
"All right, I'll go over there and see what this Teach is up to. He actually dares to be in Impel Prison."

After he finished speaking, Sean was about to leave, but a thug suddenly grabbed him.

Sean looked at the owner of the big hand with some confusion,"Anything else?"

"You haven't answered me yet. What do you want to do? You even won over Ace." Garp looked at Sean with a pleading look on his face.

He already knew very well that he was no match for Sean, judging from the ability that Sean had unconsciously exuded just now.

Sean might have reached a higher level. He now looked at Sean like an old man who was worried that his grandson would go astray.

Sean's scalp was numbing at Garp's sudden tenderness. Yes, in Sean's eyes, Garp was affectionate.

He shuddered and quickly slapped Garp's big hand away:"Calm down, okay, okay, I'll tell you right now!"

So Sean explained:"In fact, we haven't done anything extremely evil. We are also fighting for the navy. We want the navy to break away from the World Government!"

"What! You, you want to leave the World Government? What about the Navy's operating funds? Have you thought about the World Government's retaliation? How many people will leave with you? And they won't allow you to do this!"

"So this is simply impossible!" Garp roared directly.

Although he also wanted the navy to break away from the constraints of the World Government, it was impossible, regardless of whether it could succeed or not.

The sea would usher in a dark and turbulent period without any order, and at that time, the civilians would suffer.

Once such a thing happened, would the navy still be a navy that upholds justice? Internal struggles led to the destruction of order!

"I know what you're worried about, but it can all be fixed."

"We control one-fifth of the world's wealth, have an ordinary army that directly competes with the world government, and have many archaeologists under our command."

"History needs us to expose, theocracy needs us to overthrow, and the navy needs a clean background. This great pirate era will eventually come to an end!"

"And that day is not far away. We are just preparing for the dark and turbulent period after the end of the pirate era."

"Reform is never something that can be accomplished by a few individuals. All civilians must eradicate the slavery in their genes, otherwise even a short-lived peace will be nothing but an illusion."

As he listened, Garp gradually came to his senses. One-fifth of his wealth was used to support the army of the World Government.

Such a huge fortune could not have disappeared, and the person who possessed so much wealth was the new king, Tesoro.

Who else could support the army of the World Government, except for the revolutionary army formed by his useless son?

Suddenly, even a veteran with a big heart like Garp was shocked by Sean's words, but looking at the other people, he looked accustomed to it.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva:"How sure are you? If you fail, the navy will be dragged into an abyss of no return by you!"

Sean sneered:"Oh, whose navy do you think you are loyal to now? Excuse me, the navy is just a minion of the World Government. Do you really think the navy is just?"

"Over the years, how many incidents has the Navy had to clean up the mess for a bunch of good-for-nothings?"

"Sure? Don't be ridiculous. You are really not as good as Dragon. Why don't you ask your son if he was sure enough to establish the revolutionary army?"

"I don't ask you to support your family more, but at least don't be a stumbling block. Why do you think your two grandsons want to be pirates? Without me, would Ace join this navy full of corruption?"

Thinking of the original work he had read, Sean was furious. Garp was a guy who only cared about killing and not burying.

It is true that some people might sacrifice their small families for the sake of everyone, but Garp could have obviously prevented Ace's death.

What's more, he was fully capable of stopping Ace from becoming a pirate. If he had cared more about Ace, would he have followed in Roger's footsteps? He went to sea for only one purpose, which was to see if his existence was sinful and meaningful.

The order of the sea is indeed indispensable, but it is by no means a reason for Garp to ignore his family!

Garp also felt that what he asked was stupid. Revolution has never been easy. It only He was worried. He was worried that once the navy was gone, the sea would be turned upside down. Today's navy can only barely control pirates. He also knew that he had completely neglected his family for the sake of the navy over the years. In fact, Garp was in pain, but he had no choice. He was helpless.

He knew the tricks in the navy better than anyone else, but the old man was really afraid.

Sean felt a little reluctant to see Garp's hunched back, but he had to break the old man's fantasy.

So he slowed down his tone and said,"Old man, let me tell you this, if the navy does not find another way out, it will be banned even in the near future. Do you understand?"

Garp looked up blankly and looked at Sean with a puzzled look. Why would the dominant force on the sea be banned?

Seeing this, Sean continued to answer,"The times are running wild, and Roger's existence has accelerated this process."

"He wanted to let the world know this history, and wanted to make this violent era completely chaotic, so that it would be possible to overthrow the rule from above!"

"You, the D clan, are the"natural enemies of God". In the wheel of time, anyone is just an ant in front of it."

"Even the World Government is no exception, but have you ever thought about where the navy will be once the World Government collapses?"

"When the D clan stirs up a storm again, will the Navy help the World Government or stand aside? But this is not a wise option. In any case, the ending is either being spurned by the people or being liquidated by the World Government."

"The only way out is to go out on your own. Otherwise, when the dragon-slaying warriors wield their swords against God, that will be the day the navy ceases to exist."

"Or the World Government will continue to maintain its rule, but the Navy will no longer be the Navy."

After listening to Sean's long speech, everyone present except Kizaru and Kuro was silent. It was also the first time for them to hear Sean's voice.

There is no doubt that according to Sean, there will always be someone who will come out to confront the World Government. At that time, the Navy will not only help the situation.

At least the position in cleaning up the mess must be correct, otherwise, this sea will become a land of disorder.

It will also go backwards in history.


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