Wang Pingchuan's whisk danced wildly, and several large white snakes swept over, completely wrapping up the huge Tonggi ape king.

But the Tonggi ape king is also known for its strength, and it beat the white snake's body crazily.

Wang Pingchuan was sweating profusely, and his hand holding the whisk was shaking a little. It was not easy to deal with. He underestimated the Tonggi ape king a little. He didn't expect that the Tonggi ape king still retained such strong power!

While Wang Daochang and the Tonggi ape king were wrestling, Qin Tianming used the deterrence of the stupid dog to quickly select the stronger beasts in the army of alien beasts and become his own subordinate creatures.

In a blink of an eye, he filled the system's creature warehouse again, with 500 tiger-level and above alien beasts!

In addition

, it seems very few in front of the alien beast army, but if it is placed in normal times, it is definitely a considerable number, comparable to a small alien beast tribe, and an elite tribe.

He only has more than 5 million left, and he can't synthesize it anymore. He must save some money for his recovery.

Let's hide these 500 creatures in the system first. Release them at a critical moment, maybe it will be a surprise army!

Just as Qin Tianming was looking at the entire battle situation and thinking about the entry point, a shout suddenly disrupted his thoughts:

""Tianming! Be careful!"

It was Wang Xiaohou's voice. Qin Tianming suddenly tensed up, as if he was being stared at by something.

And it was familiar, just not long ago...

What was it?


There was a sudden chill on his back, which made his hair stand up. He subconsciously moved his head to the side a few centimeters.

His cheeks instantly felt cool, followed by a tingling sensation.

He didn't see anything, but only caught a glimpse of a shadow from the corner of his eye, a flash of shadow.

It appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

Hidden in the shadow of the silly dog's thick hair, Qin Tianming wiped his face, the back of his hand was covered in blood, and he stared at the place where the shadow disappeared with a secretive look.

"Shadow Art……"

Shadow assassin?

No, the shadow assassin should be dead. It's definitely not a shadow assassin. Could it be a beast with stealth skills like the lazy cat?

He soon knew the answer because a group of people came out from not far away.

Dozens of Liu family warriors who were in the underground bunker of Yinmao Pagoda were holding several military warriors whose lives were unknown.

Xuantong Baijunsi was soaked in blood and was captured by the head of the Liu family with one hand.


Su Xingcan's eyes suddenly turned red. Xuantong was a capable general under his command. He had fought with him on the battlefield many times and was very strong. But now his life or death was uncertain!

Qin Hailong and others looked very heavy. The most troublesome situation had occurred.

The head of the Liu family was not weak. Before this, he was also the top strongman in the city. It can be said that he was almost the same as Su Xingcan in his heyday.


Qin Tianming shouted in a low voice. At this moment, Wang Xiaohou was also covered in blood and was dragged over by Liu Hao.

"Hey, I'm still too weak. If it were you, you wouldn't be so embarrassed."Wang Xiaohou opened one eye and smiled miserably.

He still held the stick in his hand tenaciously, but he was afraid that he couldn't form a fighting force at the moment, so no one cared about him.

"Let him go."

Qin Tianming stared at Liu Hao coldly, his voice icy and piercing

"Let me release him. No problem. If you let the alien beast army enter the city, I will release your friend immediately."Liu Hao smiled contemptuously.

"Don't worry about me, kill him, kill all the Liu family members, the Liu family members rebelled, slaughtered tens of thousands of people in the underground bunker, and we finally failed to break out!"

Wang Xiaohou roared miserably.


Everyone was shocked, slaughtering tens of thousands of people?

How is this cruel behavior different from that of a beast?

Liu Hao disagreed and shrugged with some regret,"It's a pity that we still can't find the person hidden by the military. Where did he go... But it doesn't matter, just keep killing, I don't believe we can't find him!"

Liu Hao's words made everyone unbearable and hated him to the bone!

"Liu Dawei, your Liu family betrayed humanity. From now on, the Liu family will be listed as the primary target for killing, and the priority for killing is even higher than that of the alien beasts. Do you think you still have a chance to survive?"

Qin Hailong asked in a deep voice.

The head of the Liu family smiled and said,"As long as you die, no one will know that we betrayed humanity."

"You are shameless!"

Su Meng's eyes turned red and she cursed.

She saw her best friend Yu Sichu, whose broken arm had not yet fully recovered and was now in a coma.

The Liu family brought these people who were related to them here on purpose to forcibly interfere with their will and make them lose their will to fight! It was simply despicable!

Everyone was indignant, even Wang Pingchuan was caught off guard. The former umbrella of the general city has now become a traitor?

This is troublesome!

It is said that the head of the Liu family has long been at the peak of the earth level, which is similar to herself, plus a Tongbi Ape King... It's simply a mess!

""Hiss... I regret it, I should have let my senior brother come here!"

Wang Pingchuan had a sad expression on his face, but his hands never relaxed. He kept swinging the whisk, and had already wrapped the Tongbi Ape King into a big ball. The sharp-eyed people found that this whisk was also a treasure, as hard as steel, with soft black hair and full of toughness.

After withstanding thousands of punches from the Tongbi Ape King from the inside, only a few strands were broken.

Wang Pingchuan couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, he borrowed the black steel whisk from his senior brother, otherwise he really couldn't subdue this guy.


Suddenly, a member of the martial arts team wailed. There was a cut on his neck and blood splattered out.

The man who injured him flashed by quickly and disappeared without a trace.

Only Su Xingcan and Qin Hailong saw it at the scene."A strong man from the shadow flow? A shadow assassin?"

Su Xingcan knew a little about the shadow assassin. He was a dark web killer hired by the Liu family.

"It's not a shadow assassin." Qin Tianming said in a deep voice,"The shadow assassin has been killed by me."

"You killed the Shadow Assassin?"

Su Xingcan was a little surprised, he really didn't know,"Then who is this person?"

"I don't know, maybe... he came for me.……"

Qin Tianming was almost certain that the other party had failed to attack him from behind, and then turned his target to other people, as if to protest against him.

Suddenly, several undercurrents gathered from all directions to form a human-shaped dark object, which opened a big jagged mouth and said with a smile:

"It turns out that you killed my most beloved disciple. Either you follow me now and we will settle our grievances, or... I will kill them one by one!"

Everyone was chilled. This person might not be very strong, but as a killer he was extremely difficult to deal with.

Especially in such a chaotic scene, he had to pay attention to the overall battle situation and the place was attacked by strange beasts. Even the strong men of the earth level could not defend against this potential killer 100%!

"……"Qin Tianming looked solemn and glanced at Wang Xiaohou

""Fellow Daoist Qin, you can't leave. If you leave, who will stop the army of alien beasts?" Su Xingcan shook his head.

At this moment, Qin Tianming may not be one of the strongest people present, but he has a dragon-level beast that can deter the army of alien beasts. This determines his importance, which is far higher than other human strongmen.

"Fellow Daoist Qin?"

Wang Pingchuan looked at the person on top of the three-headed dog of hell in surprise. He was wearing an exquisite lady's mask. Dugu Qiubai, it was really Qin Tianming!

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Qin, we are really destined to meet. We won’t be alone on the road to the underworld!"Wang Pingchuan laughed.

Qin Tianming glanced at Wang Pingchuan and ignored him. Wang Pingchuan temporarily suppressed the Monkey King with the whisk, but Wang Xiaohou was in the hands of the enemy and he didn’t dare to leave!

As if seeing Qin Tianming’s concern, Liu Hao’s eyes turned and said with a smile,"If you don’t go with him, I will kill your friend now. On the contrary, if you leave here, I might let him go. Anyway, he is bound to die."

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