
The reason why Sean is so reckless, in addition to his confidence in his own strength, is because he doesn't want to get involved in the factional ideological disputes.

He knows that Aokiji and Akainu will have a battle in the future. Now it's okay, after all, the Warring States are still there, and they check and balance each other. They all want to realize the justice in their hearts, and once he joins any side, their battle will be advanced.

Because if they don't fight in advance, Sean's faction will only become stronger.

But just because he knows about their ideological disputes, Sean doesn't want to destroy the balance between them.

What if there is a fight and anyone quits the navy? That would be the loss of the navy!

So he can only use this attitude to show that he doesn't want to get involved...

On the way to the dormitory with Sean, the marines passed by a training ground, and Sean stopped to watch.

There were about 50 recruits running laps on the training ground.

Their instructor was an old man with purple hair, wearing glasses, with a gentle face, and looked like a scholar.

Sean slapped his forehead and remembered who this person was.

‘Zephyr, who never kills admirals, is a legendary and tragic man. He became an admiral in his thirties, but he never killed any enemy. He was retaliated by pirates in his forties, and his family was killed by pirates. Although he began to hate pirates, he did not defeat him and was still a man full of hope.

Later, he turned to education and trained talents for the navy.

The current three admirals, including most of the current vice admirals, are his students.

Later, he took new recruits to sea for internship, but was attacked by the pirates Weibull and Miss Bakin.

Only two of his beloved students survived, and he also broke an arm.

But although he was sad, he still believed that the navy would help him arrest the pirates who hurt his students.

Five years later, with the help of scientists, he made a mechanical arm of seastone, the Crusher

, and even formed a"Pirate Guerrilla" to capture pirates soon after, making his last contribution to the navy.

The turning point happened a few years later. Zephyr, who was already in his seventies, learned that the pirate who killed his student and cut off his arm was invited by the World Government to join the"Seven Warlords of the Sea". This became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

At this point, Zephyr was full of strong doubts and distrust of the Navy, and resolutely withdrew from the Navy to establish the"NEO Navy" with the goal of annihilating all pirates, and even took away the DYNA rock.

But the ending was stopped by Luffy. Even at the last moment of his life, Zephyr, who was attacked, still did not forget to teach his students, the vice admiral and the general.

Thinking of this, Sean sighed. Is it stupid not to kill pirates? Perhaps only Zephyr himself knows this question.

In this pirate world, faith is something that is even more precious than life.

Once faith collapses, it will become extremely terrible. Zephyr is an example.

This is how the group of high-level officials of the World Government forced the faith of the kind old man in front of them to collapse step by step.

When Sean saw Ain and Binz, he knew it was this class. He made up his mind that no matter there was a plot point reward or not, he would change the original fate of this old man.

Having grown up under the red flag, he simply couldn't bear to see such a sunny and kind old marine fall into darkness.

Sean, who was thinking about how to get involved in this incident, was also discovered by Zefa.

Zefa sensed it slightly and knew that this young man was very strong and was not weaker than himself.

But why did he look at him with pity?

The Marine in charge of Sean immediately stepped forward and saluted, then pulled Sean:"Major Sean, this is the chief instructor of our headquarters, former Admiral Zefa."

Sean came back to his senses:"Mr. Zefa, I'm sorry, I saw that you were a little distracted just now"

"Ha, interesting kid, how come you are so strong, and you like the training here?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Everyone knows that your students are in the top ranks of the navy. Your training methods must be worth learning from."

Sean thought this might be an opportunity, so he continued,"I heard that every class of students will go out to sea for internship, so I have a presumptuous request. Is it possible that you can take me with you next time you take them out to sea? I also want to take a look."

Zefa raised his eyebrows and said,"It's just a group of little ghosts catching little pirates. What's there to see?""

"Eh, that's not right. After all, I just joined the navy halfway, and I'm not very clear about some of the navy's capabilities, so I just want to come and take a look, is that okay?"

Zephyr hesitated for a moment and said,"Okay, then I'll take you with me. If you don't have any missions at that time, you will go to sea in about a week. You can ask your boss for leave."

Zephyr agreed. In fact, he had his own plans in mind. He knew that Sean was the super rookie who could fight Garp to a draw.

He also knew that his ideas conflicted with those of the navy's top brass such as Sengoku, so by taking him with him, he could also get to know him better.

With his ability, he will definitely be promoted soon when he comes to the headquarters. If he is a good person, he can recommend a few students to join him.

Well, that should be it. He is strong and not arrogant.

Sean was delighted when he heard this,"Okay, Mr. Zephyr, I'll go back first. I just came to the headquarters and haven't even found a dormitory. I'll come to see you tomorrow morning."

"All right, go ahead."

Just like that, Sean hastily ended his first conversation with Zefa.

After returning to the dormitory, Sean immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep. After all, sleeping on the sea is not as comfortable as sleeping on land.


The marshal's office at the headquarters.

The atmosphere was a little subtle at this time, and the faces of several big men were a little ugly.

Because they had just contacted Borsalino.

Sakas basically thought that Borsalino would not care about Sean and would not let him join his team.

After all, Borsalino's personality is weird. You say he is lazy, but he completes every task very well. You say he is ambitious, but he would rather take his subordinates to be Vegapunk's bodyguard, so I really can't understand Borsalino's idea.

Although Sean is a thorn, there is no doubt about it, but he is the top combat force of the navy.

Coming to the Grand Line, with his strength, he will definitely be promoted quickly, and even Sakaski has to admit this.

In recent years, the conflict between Sakaski and Aokiji has intensified, and Sengoku is also old.

If Sean joins his faction, it will be much easier to compete for the position of marshal in the future.

Kuzan also thinks so, and Sengoku is wondering why Borsalino is uncharacteristically willing to take this thorn.

So the three people were thinking about it, after all, Sean's potential was too great, he could become so strong just in the East China Sea.

Think about Luffy's protagonist group, if they don't fight with strong people to hone and upgrade, their combat power when they just went to sea is really shocking.

That's why they pay so much attention to Sean who has only been in the East China Sea but has unparalleled strength and strange abilities.

Garp and Crane sat aside and watched the three of them.

After a long time, it was the chief staff Crane who broke the silence:

"I think it's better to let nature take its course. He's still a young man, don't push him too hard. From what I know, he's a lazy person, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed in the East China Sea for so long. As for Borsalino, he probably just felt that he had met a fellow traveler, so let's leave it at that."

Upon hearing this, Zhan Guo couldn't think too much about it and could only sigh.

Although he was the marshal, it was really hard to intervene in these matters. Originally, he wanted Sean to join the Kuzan camp.

But now there was no need to plan, as Sean didn't want to join the factional struggle at all.

This already involves the three admirals plus Sean, four top combat forces, and they really can't be moved casually.

Thinking of this, I understood what He meant by letting nature take its course. Akainu and Aokiji had different ideas, but they were still colleagues.

If Sean was added to either side, the balance between them would be destroyed.

After figuring it out, Zhan Guo immediately said,"That's it, Sakaski, go to the New World and bring Borsalino back.…"


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