Wang Xiaohou quickly shook his head and said,"Don't fall for it. Don't worry about me. They won't tell you.……"


Liu Hao knocked Wang Xiaohou unconscious with one punch, then showed a sinister smile and looked at Qin Tianming with interest, wanting to know what choice Qin Tianming would make.

Qin Tianming gritted his teeth and said,"Liu Hao, if you dare to break your promise, I will tear you into pieces!"


Liu Hao didn't care. It seemed that Qin Tianming was ready to leave the battlefield and settle his personal grudge with the Shadow Killer. The Shadow Killer was a whole realm higher than the Shadow Assassin. Qin Tianming had absolutely no hope of survival.

Therefore, he would not take the so-called threat seriously.

Qin Tianming patted Silly Dog's head and whispered,"You stay here and wait for me to come back!"

Silly Dog nodded with some concern. Although he wanted to follow Qin Tianming, he still obeyed the order.


With a sharp hiss, a bird flew over from not far away, picked up Qin Tianming, and flew towards the tall buildings in the distance.

The shadow killer grinned with a big mouth full of fangs, turned into a black line and quickly drilled into the ground, chasing after him.

Su Xingcan and others were a little worried. The enemy Qin Tianming was facing at the moment was unusual. He was a strong man who focused on assassination. To deal with such a person, unless you can suppress the opponent in realm, it is almost impossible to kill him, and the possibility of death is even greater.


Lying on the back of the bird, Qin Tianming quickly chose the battlefield.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were very dark, and there were constant lightning arcs flashing in the sky, flickering and shadows everywhere.

It was simply a natural hunting ground for the Hidden Shadow Killer, no wonder the Hidden Shadow Killer was so confident.


Suddenly, I saw a hospital in the distance, and the lights were still on. It should be that after the power outage in the whole city, the emergency power generation device was automatically activated, which allowed the hospital to have a self-powered power system for a short time.

Patting the wings of the bird, the bird understood and flew quickly towards the hospital.

On the ground, the Hidden Shadow Killer chased frantically, turning into shadows that either attached to the ground or attached to buildings. Sometimes it turned into a beast, and sometimes it turned into a few black lines. It was unpredictable and indeed much more skilled than the Shadow Assassin.


A dark spear directly pierced the wings of the bird, and then dozens of dark spears shot out from the ground, piercing the bird with holes.

At the last moment, the bird took Qin Tianming and broke through the glass of the hospital. However, the bird's body fell directly.

Qin Tianming was heartbroken. This bird was one of the creatures he had captured in Changbai Mountain before, and it was also his earlier subordinate creature. But today it also fell!

"Hidden Shadow Killer, you must die!"

Qin Tianming didn't bother to stop, roared, and quickly rushed into the corridor.

Just after leaving the room, the glass of the room was covered by a large shadow, and then exploded completely.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed towards Qin Tianming from behind at a very fast speed.

The sharp claws slapped Qin Tianming fiercely. Qin Tianming subconsciously went into the fire escape next to him and avoided the blow of the cold wind. He went down one floor from the fire escape and looked down, only to find a deep blood mark on his arm.

It spread from the shoulder to the elbow, and a burning pain came instantly.

He was still in shock. If he had dodged a little slower just now, he might have been torn apart!

Damn, what the hell, it's so fast!

Qin Tianming ran away quickly, and when he turned around, he was almost scared to death. Behind him, there was a group of shadow monsters following him, with strange shapes and fast speeds!

Qin Tianming was shocked. Is this also the method of the hidden shadow killer?

"You hid very quickly. I am a little curious. How did you kill my disciple? My disciple is not a person who loves fighting. He may not be able to beat you, but he will not fight you head-on. How did you keep him?"

The shadow killer's sinister voice seemed to ring in Qin Tianming's ears. Qin Tianming casually swung a sword and cut down a wall.

Then, there was movement in front. From the corner of the corridor, a group of shadow monsters rushed out.

"Tsk! Trouble!"

Qin Tianming had a headache. He waved his hand and seven or eight strange beasts appeared out of thin air beside him. They started to fight with the shadow monsters and opened a path for Qin Tianming.

"Beast Tamer, are you from the Beast Tamer Clan?"

The Shadow Killer's voice was always close to him. Qin Tianming was sweating profusely. He was so strong, and the oppression he felt was no less than that of Yao Guqiu before.

"There is no use running away. In my shadow realm, I can create countless shadow beasts. Can you summon countless beasts?"The Shadow Killer sneered. He seemed to enjoy the process of chasing and intimidating his prey.

Qin Tianming ignored him and just ran quickly, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

None of his subordinate creatures are weak. On average, they are above the tiger level and have combat power that can crush shadow monsters. But as the Shadow Killer said, in his domain, shadow monsters are endless.

The previous creatures were also quickly swallowed up by more shadow monsters.

Only the lazy cat has the ability to stealth, but the lazy cat's stealth skill is only at the tiger level, which is not enough.

If you choose to evolve to the elephant level, it will cost five million.

His current money is just enough, but it will be gone once it is spent. When Qin Tianming was struggling, he was suddenly grabbed by something and tripped!

When he turned around, it was a shadow hand reaching out from the ground! At the other end of the corridor, countless shadow monsters rushed towards him. Qin Tianming gritted his teeth,"Give the lazy cat the choice to evolve elephant-level stealth skills!"

【[Evolving Flame Demon Cat Elephant-level Shadow Skill, Funds -5 million]

There was no time to feel sorry, he cut off the shadow hand with a sword, continued to drill into the fire escape, and ran madly to the floor below.

Some miscalculations, although there were lights in the hospital, they were flickering, but in the hospital corridor, they were severely restricted, and they had to go out!

Going down to the first floor, Qin Tianming was about to run outside, but suddenly caught a glimpse of several ATMs.

With a thought, he flattened the top part of the ATM with a sword, revealing the cash box inside, and red banknotes flew out.

Sure enough, there was cash stored in the ATM!

Qin Tianming was entangled for a moment, forget it, he was also contributing to the defense of the city, and he should be understood, right?

This can't be considered stealing, right?

Qin Tianming grabbed a handful of banknotes, stuffed them into his pocket, and then quickly checked the system balance: 105,5380.

Grabbing another handful, the system balance became: 105,6380.

No problem, the system determined that the money picked up in this case is mine!

With a wave of his hand, he swept away all the bills in several cash boxes. On average, one ATM stored one million.

The system balance has increased to: 536,7480.

More than five million is too little for him. One elephant-level choice evolution is gone.

But the elephant-level choice evolution is not very useful at this time. It is not bad for synthesis.

After running out of the hospital, Qin Tianming saw a large shopping mall nearby and hurriedly went in. There are also ATMs in large shopping malls.

"Hehehe! People die for money and birds die for food. You are still thinking about making money. As expected, the so-called genius from a poor family is not worthy of being on the stage."

The shadow killer sneered with contempt.

Qin Tianming ignored him and ran into the mall while letting the system synthesize living beings. It's so funny, I will beat your brains out later!

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