at Sengoku's office and pushed the door open.

There were four people in the office, Sengoku, Crane, Sakaski and Kuzan.

As soon as they entered the door, the four of them looked at Sean in unison. To his surprise, Sakaski actually smiled at him.

Just think about it and you will know what's going on. Although this person is not very likable in the anime.

This is a real iron-blooded soldier. Reality is not anime, and Sean can't hate such a person.


It was Garp who took out Sengoku's senbei and broke the brief silence.

Seeing Sengoku's dark face, Garp laughed:"Sengoku, don't be so stingy, this white-haired kid is much more powerful than Jinbe."

Sengoku still had a bad look on his face:"I know, but he doesn't respect me at all!"

At this time, Tsuru also stood up,"The strong have their own tempers, not to mention their own concept of justice?"

After that, he looked at Kuzan and Sakaski, and the two pretended not to see it.

Sean understood, it seems that the factional dispute between these two people has already begun.

"Hey, kid, which general do you want to join? I believe you have some knowledge of the current generals. The remaining one, Borsalino, has gone to the New World to support the G1 branch."

""Hmm... Let me think about it."

Several people did not disturb him, but just looked at him quietly.

In fact, Sean had already prepared himself in his heart. If he wanted more freedom, of course he would join the Yellow Monkey. His"ambiguous justice" was most suitable for him.

Because now there must be all kinds of secret struggles under the command of Kuzan and Sakaski. This is a conflict of justice.

Although the problem is not big, he is afraid of trouble. After thinking for a long time, he said:"I want to join the command of General Borsalino."

When these words came out, everyone present was a little surprised. They thought that Sean had to punish the pirates, and they would more or less have like-minded with Sakaski.

Or Kuzan, who got along well with civilians, but choosing Borsalino was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

"Can you explain it, kid?"

Hearing Zhan Guo's question, Sean slowly said,"There is no special reason. The world is so big and I want to go for a walk. I am also quite mobile, so that's it."

"Humph!" Sakaski lit a cigar in his mouth and said with an unhappy face:"That guy is too lazy, you just want to follow him to be lazy! If you have the ability, you should follow me to kill pirates!"

Sean was not embarrassed when his secret was exposed,"That's what you think, but it is my freedom to follow Borsalino!"

"Humph, I'm not Zhan Guo, you should be more respectful to your superiors, otherwise I don't mind teaching the disobedient navy a lesson!"

The rest of the people watched the conflict between the two with interest, as if they were not worried at all that they would fight.

Sean also noticed this situation and probably knew what was going on. He just wanted to see how strong he was.

However, he couldn't be criticized for no reason.

I... Sean, super strong!

"What? I'm going to take your photo in black and white and take it out to look at it from time to time. Is that respect for the superior?"

Sakaski's forehead was bulging with veins, and his body temperature gradually increased."Kid, I'll give you one chance to apologize!"

Sean also shed his lazy look and released his own momentum. The walls and furniture of the entire office were pressed by a pressure, leaving irregular cracks.

"What? Can't afford to play? I'm putting it out there. Everyone here, no one can catch me, so don't play such boring tricks. Fight if you want! How can I, a major, let so many people come to block me?"

Everyone was shocked. This momentum was clearly the highest level of domineering color, the same level as Roger!

Kuzan's forehead was slightly sweaty:"Hey, hey! Are you kidding?"

Seeing this, Sakaski could no longer bear it:"Kid! You are too arrogant!"

As soon as the voice fell, his fist was emitting magma, and he rushed towards Sean.

Seeing this, Sean did not hide. He smiled slightly and waved to Sakaski:"Go ahead~"

A burst of blue light came out of Sean's body, and with a"whoosh", the whole person disappeared. Everyone present looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Garp.

Garp bit the senbei and said:"Don't look at me, I don't know either. I only know that he has a healing talent. It seems that what he said about no one catching him is true."

Zhan Guo frowned and said,"This is really troublesome. He is strong and cannot be caught. What if he goes against the navy..."

Garp interrupted Zhan Guo and said,"Don't worry, that kid is not a bad person. I can guarantee that. You can't be suspicious of others just because they are strong."

Crane also added,"Besides, there are not many problem teenagers in the navy? Which of the three admirals doesn't have a weird personality." The

'problem teenagers' Sakaski and Kuzan who were mentioned had weird expressions on their faces.

At this moment, a blue light flashed where Sean had just stood.

Sean was holding a bag in his hand and biting a donut in his mouth.

Seeing Garp's stunned look, he spoke in advance when he saw that he wanted to speak:"Yes, it's just what you thought. I touched it on your warship."

""Ah!!! How dare you steal my donuts!" He was about to rush forward, but was stopped by He.

"Don't you have Senbei from Sengoku in your hand?"

Garp's face was embarrassed for a moment, but he said confidently after a moment:"He is the marshal, and I am the vice admiral. What's wrong with eating his Senbei?"

Sengoku quickly interrupted Garp's sophistry,"Okay, let's talk business."

After that, he looked at Sean:"So did you go to Garp's warship just now?"

Sean regained his lazy look and sat down not far from Sakaski.

He took a cigar from Sakaski's chest pocket and took out a lighter from the system space to light it.

He ignored Sakaski's low mood the whole time.

Humph, let you be mean to me!

Then he looked at Sengoku:"So I said, no one can catch me! Don't think about seastone, that won't work. I can go anywhere I've been at any time!

Don't test me, I just want to be an ordinary navy, you can do whatever you want, I am also on the side of justice, maybe the concepts are different, but aren't they all justice?

That's it, let's wait for General Borsalino to come back and talk about it."

Then he walked to the door, opened it, looked at a soldier and said,"Take me to the dormitory, I'm sleepy!"

The soldier looked at Zhan Guo, Zhan Guo nodded, and then left with Sean.

(ps: It's not that the protagonist is strong enough to challenge all the navy, nor does it mean that he must be under the command of the navy. Don't argue, I'll talk about it in the next chapter!)

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