
Sean didn't expect that the fruit would be taken away while he was in seclusion.

And that sinister guy Teach would be arrested by Akainu, which was not what Sean expected at all.

In other words, the times are about to go out of control!

Hearing this, Kizaru frowned and said,"Have you told anyone about your plan?"

""Impossible, I'm just afraid of unexpected events, so I've never told anyone about the existence of this guy Teach!"

Sean said firmly.

Garp on the side was already confused, and asked quickly:"What are you talking about, why don't I understand at all, what does it have to do with that guy Whitebeard?"

Immediately, Sean explained to Garp that he was planning to start a war between the navy and pirates.

But now, it is being pushed by a black hand behind the scenes. Although the original intention is the same, it does not meet Sean's expectations.

Then, everyone felt that this was a bit unexpected, but reasonable.

The pirate forces will eventually be liquidated by them, but they didn't expect Sean to have already started to act.

I didn't expect that this plan would be executed by someone.

Sean frowned and asked:"Is there any other information? Something is wrong here. Based on my understanding of that insidious guy, he would never put himself in danger."

After hesitating for a while, Kizaru said,"Sakaski talked to me. He said that this was an order from the Five Elders, but he didn't know the purpose. Because this was also an opportunity to strike at pirates, that guy carried it out directly.""

"Although I am a neutral party, he still hopes that I will support him to be the next Admiral of the Navy. He said that the Five Elders will support him."

"But some cadres support Aokiji, and he doesn't want to fight with Aokiji, so if he gets my support, other people will be shaken and even support him, so they don't have to fight."

Hearing this, Sean narrowed his eyes. It seems that the truth is always about to come out, but there is still something missing.

At this time, Garp said:"You are feared, or to be more precise, you are suspected. This may be a test."

"Oh? I'd like to hear more about it."

Garp changed his usual image of an old naughty boy and said with an unusually serious expression,"I came here in a private capacity this time, and I'm also asking you on behalf of the Warring States. What is your purpose?"

"Although we didn't think you would say it, we just wanted an attitude, but we didn't expect you to really be planning something. This is something we didn't expect."

After a pause, he continued,"We guessed that you had already attracted a lot of attention, so why weren't you restrained? Now it seems that everything is clear. This time, it was a test for you."

"Because your subordinates are so extraordinary, whether it is Ace or Kuina, their qualifications represent their extraordinary ideals."

"This is not the point. The point is that you have been staying at home for the past few years!"

Hearing this, Sean suddenly realized that it was because of his laziness that aroused suspicion.

Come to think of it, with only three people under his command, they can match the highest combat power of the navy. Although there is some gap, this gap can be made up with time.

Moreover, none of these guys have the slightest ambition to make progress, and now there is Roger's son.

So this time, how he deals with Teach has become a test. If he kills Teach at all costs, then he simply hates pirates.

And if he wins over Teach, it means that he is planning something and will take him down at all costs!

Because Sean is undoubtedly the biggest threat to the World Government, he is elusive. 's ability will definitely make the World Government pay a certain price.

The World Government will not allow such people to be out of control. You are allowed to burn, kill, plunder, and do all kinds of evil, but the only thing it does not allow is the existence beyond control.

But there is a prerequisite here, that is, Sean does not know Teach's background! Thinking of this, Sean's mouth curled up slightly.

He originally didn't want to let that ambitious guy live!

It seems that this time, there will be a big change, but all of this is speculation, and there is a way to verify the speculation.

It depends on whether you have the opportunity to contact Teach. This"criminal" who affects the world pattern is not someone that everyone can contact at this stage.

"Is there anything else they want me to do?"

Kizaru was also surprised when he heard this:"There really is something you need to do. They want you to stay at Impel Prison before Teach's execution!"

Sure enough, then next, no matter whether Sean takes any action or not, as long as Teach is not dead, he will have to pay for it.

But it's not a big problem. With his current strength, even if the Four Emperors Pirate Group comes, he can still destroy them.

This is entirely the confidence of his own strength!

【Host: Sean

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Combat power: 22052"10 ordinary soldiers, 11-499 elite soldiers below lieutenant colonel, 500-4000 elite colonel to major general, 4001-7000 lieutenant general, 7001-9999 general candidates, 10000 and above generals/Four Emperors, no upper limit." (It is a combination of dao power and ability. The combined value is lower than the pure dao power value.)

Abilities: telekinesis, armament Haki Max, observation Haki Max, domineering Haki Max skills: prayer, purification, swordsmanship, Flying Thunder God Teleport, Kageka Shuiyue,

Warehouse: Mikazuki Munechika, Yumeng Senzaku 'used', pure gold upgraded version * 9, change of clothes, several photos,...

Plot points: 35004]

Yes, although Sean's strength has only increased by more than 2,000 points in the past four years, it has also consumed a huge amount of plot points.

But, in other words, it is not that the genetic lock in his body has been broken, that earth-shaking qualitative change force.���It's the skill of Mirror Flower and Water Moon, which can be used on people with a combat power lower than 3,000 points. Anyone with a comprehensive combat power less than 19,000 points can be killed with just a look.

Not to mention his own hard power now. His physical fitness has become stronger and stronger. He even feels that even without the pure gold, his life span will be greatly extended.

But this is not enough. Sean's goal is that he will stand in front of the stage when he can truly sweep across the entire ocean.

Now he is indeed powerful, and he can indeed ignore the strong man of Jiang Huang's level of strength.

But there is still the possibility of being exhausted to death in a head-on confrontation, so it is better to be cautious.

Anyway, his future opponents will never be these people, but the pinnacle of this world, Im!

Then he looked at Kizaru:"When do you want me to go over?"

"The sooner the better, because this time it was directly named by the higher-ups."Kizaru responded


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